Chapter 98
Lin Jian and Yang Yuhuan came to Feishuang Hall.

When I first arrived, there was only one eunuch waiting outside.

But now, almost all the imperial doctors gathered in the hall, all of them were frowning.

Yang Yuhuan secretly pulled Lin Jian and said, "Brother, Your Majesty seems to be seriously ill this time!"

Lin Jian nodded heavily.

Yang Yuhuan wanted to say something more, but an imperial doctor had already greeted him and introduced the specific situation to Lin Jian.

Lin Jian just listened but didn't speak, and kept silent.

Lin Jian has complicated feelings for Li Longji.

This old man, being able to betroth his daughter to him, or two, is really good to him!
But last time, he put himself in the dungeon again!

If it weren't for the gold medal for avoiding death, he might really have died!
"It is not a gentleman not to take revenge!"

Lin Jian thought, even if Li Longji can be cured, this time he must suffer a lot and lie down for ten days and a half months!
The most important thing is that once he is bedridden, the only man who can go to Huaqing Palace is himself!


Lin Jian came to the bedside, and used the 72 Yin-Yang hands to feel Li Longji's pulse.

This probe, Lin Jian was shocked!

Li Longji's pulse was almost exactly the same as that of Shen Yao at dawn!
They were all injured by the demon cat!

Because Shen Yao was born in six schools, has been exercising all the year round, and has excellent physical fitness, she did not experience symptoms such as coma or lethargy.

But Li Longji is getting old, and because most of the emperors are imaginary, he will die soon.

When Lin Jian's pulse was finished, Li Longji just sobered up for a moment and asked about the situation.

Lin Jian told the truth, saying that he was injured by the demon cat.

Li Longji was shocked after hearing this, grabbed Lin Jian's arm and said, "Ai Qing, save me quickly!"

Lin Jiandao: "Your Majesty, please be safe and don't be impatient. Although you were injured by the demon cat, the condition is not very serious. Let the imperial doctor prescribe some medicine for a few days, and maybe the disease will gradually recover."


Li Longji looked suspicious.

Lin Jiandao: "Your Majesty, I dare not lie to you even if I have a hundred guts!"

Hearing this, Li Longji felt a little relieved, and then he issued an order, saying: "I pass on my oral order, all cats in Chang'an City, no matter black or white, will be counted as one, and all will be executed! Anyone who dares to keep cats, kill them!" No pardon!"

After waking up for a while, Li Longji fell asleep again.

The imperial doctor, concubines, princes, and court officials all came after hearing the news.

Lin Jian and Yang Yuhuan returned to Huaqing Palace quietly.

Back at the Hall of Eternal Life, Yang Yuhuan said, "Brother, is your majesty's illness really all right?"

Lin Jian had a smile on his face, and said, "Guess!"

Yang Yuhuan said: "Say it quickly, I hate it!"

Lin Jian picked up Yang Yuhuan and said, "Although there is no serious problem, at least I have to lie down for ten days and a half months!"

Yang Yuhuan was pleasantly surprised, and said, "Really?"

Lin Jian nodded heavily.

Holding Yang Yuhuan in his arms, he strode towards the Huaqing Pool in the back...


An hour later.

Lin Jian sat by the Huaqing Pool.

Holding the imperial concubine Yang Yuhuan in her arms.

At this moment, on Yang Yuhuan's stunning face, there is still a lingering aftertaste left by the love, and it is blushing.

Every breath, every frown and smile, all reveal a deep style.

Lin Jian looked down at Yang Yuhuan, feeling that everything was unreal like a dream, and couldn't help but hug him even tighter.

Yang Yuhuan let out a "wow", and said coquettishly, "Be gentle, I'm going to be out of breath!"

Lin Jian stroked Yang Yuhuan's snow-white neck lightly with his fingers, and said, "Sister, am I dreaming?"

Yang Yuhuan said: "If it's a dream, let us sleep forever!"

Lin Jian carried Yang Yuhuan out of the pool.

He simply wiped his body and returned to the bedroom.

Yang Yuhuan leaned on Lin Jian's arm and looked up at him bewilderedly.

Lin Jian smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

Yang Yuhuan said: "Brother, it would be great if you were the emperor! In this way, we won't have to be so sneaky and worried!"

Lin Jian said with emotion: "How can it be so easy to be an emperor!"

Yang Yuhuan just said casually, saying: "I really hope that His Majesty will continue to be ill like this..."

Lin Jiandao: "If you stay sick for too long, those princes won't be able to wait!"

"It's true!"

Yang Yuhuan looked lonely and said, "So, do we only have half a month's life as husband and wife?"

Lin Jiandao: "My half month is comparable to other people's ten years!"

Yang Yuhuan looked confused and said, "What do you mean?"

Lin Jian smiled "hehe" and said, "Did you think it was over just now at Huaqing Pool?"


Hearing this, Yang Yuhuan was elated and said, "Brother, you..."

Lin Jiandao: "It's only just begun!"

After finishing speaking, he said with a straight face: "Call me Your Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

Yang Yuhuan called out weakly.

"Kneel down!"

"Huanhuan obeyed..."


That night.

Every corner of the Hall of Eternal Life is full of traces of the love between the siblings.


When I woke up the next day, the sun was already rising.

The eunuchs and maids of Huaqing Palace were used to it, and without Yang Yuhuan's order, they didn't dare to come in and disturb him every morning.

The siblings looked at each other.

Recalling the madness of last night, it is all infinite nostalgia.

After a while, Lin Jian said: "Sister, I'll go out later, there are many things waiting for me outside, come back at night!"

Yang Yuhuan bit her lip and said, "Then come earlier!"


Lin Jian bowed his head and kissed Yang Yuhuan, and said, "Then I'll get up first, and you can sleep a little longer! Take care of your body and wait for me at night!"

Yang Yuhuan shyly said, "You... don't be too tired outside!"

"Do not worry!"

Lin Jiandao: "I can fight another three hundred rounds!"

After leaving Huaqing Palace, Lin Jian felt happy physically and mentally.

I have been in Datang for so long, and now I am finally a real man!

Moreover, the first woman is one of the "Four Beauties" in China!

Yang Yuhuan, Concubine Yang!


Because of Li Longji's words, today's Chang'an City is flying like a dog!

Almost all the forbidden soldiers were mobilized, and the whole city caught cats!

On the side of the road, cats that were thrown to death can be seen everywhere.


When we arrived at Dali Temple, we saw Shen Yao was there.

Seeing Lin Jian, Shen Yao rushed up to meet her, and said, "I couldn't find you even when I went to your house, where did you go?"

Lin Jiandao: "I am treating the emperor in the palace, what's the matter?"

Shen Yao said: "Chang'an City is in such a mess now, there is no way at all!"

Lin Jiandao: "This is an imperial decree, and the destiny cannot be violated!"

Shen Yao said: "The more this is the case, the more afraid the demon cat is to show up, how can we catch it!"

Lin Jiandao: "He caught them, let's continue with ours!"

Shen Yao looked at Lin Jian, suddenly took a few steps forward, sniffed her nose fiercely, and said, "It smells so good! What does it smell like?"


Lin Jian knew that it was Yang Yuhuan's deodorant left on his body, so he hurriedly said, "Maybe it's... the smell of the medicine prepared for His Majesty!"

Shen Yao said: "What medicine is so fragrant? Like a woman!"

Lin Jian didn't dare to continue this topic, so he quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, there is a person locked up in Dali Temple, which may help us solve the case!"


Sure enough, Shen Yao became interested.

Lin Jiandao: "Have you heard of Zhang Guolao?"

(End of this chapter)

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