Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 33 Mission Completion

Chapter 33 Mission Completion
Of course, the fall of the continent of Africa refers to the two monsters of aliens and alien zombies, which have spread all over the continent, not the fact that the human beings living on the continent are almost extinct like the Commonwealth of Australia.

Most of the population in Africa is still alive, and less than [-] million people were killed by Jiang Feng.

The reason why there are as many as [-] million human beings surviving is not because Jiang Feng is merciless, but because what he did in Squirrel Town of the United States of America and the Commonwealth of Australia is used in Africa, and the effect is greatly reduced.

Because the continent of Africa is the least developed region on earth, and poverty and chaos have always been the main theme of this continent.

It is precisely because the continent of Africa is the most unpromising region on earth, Jiang Feng wanted to preserve the essence of human beings for his own use, which made Africa the second target of sacrifice.

Squirrel Town in the United States, as well as the Commonwealth of Australia, are highly developed capitalist societies with a high urban penetration rate and complete livelihood facilities, including water plants.

Moreover, the people of these countries have not experienced the test of war in their homeland for a long time. People who grew up in peaceful times have very low vigilance. When they suddenly face the dual attacks of aliens and T viruses, they hardly fight back. The power will soon be destroyed.

But in the African continent, not only the urban penetration rate is low, but the modernization of the only cities is also very bad. Many areas in the mainland do not have access to tap water, and the population is also scattered. Unlike the Commonwealth of Australia, more than half of the country's population is concentrated in a few in a major metropolitan city.

In addition, due to the long-term war, the residents of Africa are also very vigilant. With a population of more than 12 billion, it is reasonable for Jiang Feng to apply the model of Squirrel Town and try to wipe out the entire Africa. .

However, his goal was achieved.

Because most of the humans on the African continent are still alive, even if they have to deal with aliens, the countries with mushroom bombs among humans are afraid to grow mushrooms because they are concerned about the fig leaf of humanitarianism.

Besides, even if the humans above are all dead, nuclear bombs cannot be used.

To be precise, nuclear bombs cannot be used on a large scale.

After all, the African continent is too vast. If nuclear bombs are used recklessly, even if the aliens flooding the entire continent are destroyed, the ecological environment of the entire earth will be irreversibly damaged.

Since nuclear bombs cannot directly wash the ground, there is no way, and human countries can only choose expensive conventional methods to deal with aliens.

An unprecedented human coalition army, with a strength of more than 2000 million people, was quickly formed in less than half a month, and then went to the continents of Australia and Africa to start a fierce battle with the monsters entrenched on them.

Humans have used the most advanced tactics to deal with aliens, which is the same way that old Americans fight against small countries. If I don't fight you, I will directly use money to smash you to death!
All kinds of missiles, bombs, even cloud bombs, and small tactical nuclear weapons are thrown desperately at the alien's head for free; thousands of aircraft sorties are dispatched every day to carry out carpet bombing, which is even more commonplace.

After a year of indiscriminate bombing, almost all the alien-occupied cities on the Australian and African continents were blown up. The aliens did suffer a lot of casualties, and they almost gave away the money bags of the human countries that sent troops. It's empty.

Alien casualties are numerous.

Military spending is also burning wildly.

After spending a year, the wallets of the human army couldn't hold it anymore, and the economies of the countries participating in the war were about to be dragged down, so tens of millions of troops were gathered to launch a landing operation against the aliens, and they wanted a quick victory.

And Jiang Feng, who had spent a year living in the United States of America, saw that the human country was almost exhausted in the battle with the aliens, and was forced to start a contact war with the aliens, and he also showed a smile of success.

Although the aliens under him suffered heavy losses under the human bombing, there are still hundreds of millions of aliens surviving.

Jiang Feng waited for more than 1000 million human troops to land, and immediately commanded hundreds of millions of aliens to encircle and wipe out the human army.

Facing the alien whose defense power is equivalent to the armor of the main battle tank, the firearms in the hands of the infantry of the human army are equivalent to burning sticks. Even heavy artillery and aerial bombs cannot stop the alien who is charging wildly unless they directly hit the alien.

And there are too many aliens, like an avalanche, like a tsunami, flocking towards human beings unstoppably.Although the human army was also very tenacious, it only fought for one day before being killed and defeated.

