Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 61 The Terminator of unknown model

Chapter 61 The Terminator of unknown model

John Connor and Uncle Bob came to a store specializing in selling milk in the Big Black Cat Empire.

In the doomsday world, fresh milk is a luxury food. It is in short supply and expensive, and it is only sold in official stores.

As soon as he walked into the shop, Uncle Bob gave a pause, covering John Connor behind him, and his eyes frightenedly swept over the dozen or so burly men in the shop.

Because the shops that sell milk are officially operated by the Big Black Cat Empire, and fresh milk is a high-value commodity that is in short supply, it will inevitably be targeted by some crazy people who want money and life, so every milk shop has a powerful powerful guarding power to deter lawbreakers.

In the past, there was a squad of T600 terminators stationed in each store, a total of twelve units, performing security tasks.

Because of the existence of the T600, the milk shop has never been robbed since it opened.

Now, when I visit this store again three months later, the tall metal skeletons that make people shudder have disappeared, replaced by twelve strong men also wearing black leather jackets and leather pants, and sunglasses.

"What's the matter, Uncle Bob?"

John Connor stopped in his tracks. He also noticed the burly men scattered in the shop, his eyes darkened instantly, "Because of them?"

"Relax, John. Didn't expect to meet my brothers so soon."

In Uncle Bob's eyes, a scarlet light flashed away.


John Connor had the color of a pig's liver.

Analyzing the countermeasures in an instant, Uncle Bob secretly signaled John Connor not to stop, the two paused, and continued to walk forward, "Yes. It's still the same as me, an infiltrator model covered with flesh and blood."

"Damn! How long has it been? In just three years, Skynet has developed the T600, and even the T800, and even covered them with human skin."

At this moment, John Connor's heart sank to the bottom.

The T800 is an extremely powerful Terminator model. Even in the future world, "Skynet" only developed the first prototype of the T2018 in 800.

But in this damn timeline, in 2007, "Skynet" had already mass-produced the T800.

Of course, John Connor would not know that Jiang Feng had already started mass production of the T800 a year ago. It has just been developed and is still in the beta stage.

The twelve T800s covered in human skin naturally noticed Uncle Bob, but their task is to protect the milk shops from being looted, so as long as Uncle Bob gives money when he buys milk, they They will not take the initiative to attack John Connor.

After queuing at the counter for more than ten minutes, they bought a large bucket of milk.

This large barrel of milk is delivered to the door by the store, so the buyer does not need to worry about it.

But correspondingly, after John Connor paid the bill, his heart ached.

The three gold coins issued by the Big Black Cat Empire, commonly known as cat head coins, are gone.

Gold coins are called gold coins, with the head of a big black cat printed on the front and Jiang Feng's head on the back, which is why they are called cat coins.

In John Connor's camp, the money he earned from selling junk for three months and eating compressed biscuits for three months was only enough to buy a large bucket of milk.

His hands were shaking as he paid the bill at the counter.

"John, give up."

After paying the money, filling out the receipt, and keeping it, the two of them turned around and walked out of the shop without stopping any longer.

At this moment, Uncle Bob said suddenly.

"Iron and fire can conquer human flesh and blood, but they can never conquer human spirit."

Staring fiercely at the T800 closest to him, John Connor's mouth is the hardest part of his body now.

"Do you still want to save some money when buying milk?"


John Connor fell silent.

Without money, the hero is short of breath.

"John Connor?"

When the two of them were about to leave the shop, suddenly a middle-aged man with a stiff expression, a thin figure, and a piece of tattered clothes came up to him.

Before John Connor could react, Uncle Bob had already blocked him.

Because, the middle-aged man had already pulled out an assault pistol from his pocket, pointed it at John Connor, and pulled the trigger.

"Da da da!"

A series of bullets made blood holes in Uncle Bob's broad chest.


The middle-aged man emptied the bullets in the gun in a few seconds. Seeing that Uncle Bob was not dead, his head was tilted strangely, and he was about to replace the gun in his hand with a new magazine.

John Connor couldn't believe it, "Someone actually dared to grab milk from the store opened by Skynet!"

Uncle Bob also took down the ferocious M249 light machine gun from behind, but someone was already one step ahead of him, rushing up and grabbing the hand of the middle-aged man holding the submachine gun.

It was a T800. I saw someone daring to grab milk in a store, so I made a move.


Accompanied by the sound of metal snapping, John Connor saw that the middle-aged man's hand holding the gun was crushed by the brute force of the T800, revealing a section of the metal arm under the skin.

This middle-aged man turned out to be a Terminator in human skin!
John Connor realized instantly that the other party did not come to grab the milk, but came specifically to kill him.

If it weren't for Uncle Bob's loyal protection of the Lord, he would already be covered in blood holes.

"Leave the matter to us to deal with. You are not authorized to use force in the big black cat empire."

The rest of the T800s also moved, and quickly walked towards the unfamiliar Terminator who had already wrestled with the T800s.

When one of the T800s strode past Uncle Bob, it warned in a deep voice.

Uncle Bob nodded slightly towards the other party, and put the M249 light machine gun back on his back.

"Crack, click, click..."

The Terminator that assassinated John Connor was no match for the T800 in hand-to-hand combat, and it didn't need the support of the rest of the T800. In less than 20 seconds, it was crippled by the first T800 and then taken away.

The sun sets in the west.

On the way back to the camp, John Connor was puzzled, "It shouldn't be Skynet, so who sent that Terminator to want my life?"

"You are wrong, John. That Terminator was sent by Skynet to assassinate you."

Driving a tattered jeep, Uncle Bob looked ahead.

"Skynet? But its T800 subdued the Terminator. If Skynet sent it to kill me, it doesn't make sense logically."

"That is a Terminator of an unknown model. Even if it is me from 2032, there is no information about this model in the database."

"Uncle Bob, what do you want to say?"

"John, you are forgetful. Every time the Terminator is sent to assassinate you, Skynet sent from the future to assassinate you."

In Uncle Bob's eyes, a series of data streams are flowing rapidly, "Although it is unbelievable, but after my calculations, the most logical possibility of this assassination is..."

He paused, and then continued, "This timeline we are in can no longer affect the battle situation in the future world. This is an independent timeline, similar to the concept of parallel time and space proposed by you humans."

John Connor wasn't stupid, "So, what you want to say is, even if Skynet in modern time and space let me go, but Skynet in the future world still wants my life?"

"Yes! In the days to come, I won't be lonely. My mission will continue, John."

Whether it was an illusion or not, John Connor seemed to see a happy smile from the corner of Uncle Bob's mouth.

The Terminator exists for missions, and has always been like this, without exception.

(End of this chapter)

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