Chapter 97

A young woman puts on her clothes and goes out.

After a while, he came in with a cup of tea and said, "Tianhou, today's tea is ready."

After drinking the tea, the older woman seemed to be recovering from her injury, and said, "It's getting late, Taiping, you should rest too."

The young woman nodded.

Walking to the door, the young woman suddenly stopped and turned around, she hesitated to speak and said, "Mother!"

The older woman smiled slightly and said, "What's wrong?"

The young woman said: "Even if we bear it, even Lin Jian will chase us! He...will find this place sooner or later! And he came here once before!"

The older woman thought for a while, and said, "I heard that although this person and Yang Yuhuan are called siblings, they actually have an ambiguous relationship; perhaps, we can start from this aspect."

The young woman said: "What does Tianhou mean, let's use Li Sanlang's hand to get rid of Lin Jian?"

The older woman nodded.

The young woman said: "But in the harem, do they really dare to do such things?"

The older woman said: "Under normal circumstances, maybe you don't dare, but if Li Sanlang is seriously ill for a few days, what do you think?"

The young woman's heart moved, she already had a plan, and said happily: "Daughter, let's make arrangements now!"


Shen Yao really hoped that she could pass out.

When you wake up like this, everything is over.

But he is very conscious!
Shen Yao bit her lip, tried her best not to make a sound, scratched and tore the sheets under her body, but she couldn't help crying out in the end.

Then, it got out of hand!
After half an hour.

Its daybreak.

Lin Jian stopped moving, sweating profusely from exhaustion, and said: "It's done!"

Shen Yao was so ashamed that she quickly pulled her clothes over her body.

Although he blew out the lamp, the outside of the window was already slightly lit, and this guy saw everything about him!

" still haven't turned around!"

"I'm getting dressed!"

Shen Yao looked wary.

Lin Jian gave a faint "Oh", turned his body around, and muttered in a low voice: "I've finished reading it all, so what's there to be embarrassed about!"

Shen Yao could only pretend she couldn't hear, and continued to put on her clothes.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps outside.

Immediately afterwards, it seemed that someone had entered the yard.

"grown ups?"

"Master Lin?"

"Master Shen?"

The door opened.

A dozen or so people from Dali Temple and Six Doors stood at the door, staring in dumbfoundedly.

What happened inside before, they don't know.

But one thing is for sure!
Master Shen is getting dressed!

As for Master Lin, he was so tired that he was covered in sweat!

Shen Yao buttoned the last button, and said with a straight face: "Did you catch the demon cat?"

Everyone froze for a moment, then shook their heads collectively.

Shen Yaojiao shouted: "Then don't you continue to chase?"

After saying a word, everyone scattered like birds and beasts.

Watching everyone leave, Shen Yao walked up to Lin Jian, stomped hard on his instep, and said, "I won't be able to clean myself up by jumping into the Yellow River now!"


Lin Jian exaggeratedly shouted!
"Is it such an exaggeration?"

Shen Yao looked contemptuous.

Lin Jiandao: "Fortunately, it's not as loud as you just now!"


The sky is bright.

The two roughly sorted out the case and prepared to present it to Li Longji for review.

However, the eunuch said that Li Longji was unwell, so the two went home to catch up on sleep.


When I woke up, it was already afternoon.

Lin Jian came to Dali Temple and continued to sort out the case.

After researching for a long time, there was still no progress. Bored, I came to the six doors and studied with Shen Yao.

Last night, when Lin Jian caught a demon cat, Shen Yao and another demon cat happened to be nearby.

Although it is not certain, the courtyard last night is likely to be the only way for them to go home!
And it won't be too far away.

After listening to Lin Jian's analysis, Shen Yao felt that it made sense.

She picked up a pen and sketched a route on the map of Chang'an City, got up and said, "Go, let's go!"

The two first came to the courtyard last night.

Then follow that line and look forward all the way.

After walking like this for not long, Lin Jian suddenly stopped.

The tea shop called "Tea Classic" appeared in front of my eyes.

Seeing Lin Jian looking at the tea shop, Shen Yao's heart moved and said, "Is there a problem here?"

Lin Jian wasn't sure, and said, "Go, go in and have a seat!"

Into the tea shop.

Lin Jian didn't see the two women on the other side of the screen last time, only the little tea boy was still there.

"Make two cups of tea!"

Lin Jian took out the money.

The tea boy took the money and went to the back.

Lin Jian got up quickly and whispered: "Search separately!"

The two passed through the screen, ready to enter the yard.

At this time, the tea boy suddenly stood in front of him and said, "Guest officer, please stay outside for a while, the tea will be ready soon!"

Lin Jian had no choice but to go back, thinking about coming back at night.

After drinking tea, leave the tea shop.

At this time, Shen Yao suddenly stretched out her hand in front of Lin Jian and said, "Look!"

Lin Jian looked down and found a black hair on the palm of Shen Yao's palm, his eyes lit up immediately!
Shen Yao said: "There is really a problem with this tea shop! No way, I'll call Six Doors to come and seal it up!"

Lin Jian repented for a while, and said: "Just now we might have stunned the snake!"

Shen Yao thought about it, and said: "Then what should I do?"

Lin Jiandao: "Be careful! If this is really the lair of demon cats, they will show up sooner or later!"


When it was dark, Lin Jian came to the palace again, ready to report the case to Li Longji.

However, the eunuch said that Li Longji was still asleep!

Bored, Lin Jian turned to Huaqing Palace.

Seeing Lin Jian, Concubine Yang Guifei couldn't hide her happiness, and said, "I heard from the maid that you almost caught the demon cat last night?"

Lin Jiandao: "Sister, you are quite well informed!"

Yang Yuhuan was not without complacency, and said, "You think my sister doesn't know anything if she stays in the harem all day long!"

"No no!"

Lin Jiandao: "By the way, what happened to the emperor today?"

Yang Yuhuan asked in a daze, "What's going on?"

Lin Jiandao: "I went to see you in the morning, and the eunuch said that the emperor was not feeling well; I went just now, and said he was still sleeping!"

After Lin Jian reminded him, Yang Yuhuan said, "Speaking of which, I haven't seen the emperor today!"

While the siblings were talking, a eunuch hurried to Huaqing Palace, looking for Lin Jian.

It turned out that Li Longji was scratched by a black cat when he just woke up in the morning, and then he was in a daze all day long.

At first, Li Longji himself didn't take it too seriously!
In this harem, there are not a few concubines who keep cats!
But after the imperial doctor checked his pulse, he found that his physical condition was extremely bad, his pulse was extremely disordered, and he couldn't tell what disease he had!

That's why Li Longji was scared!
Then he thought that it was a black cat that was scratching him, and he couldn't help but think of the demon cat, so he hurriedly sent people to find Lin Jian.

Because Lin Jian is not only responsible for the case of the demon cat, but also has a lot of research on difficult and miscellaneous diseases!
The former imperial concubine and the Korean lady were all cured by him!

(End of this chapter)

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