Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 34 My team is open

Chapter 34 My team is open
With the T virus character card, the world of "Alien vs. Predator", and the servant of the big local tycoon Wieland, Jiang Feng's idea of ​​going abroad to conquer the world in the African continent has the feasible conditions.

The specific idea is to recruit a mercenary in that chaotic land, strengthen and control the troops with the T virus, and Wieland is responsible for providing arms.

When the mercenary has a certain strength, he will secretly control the small country on that piece of land, and be a local emperor that no one can control, so happy.

A few hours later, the flight to mainland Africa.

Jiang Feng unfastened his seat belt, adjusted the seat, and gently rubbed his temples.A pretty stewardess came by and handed over a warm towel with both hands.

"Thank you."

Jiang Feng took it with a smile and pressed it on his forehead.

The stewardess with her signature smile bowed slightly and left, and came back shortly after with a pair of warm slippers, "Sir, do you need to change into slippers?" The stewardess in business attire was impeccable in any aspect.

After the stewardess left, the big black cat leaned close to Jiang Feng's side, "Jiang Feng, you seem to enjoy the service of the stewardess, no wonder you don't need the Jagged Spaceship, you want to take this flight."

"It's also a way to enjoy life."

Jiang Feng happily closed his eyes and rested his mind, "It's not interesting to sneak out of the country with an iron-blooded spaceship. What I want is a sense of integrity."

"Fair and fair?"

The big black cat muttered, "That's not easy to catch mice."

After Jiang Feng decided to go abroad and go to Africa to develop, he used the computer on the iron-blooded spaceship to hack into the airline's computer and arranged for himself a legal passenger status.

As for letting the big black cat get on the plane?

A problem that can be settled with money is not a problem for Jiang Feng today.

So the big black cat can also board the flight with dignity.

After a good night's sleep, the plane arrived in Somalia, Africa, six hours later.Smiling and writing down the mobile phone number of the flight attendant, Jiang Feng took the big black cat and found a high-end hotel in the urban area to stay.

Somalia is one of the least developed countries in the world. Due to continuous civil wars, the social and educational systems have collapsed for many years. Because it is the only sea route for cargo ships from various countries to enter and leave the Suez Canal, the local people have been piracy since the 20th century.Pirates in this country extort merchant ships from various countries every year, and the amount is difficult to estimate, so that the United Nations launched an investigation and attack on Somali pirate bases.

Such a chaotic area is the most suitable for Jiang Feng to flex his muscles.

Jiang Feng's movements were fast, supported by the computer on the iron-blooded spaceship, he had a clear picture of the situation around Somalia.

It didn't take long before he recruited more than 100 mercenaries locally through an industry channel, all of whom were experienced veterans from various countries and had accepted various missions many times.

Of course, these mercenaries are not members of large security companies with a national background such as Blackwater, but some scattered mercenaries who run alone.

Using such mercenaries is cheap but unreliable without the guarantee of a regular security company, the legal cloak of a mercenary organization.

Such stragglers have the possibility of rebellion at any time during use.

However, Jiang Feng has the T virus character card, which not only strengthens the physique of these people, but also controls the opponent's life and death.

Now these blood-licking men have been subdued by Jiang Feng and have become his loyal lackeys.

"The team has been pulled up, just find a local country to register and you will have a legal identity."

Standing in front of his respectful subordinates, Jiang Feng waved his hand vigorously, "Starting today, the Big Black Cat Troop has been established!"

"Big Black Cat Troop? Ben cat likes this name!"

The big black cat, which was squatting beside Jiang Feng's feet and licking its paws intently, flicked its tail and said.

After inquiring about the information of his subordinates in detail, Jiang Feng appointed a middle-aged black man from the United States who had a seven-year career as a special soldier and had been a mercenary for more than ten years. team leader.

"James, I'm not very familiar with your business, do you have any advice for me?"

Jiang Feng held the big black cat in his arms and asked the black captain.

(End of this chapter)

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