Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 62 I Fucked John Connor Again

Chapter 62 I Fucked John Connor Again
The unknown Terminator whose limbs were twisted into twists appeared in front of the big black cat in about 10 minutes.

The copy program left by Jiang Feng is a "Skynet" without self-will. After scanning that Terminator, he also got the model of the other party, which is not any model known in the database.

This type of Terminator is far inferior to the T800 in strength and defense, but it is excellent in terms of motor function, flexibility, and learning ability.

Moreover, the materials used to manufacture this type of Terminator are only ordinary high-strength special alloys, so the sources of materials are extensive, and the production cost is low, which is very suitable for mass production.

Finally, the conclusion given by the dungeon program is that this is a highly simulated spy-type Terminator, which is a work developed on the basis of the T800 in pursuit of reducing production costs.

Using this kind of Terminator for hand-to-hand combat, it can't even beat the T600, but its advantage is that it has a strong learning ability and judgment ability, and can flexibly use tactics according to actual needs on the battlefield to attack the enemy.

As long as the weapons are configured properly, its combat effectiveness is even higher than the most elite T800 of the Big Black Cat Empire.

So, here comes the question, where did this kind of intellectual terminator come from?
The copy program couldn't give an answer, so he handed over the wreckage of the Terminator to the big black cat to deal with.

After being captured, the Terminator judged that there was no possibility of escape, and immediately committed suicide just like the captured spies and assassins.

The CPU in its head self-destructed and burned to a handful of ashes, leaving no useful information behind.

In the majestic and majestic palace, the big black cat squats on a gorgeous golden throne, wears a crown also made of gold on its head, and wears a small bright yellow cloak. A bit of an imperial aura.

Wagging its tail, two bright beams of light suddenly shot out from the big black cat's round eyes, sweeping across the wreckage of the Terminator, "Huh? It's a T888 from the world of "Terminator Gaiden" .Because of the appearance of this T888, this cat has gained a new world coordinate.”

However, it shook its beard, raised its claws to cover its three-petal mouth, and yawned boredly, "But Jiang Feng must have no interest in the world of "Terminator", and neither does this cat."

"This world coordinate is really tasteless. It's not as valuable as this scrapped T888."

The big black cat ordered the attendants to take away the pile of scrap iron and hand it over to a factory under the control of the copy program to start the imitation work.

"Skynet, pay more attention recently, I have a hunch that this uninvited T888 is just the beginning."

The big black cat suddenly arched its body, and the attendant next to it immediately placed a good wooden board on the golden throne, and then a sound of "chachacha" began to echo in the palace.

With its butt pouted, the big black cat waved its paws, happily grinding its paws on the scratched board.

"Skynet" is the dungeon program left by Jiang Feng. It originally had no name. For convenience, the big black cat just called it "Skynet".

"I'd be happy to be of your service."

It has been five years since the appearance of the first T888.

In the past five years, in the territory of the big black cat empire, mainly in the original urban area of ​​Los Angeles, at night, with the appearance of lightning balls out of thin air, a steady stream of naked butt weirdos were sent to the city. Big Black Cat Empire.

These bare-bottomed monsters all appeared randomly, with no rules at all, sometimes one appeared, and sometimes several appeared at the same time.

Once the bare-bottomed monsters appear, the first thing they do is to grab the clothes of the nearby residents. Some bare-bottomed weirdos with stiff expressions not only want to grab the clothes, but also kill the robbed residents.

There have even been vicious cases in which a small group of gray-clothed troops on patrol were actively attacked by naked monsters with the intention of seizing military uniforms and weapons.

However, because the dungeon program strengthened the alert level of the Big Black Cat Empire, the bare-bottomed monsters usually appeared just after they appeared, and most of them had no time to make trouble before they were quickly suppressed by the gray-clothed army in charge of law and order.

The big black cat empire is the property of Jiang Feng and the big black cat. This cat can't tolerate others running into its territory to play wild.

In front of the two six-barreled Vulcan cannons of the T1 battle robot, the bare-bottomed monster had to surrender or die.

Not to mention the bare-handed human beings teleported from the future world, even the T888 Terminator teleported here is a pile of floating clouds in front of T1's six-barreled Vulcan cannon, vulnerable to a single blow.

Except for the T888 Terminator who was wiped out because of their stubbornness, there are also some human beings who wisely chose to surrender.

Among these captives, when they were escorted, some of them saw many terminators active along the way, and they all yelled at the gray army who captured them as human traitors;
Other human beings are on the contrary. Seeing a large number of terminators, their dejected expressions immediately disappeared, as if they had found their relatives, and shouted at the gray army who escorted them, such as "The water rushed to the Dragon King Temple, we We are our own people, we are also the gray army, and we all work for Skynet" bullshit.

Through interrogation, Jiang Feng learned that the former is a human resistance soldier from the world of "Terminator Gaiden", and the latter is also a real gray army, but it is the gray army from the world of "Terminator Gaiden". Yijun is not the same thing.

Five years later, Jiang Feng went out of the seclusion, and practicing "The Illustrated Record of the God of War" gave him a substantial improvement in his personal strength, which is roughly equivalent to Kou in "The Legend of Two Dragons of the Tang Dynasty" who had just practiced "The Secret of Longevity". Zhong and Xu Ziling are a little bit stronger, but they are definitely not as good as Shi Feixuan and Wanwan, the well-known masters of the younger generation of Jianghu.

In "The Legend of Double Dragons of the Tang Dynasty", the strongest is the Grand Master, whose force is so powerful that it is no exaggeration to say that he can suppress the fate of the country;
The second is the Grand Master Realm, which is also the leader of a famous sect in the Jianghu, whose strength can also dominate one side, and even the imperial court dare not insult;
Then there are the well-known masters among the younger generation in the arena, who can basically be regarded as first-class.

Jiang Feng's physical aptitude is actually very mediocre. Relying on the full-level training experience of "God of War Illustrated", it took five years to train to the level of a quasi-first-class master, which is already a very heaven-defying achievement.

If he didn't have the full-level practice experience given by the big black cat, even if Jiang Feng got the "God of War Illustrated Record", he wouldn't be able to practice it.

In fact, Jiang Feng can continue to practice, but he is not a martial idiot, and the goal of living is not to pursue the peak of martial arts.

Jiang Feng is already satisfied with being strong enough to crush the enemies he has encountered so far.

The pursuit of material and spiritual enjoyment is the ultimate goal of Jiang Feng's life.

Throw all the captured gray soldiers from another world to the mining area for hard labor, and throw the captured human resistance army to John Connor.

Jiang Feng doesn't like traitors. Of course, no one in this world likes traitors, so the "Grey Army" who was caught is a tragedy.

As for the soldiers of the Human Resistance Army, they are all people with lofty beliefs, and they also have a deep hatred with "Skynet". Jiang Feng handed them over to John Connor not out of pity, but with full of heart. malicious.

John Connor accepted these subordinates from the future, and Jiang Feng could already imagine how he would be devastated in the future.

Jiang Feng dug a hole for the original savior. As for whether to crawl out of the hole or be buried in the hole, it depends on John Connor's choice.

And what Jiang Feng has to do is to prepare melon seed tea with the big black cat and watch a good show.

(End of this chapter)

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