Chapter 95 Demon Slaying Sword

Yang Yuhuan sighed, and said, "This official has done too much, and it's not good! Just like you, you just came back from a business trip for several months, and took over the demon cat case, so you don't have time to accompany him!"

Lin Jian smiled and said, "I'm here to accompany you!"

Yang Yuhuan looked helpless.

She can be willful with the emperor, but she has no temper with this younger brother.

Yang Yuhuan sat up, stretched slightly, and said, "Let's go!"

After washing up, the siblings set off and arrived at Daming Palace, the northernmost part of the palace.

The Daming Palace was the symbol of supreme power in the previous dynasty.

But after Li Longji reached his later years, he seldom visited here. Although the scenery is good, it is a bit bleak.

"Where is it?"

Lin Jian and Yang Yuhuan wandered around for a long time, but they still couldn't find the site of Demon Slayer.

The sun was shining brightly overhead.

After walking for so long, Yang Yuhuan was a little tired. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and said, "Let's find a place to rest."

"it is good!"

There is a house in front of you.

Lin Jian casually pushed open a room and walked in.

【Ding! 】

[It is detected that the host has entered the demon-slaying site, do you want to sign in now? 】

"I go!"

Lin Jian was pleasantly surprised.

After searching for a long time, I couldn't find it. I didn't expect to find the right one by simply opening a room!
Lin Jian sign in quickly!

[Congratulations to the host, you got a demon-slaying sword! 】

In Lin Jian's hand was a dusty long sword, which looked inconspicuous, like a piece of broken copper and iron.

Yang Yuhuan looked at the so-called demon-slaying sword in Lin Jian's hand, and said casually, "What is it?"

Lin Jian couldn't hide his joy, and said: "This is what I'm looking for!"

Yang Yuhuan was surprised for a while, and said, "You came here to find this?"


Lin Jiandao: "This sword is called the Demon Slaying Sword, and it may be useful against demon cats!"

Yang Yuhuan looked resentful, and said, "You, I still can't forget your case! If something happens to you, what do you want me to do?"

Lin Jiandao: "People are in court, they can't help themselves!"

Yang Yuhuan said: "After this case is over, I will tell your Majesty, what kind of minister of Dali Temple, don't do it! Be a teacher, teach those princes and grandchildren to read, so we can have a lot of time together !"

Lin Jiandao: "Sister, absolutely not!"

Yang Yuhuan asked, "Why?"

Lin Jiandao: "I have offended many people now, if I lose my rights, I will definitely be retaliated against!"

"That's true!"

Yang Yuhuan made sense after thinking about it, and said: "But when will this be big?"

Lin Jian couldn't answer either.


The sign-in was completed, and the Demon Slayer Sword was obtained.

The siblings left Daming Palace.

Lin Jian bid farewell to Yang Yuhuan, came to the six gates, found Shen Yao, and had a powerful communication with Shen Yao!
After the communication, Shen Yao took out a whistle-shaped thing made of inch-long bamboo from her body and handed it to Lin Jian.

Lin Jiandao: "What is this for?"

Shen Yao said: "This is the bamboo whistle from our hometown. It has strong penetrating power. If the demon cat shows up on your side, as long as the bamboo whistle rings, we will rush over."

"it is good!"

Lin Jian took the bamboo whistle and said, "What if the demon cat appears on your side?"

Shen Yao took out another bamboo whistle from her bosom, and said, "I have it too!"

Lin Jian lowered his head and looked in front of her, sighing: "Sure enough, the sea is open to all rivers, tolerance is great!"

"Go to hell!"


Flickered into the night.

Chang'an City was quiet.

On the east and west sides of Suzaku Street, two figures were walking in the night.

These two people were naturally the bait laid by Lin Jian and Shen Yao.

The demon cat appeared!

Lin Jian, Cao Renmeng and others were lurking on the east side of Zhuque Street.

Shen Yao and her people were lying in ambush on the west side of Zhuque Street.

The distance between the two places is not very far.

That way, if something goes wrong, they can rush over to help.

The two groups of people waited for two full hours!
It was almost early morning, but there was still no movement.


Lin Jian was watching intently, when he suddenly heard a snoring sound coming from beside him.

Turning around, it turned out to be Cao Renmeng.

This guy actually fell asleep!
Lin Jian hit him hard!
"Ah... where is it? Where is the demon cat?"

Cao Ren suddenly opened his eyes and shook his head from side to side.

Lin Jiandao: "Sleep is fine, don't snore!"

Cao Ren scratched his head fiercely, and said, "Grandma, it's too suffocating to wait!"

Lin Jiandao: "The more we relax, the more likely the demon cat will show up. Don't be careless!"


The cold wind howled, and the dark clouds covered the moon.

In the early hours of the morning, there was a light snowfall in the sky, and it was getting bigger and bigger!

Many soldiers were shivering with cold.

Soon, everyone was covered with an inch of snow.

Even those two baits were almost unable to hold on.

Seeing that it was almost dawn, Cao Renmeng yelled and cursed again, saying, "This abominable demon cat, if I want to catch it, I have to skin it and cramp it!"

The voice just fell!

In the night sky, a ethereal flute sound suddenly came from the next door.

Lin Jian felt bad, and said: "Everyone, get up, the demon cat is over there!"

After saying a word, everyone got up from the darkness.

But due to lurking for too long and the freezing weather, everyone's movements were very stiff.

Lin Jian ran the fastest.

Arriving on Suzaku Street, I only heard shouts behind me: "Master Lin, the demon cat is here!"


Lin Jian stopped walking immediately.

Looking back, I saw that the bait had fallen to the ground!
A black cat was squatting on the dead body...

"I go!"

Lin Jian was startled.

On the opposite side, Shen Yao's bamboo whistle was still blowing.

"Could it be that there are two demon cats?"

A thought flashed in Lin Jian's mind.

But at this moment, he can't think too much, he can only take care of himself first!
As for Shen Yao, she can only rely on herself!

So, Lin Jian took the demon-slaying sword and went straight to the demon cat!


The demon cat moves extremely fast.

When Lin Jian chased to the corpse, he lowered his head and saw that the heart of the corpse had been hollowed out!
And the demon cat has already run a hundred meters away.

Fortunately, there is a layer of snow on the ground.

Lin Jian cast Nanshan Shadowless Kick and accelerated to chase.

Soon, everyone behind them was left behind.

In the snowy sky, there is only one person and one cat.

The demon cat moves nimbly, jumping over walls and courtyards like walking on flat ground.

And Lin Jian didn't give in much, and the distance with the opponent was getting closer and closer.

The demon cat looked back from time to time.

A pair of cat eyes exudes a strange luster.

After chasing in Chang'an City for about a quarter of an hour, Lin Jian was less than three feet away from the demon cat in front of him.

The demon cat knew that he seemed unable to escape, turned around, looked at Lin Jian fiercely, arched its back, bristled its hair, and let out a shrill "meow" sound from its mouth.


Lin Jian took out the Demon Slayer Sword, snorted coldly, and said, "Come on! See if your claws are sharper, or my Demon Slayer Sword is sharper!"


The demon cat screamed and rushed towards Lin Jian.

(End of this chapter)

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