Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 30 The Lost Town

Chapter 30 The Lost Town

After Jiang Feng came to the Commonwealth of Australia, a series of terrible things happened in this country.

In just three days, more than 1000 people disappeared inexplicably in major cities in the Commonwealth of Australia, with no one alive or dead.

Panic started to spread rapidly among the people of the Commonwealth of Australia like wildfire on the prairie!
At the same time, the United States also encountered a big trouble after the big local tycoon Wieland returned to China.

Squirrel Town, about 6 kilometers away from Peanutton, the capital of the United States, is a small town with a population of [-].

Overnight, this small town lost contact with the outside world, and the government of the United States of America also acted quickly, dispatching a regiment of National Guard from the nearby garrison to deal with the situation.

Obviously, the American government is well aware of the anomaly that happened in Squirrel Town, but keeps it secret.

The soldiers of a regiment on a mission, including their commander, knew nothing.

According to the order from above, this army marched into Squirrel Town mightily.

Squirrel Town, which caught the eyes of the National Guard, was a scene after the catastrophe, with abandoned vehicles everywhere, and many houses were ignited with skyrocketing fires. It was a joy to burn.

"My God, what the hell is going on here?"

First entered a company in Squirrel Town, the U.S. military conducting reconnaissance saw the messy scene in front of them, and felt cold all over during the day, so they couldn't help but clenched their assault rifles tightly.

The atmosphere in this town is very strange, and these soldiers can't help feeling fearful.

Walking along the main road of the town, this team of US soldiers encountered a lonely policeman standing in the middle of the road before going far.

"Command, we found a resident of Squirrel Town, a policeman."

Reconnaissance company report.

"Contact that policeman, we need to know what's going on in Squirrel Town."

"Yes, sir!"

Several American soldiers held their guns and walked towards the obviously wrong policeman, "Do you know what happened in this town? Don't be afraid, the American soldiers are your strong backing, we will... ah!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw the policeman let out a roar that was not human, rushed over suddenly, threw the soldier who was walking in front of the question to the ground, opened his mouth wide, and bit him .

The soldier who was bitten screamed in pain and desperately tried to push away the policeman who was pressing on him, but the strength of the other party was astonishing. Even the soldiers who had received rigorous training could not shake the policeman.

"Man, you're crazy!"

The rest of the soldiers quickly came back to their senses after a short period of panic, and hurriedly tried to pull away the policeman who was frantically biting their comrades.

Unexpectedly, the biting policeman roared again after being pulled vigorously by the soldiers, turned around and threw another soldier to the ground, biting him hard.

This time, the American soldiers were completely enraged, raised their guns, and rained down on the biting policeman.

The policeman who was beaten also resisted desperately, biting anyone he saw, and soon bitten the several American soldiers who beat him.

"Are you all right, buddy?"

A medical soldier carrying a medicine box quickly appeared in front of the US military who was bitten first, "Hold on, I'll bandage your wound... Ah, what are you doing, let go, let go!"

The U.S. soldier who was bitten also went crazy, biting the shoulder of the medical soldier and throwing him to the ground.

At the same time, the American soldiers who were still beating the police also had problems. With the bite wounds on their bodies, roaring, they rushed to the fallen medical soldier with the police, and swallowed his flesh and blood.

This scene, extremely bloody, originally only appeared in nightmares and Hollywood horror movies.

Now, it appeared alive in front of this group of American soldiers.

"FUCK! My subordinates also went crazy!"

After receiving the report from the reconnaissance force, the headquarters immediately ordered, "Use of deadly force is allowed, kill them!"

"Da da da!"

The terrified U.S. troops immediately picked up their assault rifles and fired deadly bullets at the former comrades who had turned into ogre demons.


However, to their horror, the lunatics who were shot ignored the damage of the bullets, but after a roar, they, together with the medical soldiers, quickly ran towards the U.S. soldiers who fired the shots.

"How is it possible? Why can't the bullets kill them? And the speed far exceeds that of a sprinter...ah!"

A few bloody lunatics quickly rushed into the ranks of the U.S. troops, biting and screaming at the U.S. troops closest to them.Sharp-eyed soldiers saw that under the torn clothes of these lunatics, tissues that resembled insect carapaces were exposed.

As more and more soldiers were bitten, more and more people became lunatics. The US military commander who led the team finally realized that this terrible cannibalism was similar to rabies and could be transmitted through bites. It's too late.

Attracted by the intense gunfire, more lunatics also ran out from all directions of the town, rushing towards the U.S. troops who were still shooting to resist.

There even appeared a monster with a long head and a long sharp tail, mixed among the lunatics, captured seven or eight U.S. troops in a row, and walked away.

Soon, the sound of gunfire and human screams stopped, and the attacked American soldiers were either eaten by lunatics, or they themselves joined the ranks of lunatics.

And the U.S. soldiers who were captured by the long skulls were also lying in the sewer, staring with terrified eyes, watching helplessly as the hideous monster spit out a disgusting fat worm from its mouth and stuffed it into its own mouth. come over……

Outside Squirrel Town, the U.S. defense position.

"Sir, the more than 100 soldiers we sent to the town to carry out reconnaissance missions can no longer be contacted. I'm afraid it's too bad."

When the commander of the U.S. army heard the report from the communications soldier, the anger on his face was clearly visible, "It's all my soldiers, and they were all destroyed in this damn town in less than 10 minutes! I need an explanation from above. !"

However, the above will give him a fart statement!

In "Alien vs. Predator 2", the colonel with a deep background who only appeared at the end of the film is the superior of the US regiment commander.

Sitting in the office of a top-secret agency in Peanutton, he glanced at the screen on the left, "...I have nothing to say. But if the monsters in Squirrel Town are allowed to escape and threaten the entire United States, we will Military law is engaged!"

On the screen to the left of the colonel, a strange shape with teeth and claws jumped out of it!
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(End of this chapter)

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