Chapter 99

"Zhang Guolao?"

Shen Yao was startled, and said, "Is it that old immortal who rode a donkey backwards during Taizong's time?"

Lin Jiandao: "Exactly!"

Shen Yao was surprised: "Is this person in the prison of Dali Temple?"

Lin Jian nodded and said, "He also told me about the place in the Tea Book!"

Hearing this, Shen Yao was excited for a while, and said: "Then let's go to his old man for advice!"

The two came to the prison of Dali Temple.

I shouted outside for a long time, but there was no movement inside.

Into the cell to see, good guy!
I saw a "mummy" lying in the grass, skinny and boneless!
Shen Yao squatted down, carefully probed with her hands, then looked at Lin Jian, shook her head, and said, "I'm out of breath!"

The voice just fell.

Zhang Guolao sat up and yawned long.


Shen Yao screamed in fright, slipped and fell directly on Lin Jian!
Lin Jian hugged her firmly, looked down at Zhang Guolao, and said, "Old man, you're awake!"

Zhang Guolao grabbed a handful of thatch, chewed it in his mouth, glanced casually at Lin Jian, and said, "Young man, you've been enjoying yourself recently!"

Lin Jian didn't want to go around with him, and said, "Old man, what's the secret of the tea scriptures? What do the two demon cats in Chang'an City have to do with the tea scriptures?"

Zhang Guolao's expression changed slightly, he looked at Lin Jian in surprise, and didn't speak.

Shen Yao urged: "Old Immortal, please help us!"

"The check is very fast!"

Zhang Guolao muttered, "I can help you, but why should I do this?"

Lin Jian has dealt with Zhang Guolao before, and knows that no matter what he does, he likes to pursue the so-called "fairness".

And the reason why he rides a donkey upside down is also related to his "fairness".

Zhang Guolao thought that if he was riding a donkey, he would see the buttocks of the person in front, which was unfair; at the same time, the people behind would also see his own buttocks, which was not fair to the people behind!

But if you ride a donkey upside down, your butt is facing the ass of the person in front; the person behind is facing you!

Fair enough!

Lin Jiandao: "The old man can ask for anything, and we can exchange it!"

Zhang Guolao looked bored and said, "I'm afraid you can't do what I ask!"

As soon as Shen Yao heard this, she regained her spirits and said, "Old Immortal, tell me about it!"

Zhang Guolao smiled contemptuously and shook his head.

Seeing this, Lin Jian had no choice but to use the provocative method, saying: "Old man, are you bragging?"

Zhang Guolao sneered, and said, "Xia Chong can't say anything about ice!"

Lin Jiandao: "No matter what you ask, I can do it! Even if you let me die!"

Sure enough, Zhang Guolao fell into the trick, following Lin Jian's words: "Then let me see if you die!"

Lin Jian was secretly happy.

The last time I completed the task of rescuing the victims, the system rewarded me with the ability to resurrect in situ!
Although it's a bit wasteful to do so, it's also for better completion of the next task!

The next reward is the skill of the Moonlight Treasure Box, which sounds very imaginative...

Thinking of this, Lin Jian took off his coat, and then the iron shirt inside, leaving his upper body naked.

After finishing this, he took out the dagger and said, "Old man, I will die for you right now! You must do what you promised us, and tell us the secret of the demon cat! Fair!"

After speaking, Lin Jian pointed the dagger at his heart.

"do not want!"

Seeing this, Shen Yao was frightened.

What's the matter with this guy!

Shen Yao thought at first that Lin Jian was just pretending to be brave, but she didn't expect him to mean it!
By the time Shen Yao wanted to pull, it was already too late...

I saw Lin Jian stabbing the dagger into his heart fiercely!

Then "boom", fell to the ground!

This time, not only Shen Yao was dumbfounded, Zhang Guolao also stared wide-eyed!

I have lived for so many years, and this is the first time I have encountered such a situation!
"Master Lin!"

Shen Yao lay beside Lin Jian's body, until now, she still hasn't regained her strength.

She slowly stretched out her hand, touched the dagger stuck in Lin Jian's heart, and murmured: "Master Lin, why do you..."

As he spoke, his eyes turned red.

Zhang Guolao also came over, seeing Lin Jian die in front of him like this, felt very sorry for him...

Resurrection in situ is a passive skill.

When the system detects that Lin Jian is dead, it will automatically take effect, and if there is any fatal injury, it will be restored immediately, otherwise it is not called resurrection.

Just when Zhang Guolao and Shen Yao had mixed feelings, the dagger stuck in Lin Jian's heart suddenly fell down.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Jian stood up and said, "Old man, I have died before! Now it's your turn!"

Lin Jian committed suicide just now, it came suddenly, but now "defrauding the corpse" is even more sudden!

Not to mention Shen Yao, even Zhang Guolao was shocked by saying "Fuck!"

When she came back to her senses, Shen Yao was both surprised and delighted, she pulled Lin Jian and said, " didn't die?"

"That's what I said!"

Lin Jiandao: "He died and came back to life, don't slander me!"

"Tsk tsk, strange! Strange!"

Zhang Guolao leaned in front of Lin Jian, looked left and right, and said, "How did you do it?"

Lin Jiandao: "That's another question! If you want to know, we can continue to exchange fairly! But before that, you have to do what you promised!"

"Okay, fair!"

Zhang Guo said: "The two women in the Tea Classics are the two so-called demon cats. One is Wu Zetian, and the other is her daughter, Li Lingyue, who is what you call Princess Taiping."

Hearing this sentence, Shen Yao opened her mouth in surprise, feeling that a big egg could be stuffed in, and stammered: "Wu...Wu Ze...God!"

Zhang Guolao continued: "Back then Wu Zetian invited me to the palace, got me drunk, and learned my magic tricks secretly, so I could turn into a black cat; but because they learned it secretly and were not good at it, they could only transform into illusions. into a black cat."

Lin Jian was puzzled and said, "Why is it a black cat? By the way, this is all a problem!"

Zhang Guolao said: "Don't worry, I'm old, and I can still play tricks! Illusion requires a body, and when the mother and daughter secretly learned it, there happened to be two black cats nearby!"

At this time, Shen Yao interjected: "But...they have been dead for so long, why are they still alive now?"

Zhang Guolao said: "Cats have nine lives! They are lucky to have chosen a black cat as their phantom body. If there is no accident, their mother and daughter can live for several lifetimes!"

"I see!"

Lin Jian looked at Shen Yao and said, "Master Shen, let's go!"


Zhang Guolao said: "How did you come back to life?"

Lin Jiandao: "Fair exchange!"

"All right!"

Zhang Guolao said: "What else do you want to ask me? Or get something from me?"

Lin Jiandao: "How can we subdue these two demon cats?"

(End of this chapter)

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