Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 8 I, Ate Alice!

Chapter 8 I, Ate Alice!
Jiang Feng looked at Alice who ran away without saying a word, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his ferocious mouth.

Just like in the movie, then next, Alice will run to...

Before he had time to think about it, he roared ferociously, and chased after Alice's ass.

With a "bang", the whole building was smashed to pieces by Jiang Feng.

Although the monster that Jiang Feng possessed was a little monster that was stiffened by Alice when he first appeared in the movie, its body is not only huge, but also very strong, and even reinforced concrete buildings can be easily smashed.

Otherwise, why did Alice turn around and run away after only taking one look at Jiang Feng?
I don't have a gun in my hand, so I can't afford it!
There was a loud roar of the engine, and just as Jiang Feng crashed into the building and rushed out, he saw Alice jumping into a Humvee and fleeing along a large road.

She had already realized how powerful Jiang Feng was, so of course she had to run as far as possible.

The monster possessed by Jiang Feng, during the defense of the White House before, Alice had experienced the power of its kind. It was a powerful monster that could destroy an armed helicopter, and it could not be defeated by humans.

"Jiang Feng, hurry up and kill Alice!"

Riding on Jiang Feng's big head, the big black cat was as excited as a cowboy in a western movie, barking so loudly that it almost threw its hat out.

If only the big black cat had a hat on its head.

There was no need for the big black cat to remind him, Jiang Feng was already flying in the air, chasing after the Hummer driven by Alice.

In the movie "Resident Evil 6: The Final Chapter", this flying monster easily caught up with Alice's Humvee, and used its mutated limb, which is both a long tail and sharp claws, to attack Alice condescendingly.

Even the metal body of the Hummer was scarred by the monster's attack.Facing the monster's attack, Alice had no way to fight back.

However, despite the dangers, Alice is a wise human being after all.Although monsters are physically powerful, they cannot think, only instinct.

Finally, Alice used tricks to lure the flying monster to the front of the Humvee, using the huge impact generated by the high-speed speed of the Humvee to severely injure the monster, and then detonated the broadsword landmine inside the car, thus eliminating this powerful little monster .

However, if it is a human will that dominates the powerful body of this flying monster, then the result must be another matter.

Jiang Feng also quickly caught up with Alice's Humvee from the air, but he didn't foolishly use his long tail to attack Alice in the cab like the monster in the movie, but...

He directly used sharp claws that could pierce steel, hooked the butt of the Humvee, and with all his strength, lifted the head of the Humvee up, and then flew towards the sky quickly.

The rear wheels of the Humvee rising from the ground were spinning at high speed, but in mid-air, even with a powerful horsepower, it couldn't exert its strength.

Alice, who was at the front of the car, also rolled into a ball with several broadsword landmines inside the car, but fortunately, she didn't fall out of the car.

Jiang Feng grabbed the Humvee and flew towards the sky with all his strength.

With the weight of the Hummer and Alice, even the strong body of the flying monster possessed by Jiang Feng felt a little too much, but he still gritted his teeth and flew towards the sky desperately.

After flying several hundred meters into the air, Jiang Feng let go of the Humvee and threw it towards the ground.

This was Jiang Feng's tactic, he wanted to beat Alice to death.

After throwing away the Humvee, Jiang Feng felt something hanging from his tail, a heavy feeling.

Quickly looked down, good guy, it turned out to be Alice hanging on it, using both hands and feet, crawling towards Jiang Feng's body along his long tail.

What if Alice climbed onto the body?
"Jiang Feng, find a way!"

The big black cat riding on Jiang Feng's head also shouted anxiously.

Jiang Feng looked down at Alice who was crawling happily, his eyes flashed fiercely, and he smirked, "Did you bring a parachute, Alice?"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Feng used another sharp limb to cut off his own tail without hesitation.

While the blood was spraying, Alice grabbed Jiang Feng's half-severed tail, and with her deep-seated hatred for Wesker, she screamed and fell to the ground from a height of several hundred meters.

Jiang Feng spread his wings and endured the severe pain from his tail. After circling in the air, the big black cat riding on his big head finally stretched out a thumbs up, and a triumphant smile appeared on the cat's face.

"Alice has fallen to her death."

"Hmph, if she survives a fall from a height of several hundred meters, unless she is wearing underwear."

Jiang Feng laughed triumphantly, another protagonist died at the hands of the great villain.

Suddenly, he couldn't bear it anymore, "Oh, it hurts to death, it hurts like cutting off one of my own legs. I can't take it anymore, big black cat, find a way!"

"Hurry up and finish task 1."

The big black cat sat firmly on Jiang Feng's big head and reminded.

Stimulated by the unbearable pain, Jiang Feng fell to the ground like a wind, and soon found Alice's body.

If a mass of pureed flesh could be called a corpse.

Jiang Feng, who was about to lose his mind from the pain, opened his terrifying mouth, and swallowed the bloody meat paste in a few gulps.

"Successfully ate Alice, and fused her high-quality genes with the mutant T virus to complete task 1. Now start task 2."

Mission 2: Kill Wesker and Dr. Isaacs

Mission brief introduction: Wesker is the great villain of this world, and Dr. Isaacs is also the great villain of this world.But now that you, a real villain, have come to this world, then these two morons can only die.

Current status: Will of the T-Virus

Description: An alternative life form produced after absorbing the special existence of Alice.

Task reward: a character card of the T virus will.

"T virus? I am very satisfied with this character card! This character card has the power to destroy the whole world!"

In an instant, Jiang Feng had a lot of things in his mind. Although he still had the appearance of a flying monster, and the part where the tail was broken was still bleeding profusely, he could no longer feel the pain caused by his body.

Because, from the moment Mission 2 started, his identity had become a T virus.

To Jiang Feng, the body of this flying monster is almost like a piece of clothing.

Does anyone feel pain when a piece of clothing is torn?

"Jiang Feng, you are now a T virus, so hurry up and complete task 2, I don't want to stay in this desolate world anymore."

The big black cat stood on Jiang Feng's big head and made a suggestion, "Both Wesker and Dr. Isaacs are staying in the beehive base in Raccoon City, you can easily kill them as long as you control a wave of zombies. "

"Haha, isn't this cat smart?"

The big black cat said with its paws on its hips and its head held high.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng was speechless.After a few seconds, he replied, "Task 2 is a task that needs to be done with brains. Big black cat, according to your tactic of passing A in waves, we must be the last ones to die. There is no doubt about it. .”

Before the big black cat, whose face changed drastically, asked questions, Jiang Feng explained: "Because the other party has the T-virus antibody in their hands."

Then, he raised his finger and pointed to the sky, "There is also a reconnaissance satellite controlled by the artificial intelligence Red Queen in space, which can detect even the living people who survived on the surface of the earth, and it is accurate to single digits. What does this mean? Don't I need to say more?"

"The most important thing is that we have supported Alice and offended the Red Queen badly."

Jiang Feng spread out his claws and made a gesture of helplessness.

Now, the big black cat who was originally unconvinced had nothing to say.

"It's still Jiang Feng who is resourceful. I should listen to him more in the future, so I don't want to make random ideas and embarrass myself."

The big black cat warned himself in his heart.

"To get rid of Wesker and Dr. Isaacs, I have to think more about it. It's better not to act rashly now."

Looking up at the sky, Jiang Feng rolled his eyes, told the big black cat to hold on tight, and flew into the air towards Raccoon City.

(End of this chapter)

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