Chapter 93

After leaving Huaqing Palace, Lin Jian went home alone without escort from the imperial guards.

Lin Jian believed that his Nanshan Shadowless Foot might not necessarily defeat the demon cat.

If encountered, whether chasing or escaping, there is a great chance of winning.

The most important thing is that Lin Jian doesn't believe that demon cats eat people's hearts!
Lin Jian believes that the demon cat case is similar to the previous case of missing relief supplies, and there must be someone behind it.

If you can really see the so-called demon cat, you can follow the clues and find the murderer behind the scenes...

After leaving the palace, Lin Jian went all the way to Lin Guofu.

On the way, I met street envoys checking the streets a few times, and when they saw the documents held by Lin Jian, they all looked respectful.

With some disappointment, Lin Jian returned to Lin Guo Mansion smoothly, washed up briefly, and went back to the dormitory to sleep.


The next morning.

In the morning, Li Longji officially named Lin Jian as prime minister.

The Tang Dynasty implemented the group minister system, and the prime minister was a semi-formal official title.

Wei Zheng, Di Renjie, Guo Ziyi, etc. in history were all prime ministers.

Although it is a semi-formal official name, it is still a supreme honor!

After the court was over, Shen Yao found Lin Jian and said, "Master Lin, all the witnesses you are looking for have been sent to Dali Temple."

"it is good!"

Lin Jiandao: "Let's go and have a look together, Big Chest Sister!"

Shen Yao gave him a hard look, thinking that he is the prime minister, why is he so outspoken!
When they arrived at Dali Temple, Lin Jian personally interrogated these people.

Of course, there is no question of interrogation, after all, these people are not criminals.

After asking again and again, it was already noon.

Lin Jian didn't smell any particularly useful information from the words of these people, but he did discover a little bit in other aspects.

Most of these people live in the same area, with Pingkang Square as the center.

Lin Jian was fascinated by the map, Shen Yao couldn't help coming over and said, "Master Lin, what's wrong?"

Lin Jian pointed to Pingkang Square on the map, and said, "Have you checked it?"

Shen Yao nodded, and said: "Not only Pingkangfang, but also several other surrounding workshops have sent a lot of manpower at night, but so far nothing has been found."

While the two were talking, the people from the six doors came to report: "My lords, a man's body was found in Yongxing Square. The heart of the body was hollowed out by the sharp claws of wild beasts. It is suspected that it was made by a demon cat!"

Lin Jian and Shen Yao looked at each other, their expressions changed.

Yongxingfang is an aristocratic square adjacent to the imperial palace. The people living in it are either rich or noble, and the most important thing is that it is close to the imperial palace!
If things continue like this, something will happen to the palace soon!

Although there were forbidden soldiers who were killed by demon cats before, the place where they were killed was not the imperial palace.

If it really gets into the palace, it will be troublesome!

It's a big deal!

The two immediately got up and went to Yongxingfang.


The victim's name was Yang Youting, a clerk in Yongxing Fang, who was in charge of night patrols and other trivial matters.

After the night tour last night, Yang Youting parted ways with his colleagues and returned to his residence in Yongxingfang alone.

It must have been during this time that he was killed.

Wu Zuo came with Lin Jian and Shen Yao. After a simple analysis, the symptoms of the deceased were almost identical to those of the previous victim.

The heart was hollowed out by the cat's claws, and even the heart inside was taken out.

Lin Jiandao: "Aren't all the dignitaries living in this Yongxing Fang, Yang Youting, a small Fang, how can he live here?"

Shen Yao said: "You really asked the right person! Yang Youting's father was the head of the Monster Slayer Division back then!"

"Monster Slayer?"

Lin Jian was slightly taken aback.

Shen Yao looked around, beckoned to Lin Jian, called him outside, and said in a low voice, "Have you never heard of Demon Slayer?"

Lin Jian shook his head blankly and said, "What department is this?"

Shen Yao said: "The Demon Killing Division was established by Emperor Taizong back then, with the purpose of dealing with evil cases all over the country; but later, it was banned by Emperor Gaozong."

Lin Jiandao: "Why ban it?"

Shen Yao looked hesitant to speak.

Lin Jiandao: "Be careful to hold back your illness!"

Shen Yao pulled Lin Jian outside under the shade of a tree, and said: "I heard that there was a time when the demon slayer investigated the case and found Empress Wu's head, and offended Empress Wu!"

"Empress Wu?" Lin Jiandao, "Wu Zetian?"

Shen Yao nodded.

Lin Jian became a little interested, and said, "Can I still find relevant information about this demon slayer?"

Shen Yao said: "The Ministry of Officials is definitely gone, but there are some dossiers on the six gates that turned the monsters, and now the original materials are still left in the six gates, maybe we can find some!"

Lin Jian pulled Shen Yao and said, "Go, have a look!"

Shen Yao wondered: "What are you doing looking at these?"

Lin Jiandao: "Isn't a demon cat a demon? If it was before, it would be the responsibility of the Demon Slayer!"

Shen Yao was dragged away by Lin Jian, and accompanied him to the dossier room with six doors.

In the deepest part of the room, there are a large number of files left over from history, which are covered with thick dust because no one cares about them for many years.

Lin Jiandao: "Let's go together!"

Shen Yao sighed helplessly, and said, "Why do you have to look for this?"

Lin Jiandao: "A man's intuition!"

Shen Yao made a "cut" and said, "I'm responsible for sending you here, you can find it yourself slowly!"

Lin Jiandao: "That's fine, but you have to check things for me!"

Shen Yao looked disgusted and said: "Say!"

Lin Jiandao: "Go and check the information of those victims!"

Shen Yao frowned and said: "Isn't it all on the file!"

Lin Jiandao: "Then the search is not deep enough, follow me to the ancestral grave!"


Shen Yao said: "Look slowly, I will withdraw first!"


It was noon when Shen Yao left, and it was not until evening that she asked her subordinates to sort out the victim's information.

When I got to the dossier room, I found that Lin Jian was still searching there.

"How did you find it?"

Shen Yao asked casually, with a bit of disdain.

Lin Jian threw the two dossiers in front of Shen Yao, and said, "Look for yourself!"

Shen Yao looked puzzled and tried to open the file.

As a result, after seeing it, Shen Yao was really frightened!
In the first year of Shenlong and the first year of Kaiyuan, in Chang'an City, there were cases of demon cats!

The case is almost exactly the same as this time!
The more Shen Yao looked at it, the more shocked she became, she pulled Lin Jian and said, "Hey, what's going on?"

Lin Jiandao: "Look for yourself!"

"I've seen it!" Shen Yao said, "How do you know that there will be these in the previous files?"

Lin Jiandao: "I didn't tell you, a man's intuition! By the way, how is the matter I asked you to investigate?"

Shen Yao said: "I really found out something! These victims are all descendants of former officials of the Demon Slayer Division, just like Yang Youting!"

Lin Jiandao: "So this demon cat didn't suddenly appear now, but existed decades ago!"

Shen Yao said: "What does this mean?"

Lin Jiandao: "I didn't explain anything, it just feels very interesting!"

(End of this chapter)

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