Almost the entire army of more than 1000 million troops who landed was wiped out.

What's more unlucky is that many defeated soldiers who survived by chance have already been infected with T-virus. Jiang Feng insidiously ordered the big black cat to suppress the T-virus in these people's bodies. At night, they broke out collectively.

After one night, the United Fleet, which concentrated the essence of the human navy, became a paradise for zombies.

The human country, whose vitality has been severely injured, has been unable to take the initiative to attack the two continents occupied by the aliens. It uses the remaining warships to form a blockade fleet to trap the aliens on the two continents and fend for itself.

"Mission 5 has been completed, Jiang Feng."

After a year of eating and drinking, the big black cat was obsessed with this kind of life, and said reluctantly, "Do you want to return to the original world?"

"Go back, anyway, we can return to this world again."

Jiang Feng played with an iron-blooded pistol in his hand, and replied without raising his head, "Big black cat, our life is destined to be extraordinary. There are countless worlds and more powerful forces waiting for us to explore."

Hearing this, the big black cat nodded a little ashamedly, "You are very good. I haven't eaten the delicious food made by Stephen Zhou yet, so how can I slack off for some ordinary food?"

"Big black cat, you know how to eat."

Jiang Feng rolled his eyes.

Mission 6, which required killing a thousand Predator, had already been overfulfilled by Jiang Feng half a year ago.

So far, a total of more than 3000 Predators who came to Earth have been killed by Jiang Feng, including the protagonist (?) of the movie "Alien vs. Predator 2", the elite Predator Lone Wolf.

Lone Wolf's iron-blooded pistol, which was obtained by the United States in the movie, and his one-man space shuttle, all became Jiang Feng's trophies.

After the lone wolf came to the earth, he did not find the iron-blooded spaceship that "crashed" on the earth, but instead participated in the war between aliens and humans.

There are hundreds of millions of aliens, and tens of millions of human beings. The big scene of artillery fire makes the lone wolf happy to see the hunter.

He wandered between the battlefields, not only killing aliens and zombies, but also killing human soldiers with weapons.

The lone wolf had a great time on the continent of Africa, which had been reduced to a battlefield, and shared his happiness with other predators.

When the other Predators got the news, they couldn't sit still anymore.

On the earth, another war that spread across the world took place, and this time it was a war between ferocious aliens and humans!

Thinking of the countless aliens and human soldiers with weapons waiting to hunt, the Predators became excited!

This is a paradise for warriors!

A happy hunting life is waving to them!

Predators came to the earth one after another and moved around in Africa.

For a time, many aliens had their heads cut off; there were even more human soldiers who were hung upside down and their skins were stripped off.

It wasn't until Jiang Feng put on the helmet of the Predator once, and overheard the Predator exchanging hunting experience with each other, that he realized that these warlike hunters came to the earth again, just like hunting wild ducks, He has already killed many of his younger brothers.

Since it was delivered to the door, Jiang Feng was in a happy mood, mentally and unintentionally, and killed all the first batch of predators who came to Earth.

When recovering the equipment of the Predators, Jiang Feng obtained a Predator pistol from a corpse. After recalling the plot of the movie, he realized that before he knew it, he had killed the Lone Wolf.

The death of the first batch of Predator has proved the danger of the earth, but the Predator is a group of barbarians who like adventure and excitement, the more dangerous the place is, the more they can attract them.

The second batch, the third batch... A steady stream of Predator groups came to the earth to brush up the copies of Aliens vs. Humans.

For the Predator, Jiang Feng was invincible, and later he got tired of them, so he no longer cared about them.

Therefore, in addition to the more than 3000 Predator killed by Jiang Feng, there were also hundreds of unlucky ones who were slaughtered by the warriors in the human army.

Of course, the predators killed by humans all blew themselves up in the end, and while they died, they also caused great losses to the human army.

After saying hello to Wieland, the servant who had served him for a year, Jiang Feng and the big black cat disappeared from the big local tyrant who had been his grandson for a year in front of them.

Does not take away a trace of cloud, and no special effects of fifty cents.

"These two devils... finally left."

Wieland can temporarily breathe a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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