Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 63 Being a leader is no longer great

Chapter 63 Being a leader is no longer great

When Jiang Feng just left the customs, as soon as he showed up, the big black cat flew into his arms with a frightened expression, "Jiang Feng, you can be regarded as coming out. A powerful human armed force was found near our empire." !"

"Powerful human armed forces? How strong? 10 people? Or 50 people?"

Jiang Feng stretched out his hand to stroke the trembling cat in his arms, and he was also shocked.

"It's John Connor, with more than 1000 people under him!"

The body of the big black cat stopped trembling, and the fake expression on Jiang Feng's face also disappeared.

One person and one cat looked at each other, and laughed in a tacit understanding.

"Jiang Feng, the joke I told you is okay?"

The big black cat stuck out its tongue, licked the cheek of its own excrement shoveler, and asked "wheezing".

Not seeing each other for five years, the big black cat really misses Jiang Feng so much.

"I was amused, big black cat."

Putting the big black cat on the ground, Jiang Feng asked, "Five years have passed, how many people do we have?"

"Excluding the unmanned automatic weapons and the gray army, counting the terminators alone, we have 800 million people!"

The big black cat stood on its legs and moved forward like a human. "This cat has prepared a sumptuous meal for you to celebrate the end of your retreat."

Therefore, if the Big Black Cat Empire really intends to destroy the mini-human resistance army established by John Connor, it only needs to pluck a hair from its thigh, and it can strangle them no less than ten thousand times.

Regarding the overwhelming gap in strength between the two sides, John Connor was also dumb and knew what to expect.

The army he worked hard to build is nothing more than an "existent army", which means that human beings have not surrendered, but they absolutely dare not do anything.

However, those human resistance forces from the world of "Terminator Gaiden" that were deliberately released by Jiang Feng, they didn't know, they thought it was the great savior John Connor who caught the "Skynet" camp. characters, exchanged captives, and rescued them.

In their world, because "Skynet" has more defeats than victories, it is not the first time that the two sides have exchanged prisoners.

When I came to the camp established by John Connor, I saw soldiers patrolling back and forth with weapons on the parapet. These human resistance forces from another world were all grateful to John Connor. One of them burst into tears, "John, for Save us, you have exposed this small camp to Skynet, although it is just a bigger outpost, but it is not worth it for us."

Another human resistance army retorted loudly, "How can you guess John's thoughts? I bet that this small broken camp must be a trap set by John for Skynet. There are at least 100 million troops in ambush. around, just waiting for Skynet to plunge in."

"Right, John?"

he asked triumphantly.

"One million troops? guessed wrong..."

John Connor met the fanatical gaze of the other party, with a bitter expression on his face.

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by No.3's human resistance army, "Stop talking nonsense, how could John have ambushed a million troops nearby?"


John Connor nodded his head quickly when he saw a smart man who finally stood up and understood the actual situation.

"If you ask me, there should be at least 500 million troops in ambush! I have observed that this outpost is less than [-] miles away from the capital of the Big Black Cat Empire, which is also the core of Skynet. Kilometers. In my opinion, John is going to take advantage of this opportunity of exchanging prisoners, gather an army of tens of millions, and destroy Skynet in one battle!"

This elderly human resistance army, with his old eyes that have been through vicissitudes, looked like a torch, "Right, John? This is your strategy. It's really a big deal. But our human resistance army is basically all the people. Even if you pull out an upper An army of [-] million people is not impossible!"

John Connor: I thought I was really a sensible person, but it turns out that I am also a big fool who can't recognize reality!

Too lazy to waste much time on these human resistance forces from the world of "Terminator Gaiden", John Connor turned his head and told Uncle Bob to take them down for a meal and rest.

John Connor, who felt that he had lost a big face, returned to his house, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he said, "Damn it, Skynet put these bastards back on purpose to hit me in the face, right? Right? definitely is."

While eating in a house in the camp, these human resistance forces looked at Kate Brewster who brought them food, and nodded in gratitude.

In fact, in the timeline they came from, there was no Kate Brewster, and someone else who often accompanied John Connor was a modified Cameron Female T888 Terminator.

Then, gobble it up.

Their world is a real radioactive wasteland, and the food they eat is far less rich than the world where Kate Brewster lives.

Although the food in John Connor's camp, in the eyes of the residents of the big black cat empire, is just a pile of pig food.

After eating for a few days, the rescued human resistance army couldn't sit still, "John's army, why hasn't it appeared yet?"

"My blood has begun to boil, and the smoke of the battlefield is guiding me!"

"As long as John gives the order, I will fear nothing, whether it is those metal bones, or the cowardly gray army, I will beat them all to pieces!"

Therefore, the human resistance army ran to John Connor one after another, asking when the human army in this time and space would be in place. They couldn't wait to enter the capital of the big black cat empire and wipe out the demon "Skynet" in one fell swoop .

"Everyone, please listen to me."

Being annoyed to the point of death, John Connor was also forced to hand in his old ways, "All my troops are in this camp."

Cool for 1 minute.

Then, a shrewd-looking human resistance army suddenly realized, "So, I understand. At some point, John's army has gathered around us, but we have never noticed it."

He punched lightly on the palm of his hand, and extended a thumb towards John Connor, "Tall, it's really tall!"

The rest of the human resistance army also had the same expressions on their faces, talking with each other with high fighting spirit, and they all marveled at how powerful the human resistance army in this time and space is, and the demise of "Skynet" is just around the corner.

John Connor: Shit, are they all retarded?Why can't you understand people's words?
"Everyone, please be quiet."

After the smart people shut up, John Connor stretched out an index finger with a wry smile on his face.

"Is it an army of 1000 million? Could it be... an army of [-] million?"

The human resistance army from another world had a collective climax.

"It's more than 1000 people!"

John Connor's voice was weak.

"Hahaha, compared to John in our time and space, John in this time and space is quite good at telling jokes."

"1000 people? In our time and space, this number of people is only enough to fight for less than 10 minutes, and it will be gone."


" can't be true, right? In this time and space, John's troops only have 1000 people?"

John Connor, staring at the human resistance soldier who woke up first, nodded heavily.


All the Human Resistance Army, dumbfounded.

"Order, John! Even if there are only 1000 people, we will fight Skynet to the end!"

The bloody warriors from the future, who didn't have a deep hatred with "Skynet" for destroying their families, brandished their weapons one after another and uttered unyielding cries.

Infected by the atmosphere, John Connor's blood boiled for a while, and he wanted to give an order to gather all the horses, and when he was going to fight the big black cat empire...

Uncle Bob brought Kate Brewster, who was holding his son's hand, in front of him.

Seeing his wife and children, John Connor's already boiling blood instantly dropped below zero.

He sighed decadently, his eyes were devoid of fighting spirit, and he no longer mentioned the matter of fighting "Skynet".

For those human resistance forces, their respected and beloved great leader, who was willing to give his life for it, died just like that...



Through the eyes of the Terminator lurking in the camp, Jiang Feng and the big black cat, who had watched the monkey show for several days, held their stomachs in both hands and laughed wildly.

(End of this chapter)

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