Chapter 94
"and also!"

Shen Yao pointed to the dossier and said: "The first two demon cats appeared, in the first year of Shenlong and the first year of Kaiyuan, both are in the first year!"

Lin Jiandao: "The first year is the last year of the previous year, so it can be understood in this way!"

Shen Yao was so anxious that she said, "What exactly do you want to say?"

Lin Jiandao: "I just checked, the first time the demon cat appeared was when Wu Zetian died; the second time the demon cat appeared was when Princess Taiping died!"

Hearing this, Shen Yao was so frightened that she covered Lin Jian's mouth and said, "You're going to die, you dare to shout anyone's name!"

Lin Jian took Shen Yao's little hand away and said, "Is that so?"

Shen Yao nodded blankly, and said: "That's the case, but you can't say that!"

Lin Jian stretched long and said, "Come here first today, and continue tomorrow!"

"do not!"

Shen Yao was in high spirits, and said: "What should we do next?"

Lin Jian shook his head and said, "I don't know!"

Shen Yao opened her almond eyes and said, "After checking so many things, you don't know?"

Lin Jiandao: "Let's go home for dinner first, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Seeing Lin Jian's lazy look, Shen Yao was so angry that his teeth itch!

My interest was mobilized, but this guy did it again!

Lin Jian went out on his own, walked to the door, stopped and said: "The most urgent task at present is to catch the demon cat, otherwise this case will still be the same as the previous two times, and it will be closed!"

Shen Yao said: "How to catch?"

Lin Jiandao: "Look up the descendants of the demon slayer, who are still alive, male!"


Shen Yao was overjoyed, and said to herself: "Why didn't I think of it! The demon cat will definitely continue to attack these people! By the way..."

Halfway through, when I looked up, I realized that Lin Jian had gone far away.

"Hey, wait for me..."

Shen Yao hurriedly chased after her.


Lin Guofu.

Lin Jian lay on the bed, looked at Shen Yao who was sitting by the bed, and said: "You are a woman, you come to my room at night, are you not afraid of being gossip?"

Shen Yao said: "Don't talk nonsense, what are the arrangements for tomorrow?"

Lin Jiandao: "Tomorrow's matter, let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Shen Yao thought for a while, and said: "Tomorrow during the day, I will select some people, and at night, I will set up a net to attract the demon cat to appear!"

Lin Jiandao: "Don't you all know this, why are you asking me!"

Shen Yao said: "If you don't express your opinion, I will have no bottom in my heart!"

While talking, the food was delivered.

After reading the files for a whole day, Lin Jian was already dizzy from hunger, so he hurried to eat.

Shen Yao wasn't hungry at first, but seeing Lin Jian eating so deliciously, she couldn't help but secretly salivate.

Lin Jian greeted: "Come here!"

"No!" Shen Yao shook her head fiercely, "I'm losing weight!"

Lin Jiandao: "Big breasts are born, it has nothing to do with losing weight or not!"

"Go to hell!"

Shen Yao grabbed a chicken leg, stuffed it in Lin Jian's mouth, turned around and said, "I'm leaving, see you tomorrow!"


The next morning, Shen Yao came.

Of the descendants of Demon Slayer that can be found so far, only two survive.

Lin Jiandao: "Call them together at night, set up an ambush, and wait for the demon cat to come!"

Shen Yao said: "Is it too deliberate to call two people together? What if the demon cat is suspicious and dare not show up?"

Lin Jiandao: "You mean to separate the two and arrange them separately?"


Shen Yao nodded fiercely.

Lin Jiandao: "I thought about it before, but I was afraid of spreading my troops. Even if the demon cat appeared, I couldn't catch it!"

Shen Yao said: "Go to General Chen Xuanli and borrow more people! Dali Temple and the six gates each have one guard!"


Lin Jiandao: "That's fine!"

"That's right!" Shen Yao said, "Tell me, why did the demon cat turn to attack the descendants of the demon slayer?"

Lin Jiandao: "That's not sure! Maybe it's the former demon slaying master who created a deep hatred with the demon cat, or maybe it's some other reason!"

If Shen Yao realized something, she said: "It makes sense! I guess it's because of the previous feud!"

Lin Jiandao: "By the way, do you believe that the demon cat is really responsible for this case?"

Shen Yao froze for a moment, then said: "Otherwise?"

Lin Jiandao: "I mean, are there really so-called demons in this world?"

" should be!" Shen Yao said, "If there is no demon, how can there be a demon slayer?"

Lin Jiandao: "Have you seen it?"

Shen Yao shook her head and said: "But I heard that there were quite a lot of Taizong back then!"


After breakfast, Lin Jian entered the sign-in system.

I found out that today's sign-in location is actually the ruins of the Demon Slayer!

Shen Yao was about to go out to do some errands, but was stopped by Lin Jian again, and said, "Sister Big Chest, do you know where the ruins of the Demon Slayer are?"

Shen Yao said: "Why are you asking this?"

Lin Jiandao: "It's okay, just take a look in the past, maybe there will be new discoveries!"

Shen Yao said: "Back then, as Taizong's secret department, the Demon Killing Division was arranged in the Daming Palace, so I'm afraid it's not easy to get in now!"

Lin Jiandao: "Why?"

Shen Yao said: "The Daming Palace can bury many secrets of my Tang Dynasty, how can I let you go in easily!"

Lin Jian was right when he thought about it.

Shen Yao said again: "However, I heard that the Daming Palace has a very beautiful scenery, and there are often concubines and concubines going there to enjoy the scenery, you can try it with the imperial concubine!"

"Okay, thanks!"

Lin Jiandao: "You arrange the two baits first, I will meet you after I go to Daming Palace!"

After leaving Lin Guofu, Lin Jian came to Huaqing Palace.

It was about nine o'clock in the morning, and Yang Yuhuan hadn't gotten up yet.

Seeing Lin Jian, the maids and eunuchs guarding the entrance of the Hall of Eternal Life dispersed on their own.

Seeing this, Lin Jian was both relieved and had a headache.

Of course it's nice that no one bothers you.

But if things go on like this, there is no guarantee that the matter will not reach Li Longji's ears!

If Li Longji knew that he and Concubine Yang had an ambiguous relationship beyond siblings, then everything would be over!

After entering the Palace of Eternal Life, Lin Jian went to Yang Yuhuan's big bed, lifted the bed curtain, took off his shoes, and climbed up familiarly.

Hearing the movement, Yang Yuhuan was slightly startled.

Seeing that it was Lin Jian, he immediately showed a smile, stretched out a pair of jade arms, hooked Lin Jian's neck, and began to act coquettishly.

At this point, Li Longji came right after he said it!
Lin Jian didn't dare to waste time, he bit Yang Yuhuan's ear and said, "Sister got up, take me to Daming Palace."

Yang Yuhuan was still half asleep, and said, "What are you doing there? It's eerie, like hell!"

Lin Jiandao: "I'm looking for something, but I can't get in by myself!"

Yang Yuhuan said, "What are you looking for?"

Lin Jiandao: "About the demon cat case."

Speaking of the demon cat case, Yang Yuhuan suddenly opened his eyes and said, "Brother, you'd better stay away from this case as much as possible!"

Lin Jian asked curiously, "Why?"

Yang Yuhuan said: "I heard people say that this is not the first time this demon cat has harmed Chang'an City! No one has been able to cure it before, so you can do it?"

Lin Jian sighed: "I can't help it, this is the emperor's confession! I just became the prime minister, so I have to make some achievements so that I can stop some people's mouths!"

(End of this chapter)

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