Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 31 Nuclear Strike

Chapter 31 Nuclear Strike

It can be seen from the movie that the United States is not ignorant of the existence of aliens and even predators.

So the colonel sitting in the office, in his cognition, the American regiment sent to Squirrel Town is already dead, "Sorry, please forgive me!"

A B1 strategic bomber carrying a B-61 tactical nuclear bomb has taken off from the air force base in Peanutton and is on its way to Squirrel Town.

In the movie "Alien vs. Predator 2", the United States also dealt with aliens in the same way.


Squirrel Town, a U.S. military base.

At this moment, the alien zombies, attracted by the gunshots, have launched an attack on a regiment of US troops like a landslide.

Facing the flood of alien zombies, the U.S. military, which had been waiting for a long time, immediately opened fire with various light and heavy weapons.

Although the alien zombies are not garbage zombies infected by ordinary T virus, their enemies are also equipped with a lot of heavy machine guns, as well as grenades, bazookas, mortars, and even a dozen infantry fighting vehicles and main battle tanks The regular army was beaten down piece by piece by the fierce firepower of the US military, unable to shake the US military's position.

Facts have proved that in the face of the firepower of the modern organized human army, zombies, even alien zombies that can run and fly, are powerless.

As long as a sufficient supply of ammunition can be guaranteed, no matter how many zombies there are, they will be killed by the human army.

"That's why zombies are garbage, not even worth using as biological weapons."

In the Commonwealth of Australia, Jiang Feng, who has been observing the alien zombies fighting against the U.S. military through his mental power, didn't take it seriously, "Compared to zombies, the T-virus itself is the most powerful biological weapon. I just put it in the tap water of Squirrel Town." The T virus destroyed this small town with a population of 6 in one night. However, my task is not to destroy mankind, and destroying mankind is not in my interest. After all, I have already controlled a large town through Wieland. Trust companies. Hehe, so, it’s better to start the next stage of the test.”

As the alien queen, Jiang Feng began to order the more than 5000 newly bred aliens lurking in Squirrel Town to use the alien zombies as a cover to launch an attack on the US military.

"Jiang Feng, although kangaroo meat is really fucking unpalatable, it's like soaking in urine. But there are so many sheep in the Commonwealth of Australia, and the roast lamb is delicious, and I like it."

The big black cat lay beside a fire, stretched out its small paws to caress its round belly, and belched and said.

The whole roasted lamb has been eaten up by the cat.

After being strengthened by the T virus, the big black cat has become more edible than the orange cat.

"You, go roast another sheep, no, ten sheep."

After giving the Alien an order to attack the U.S. military, Jiang Feng gave instructions to a human chef with a frightened expression on his face.

The alien queen also needs to eat.Because of his four-meter-high physique, it is not uncommon for him to eat more than a dozen sheep in one meal.

"Yes, my master."

This chef was specially captured by Jiang Feng to serve him and the big black cat. He is a very famous chef in the Commonwealth of Australia, and his barbecue cooking skills are top-notch.

Thinking of the other 1000 or so humans captured by these two devils, who were used to incubate aliens and ended up being eaten up by the alien larvae, the chef couldn't bear to resist Jiang Feng at all. Thought, he is more obedient than his grandson, he will do whatever Jiang Feng asks him to do.

A large pasture in the Commonwealth of Australia has already been occupied by Jiang Feng, and the sheep all over the prairie are free to eat.

The Commonwealth of Australia has been dealing with missing persons cases with no clues recently, and has not taken care of this lost ranch for the time being.

The chef had just roasted the processed sheep on the fire when Jiang Feng suddenly raised his head, "Big black cat, I have lost contact with the boys in Squirrel Town. Hmph, the Yankees are really courageous, and they don't hesitate. Just launched a nuclear strike. Are they that afraid of aliens?"

"However, so what if a nuclear strike is launched? The major cities in the United States, with the help of Wieland, have secretly deployed my little brother, ready to launch a nationwide devastating strike on the United States at any time. I will Do not believe that they also have the courage to carry out nuclear strikes on all major cities in the country."

Jiang Feng showed his mouth full of fangs, scaring the chef who was roasting the lamb almost peeing his pants, but in fact he was just expressing his pride, "The life and death of the United States is already in my hands."

"Jiang Feng, I feel like I can eat another roast lamb."


Squirrel Town, a U.S. military base.

Facing the frantic attack of alien zombies, the U.S. military, which had been able to do a job with ease, immediately couldn't hold on after the aliens joined the battle.

The alien strengthened by the T virus, although it is scum in front of the shoulder guns of the Predator, but the carapace all over its body also has the defense power equivalent to the armor of the US M1 main battle tank.

American soldiers soon discovered that most of the weapons in their hands were basically equivalent to a fire stick to the new monster with a long head.

Assault rifles can't pierce the alien's carapace; grenades can't kill the alien; the firepower of the heavy machine gun can withstand the rapid charge of the alien.

Even 82mm mortars cannot effectively deal with aliens.

Only a small number of anti-tank missiles and weapons of the same level as the tank's main gun can kill the alien with one blow.

But the alien target is small, and the action is very fast and flexible. If you want to use the tank's main gun to target this kind of monster with explosive mobility, you can basically rely on your face.

After the appearance of the aliens, a large number of American soldiers were killed like mowing grass, retreated in a hurry, and couldn't run away from the aliens and alien zombies, and soon the infantry troops were killed and injured.

There are only a dozen infantry fighting vehicles left, as well as main battle tanks. Thanks to their thick armor, they can retreat while fighting.

Roaring, an alien flew towards a main battle tank, just hit the 120mm caliber main gun, and was blown to pieces by a single shot.

"here you go!"

The U.S. military just started to cheer after seeing this scene, when they were stunned to see the main battle tank that smashed the alien, and the front of the tank was covered with the alien's minced meat.


Almost in the blink of an eye, the tank, stained with alien green blood, was like a piece of plastic burning on fire, emitting green smoke, quickly... melting?
But within a few seconds, with the heart-piercing screams of the three tank soldiers in the car before they died, under the eyes of everyone, the main battle tank was corroded by the alien blood into a puddle of still smoking liquid.


The faces of the U.S. troops who were still alive were ashen, "The M1 tank is equipped with depleted uranium armor, but it was burned into a puddle of molten steel by the flesh and blood of this monster! God! Why did such a terrifying monster appear in the United States?"

In the face of alien blood that can corrode even the alloy weapons of the Predator, the defense power of the depleted uranium armor that the US military is proud of is equivalent to a pile of shit.

"Call headquarters, call headquarters..."

The US regiment commander, who managed to recover his life because he was hiding in an infantry fighting vehicle, frantically called for support.

However, he never got a response.

In the eyes of the colonel, the US troops in this regiment are already dead, and there is no need to pay attention to them.

Just when more than a dozen infantry fighting vehicles and main battle tanks were overtaken by aliens and were about to cut through the thick armor and drag out the humans inside to eat them alive, a tactical nuclear bomb launched from a B1 strategic bomber flew over the blue sky. Long trajectories were drawn in the sky, hitting Squirrel Town accurately, and a super large mushroom-shaped fireball exploded.


Squirrel Town, disappeared from the territory of the United States...

"Finally, it's all over."

After receiving the news that Squirrel Town had been completely destroyed in the nuclear attack, the colonel with a deep background closed his eyes slightly, and finally let go of a huge rock in his heart.

But is it really over?
(End of this chapter)

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