Chapter 96 Two Cats

Lin Jian swung his sword out!

A white light streaked across the night sky!
Immediately afterwards, there was a "chi" sound, and there was a scorched smell in the air!

I saw the demon cat's front paws, as if they had been burned, emitting black smoke!

The demon cat let out a scream, and instantly fell from mid-air to the ground, baring its teeth in pain.

Lin Jian took a step forward, pointing the Demon Slaying Sword at the demon cat's head, and shouted: "You evil animal, are you a human or a ghost? Who is instigating and manipulating you?"

The demon cat screamed "meow" in fright.

Although it was still the same voice, the tone was visibly weakened.

no way!
There is a demon-slaying sword hanging above his head, so it can't be soft!
Lin Jian had already prepared a cage for the demon cat.

However, the soldiers who are in charge of guarding the cage at this moment don't know where they are!

Lin Jian frowned secretly, and shouted to the surroundings: "This way!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was only a scream of "ah!"
A figure fell into the yard.

Lin Jian looked back, shocked in his heart, and said, "Sister Big Chest?"

It was Shen Yao who came.

She stood up with a painful expression on her face, and then yelled, "Be careful!"

After being reminded, Lin Jian quickly turned his head.

But, it's too late.

While Lin Jian and Shen Yao were talking, the injured demon cat swished across the courtyard and fled to nowhere.

Shen Yao's face was pale, as if she was seriously injured.

Lin Jian had no choice but to leave the demon cat behind, stepped forward a few steps, and said, "Are you injured?"

Shen Yao anxiously said: "Leave me alone, go after me!" After saying a word, her body began to tremble again.

Lin Jian quickly supported her and said, "I'll help you sit down!"

This is an idle courtyard, and no one lives in it.

Lin Jian helped Shen Yao into the room, fumbled to find the oil lamp and lit it, and said, "What's the matter? The demon cat also appeared on your side?"

Shen Yao nodded and said, "It seems there are two of them!"

Lin Jian sat down next to Shen Yao, and said, "Where did you hurt? I am Kangkang!"

"Need not!"

Shen Yao shook her head fiercely in fright.

But this shaking of the head seemed to be related to the wound, and with a sound of "ah", he fell down on the bed in pain.

Lin Jian looked down, and saw that the clothes in front of Shen Yao were scratched to shreds, and there were three black paw prints on the tender white skin, which looked shocking!

"Good guy!"

Lin Jiandao: "This is infected with evil spirit!"

"'s fine!"

Shen Yao covered her arms in front of her body, and said: "This is a small injury, take some medicine, it should be fine tomorrow!"

"All right?" Lin Jian said, "Okay, then you can take two steps now and try!"

"Just try it!"

Shen Yao wanted to stand up unconvinced.

But after this hard work, I realized that my whole body was limp, not to mention walking, I didn't even have the strength to stand!
"what happened?"

Shen Yao was dumbfounded.

I am in Six Doors, and I have been injured countless times, and once I hurt my bones, but I have never been so serious!
Lin Jiandao: "This is a demon cat, so it's different from ordinary wounds! It seems that only by using my 72-way yin and yang hand can you get rid of the evil spirit!"

"72 yin and yang hands?"

Shen Yao looked suspicious.

Lin Jian nodded heavily, and said, "Do you still remember the last time Mrs. Han got a Gu?"

Shen Yao said: "Remember, how?"

Lin Jiandao: "Your situation is similar to hers now!"

Hearing this, Shen Yao's face turned pale with fright.

The last time Lin Jian exorcised evil spirits and cured the Korean lady, although few people saw it with their own eyes, there is no impenetrable wall in the world!

It is said that Lin Jian stripped Mrs. Korea to the ground!

All over the body, pressed three times!
" way!"

Shen Yao shook her head fiercely in fright.

Lin Jiandao: "It doesn't matter if you don't agree now, you will be unconscious later, and I will do it later!"


Shen Yao's urgency made her feel so anxious that she almost lost her breath!
"Relax, relax!"

Lin Jian hugged Shen Yao in his arms and said, "Fortunately, it's just the two of us now, don't worry, I won't say anything!"

"That's not OK!"

Shen Yao was so anxious that she was about to cry, and said: "Is there no other way?"

Lin Jian sighed and said, "Sister Big Chest, don't act like you've been wronged! You think I want to cure you!"

As he said that, he started to untie Shen Yao's clothes...

Shen Yao trembled in fright.

This is the first time I have encountered such a situation when I grow up so big!
Although I have been with Lin Jian for a long time, it is because of the familiar relationship that I feel even more embarrassed!

Now that the matter has come to this, Shen Yao knows that it is useless to resist, so she can only close her eyes.

I hope the opponent can move faster...


Pingkangfang, The Classic of Tea.

Two black cats, one behind the other, entered the yard of the tea shop, and went directly into a room through the window.

One of the cats was young and very agile.

The other one was older, as if it had been seriously injured, and its movements were very stiff.

Two clouds of black mist emerged from the room.

When the black mist dissipated, the black cat disappeared, and there were only two naked women.

One of them is slightly younger.

The other looks longer than last year.

The eyebrows of the two are somewhat similar.

Although the ages are different, the two women are both beautiful and beautiful!

Especially at this moment, the two of them have nothing on their bodies, their fair skin and exquisite curves are dazzling under the flickering candlelight.

"My queen, you are injured!"

The young woman lifted the older woman up, looking shocked.

On the left arm of the older woman, there was a shocking wound, which was still emitting black smoke.

Seeing her pale face and sweat stains on her body, Cen Cen said with lingering fear: "What a powerful demon-slaying sword!"

"Demon Slaying Sword?" The young woman asked in surprise, "The sword that Slaying Demon Division used back then?"

The older woman said: "It seems to be, and it seems not to be, it seems to be more powerful!"

The young woman said: "Tianhou, who hurt you?"

The older woman snorted coldly, and said: "It's that Lin Jian who is in the limelight! When I ascend the throne and regain the power, I will definitely tear this son into pieces!"

The young woman said: "Queen of Heaven, why wait for another day for revenge! My daughter will help you avenge now!"

The older woman said: "Taiping, Lin Jian has the demon-slaying sword in his hand, so don't act rashly! Besides, this person has some connections with Zhang Guo, so he might know our secrets! During this time, it's better to keep a low profile, anyway. The descendants of those enemies of the Demon Slayer have all been killed!"

The young woman said: "Tianhou, when have you ever been wronged like this!"

The older woman said: "Taiping, if you can't bear it a little, you can make a big conspiracy! Our mother and daughter have endured it for decades, we must not make mistakes at this time!"

The young woman said: "Then when will you be able to ascend the throne again and proclaim yourself emperor?"

The older woman said: "Li Sanlang, you are fatuous and incompetent! Even if I don't take action, I'm afraid that the military governors outside will not be able to wait a few years! When the world is in chaos, it will be the time when I restore Wu Zhou!"

(End of this chapter)

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