Chapter 9
Soaring between the blue sky and white clouds, Jiang Feng was flying under the guidance of the big black cat, while thinking about how to kill Wesker and Dr. Isaacs.

When he was a fugitive in the past, he had no money and didn't dare to show his face. He usually only dared to stay in a rented house as an otaku, using a second-hand computer and watching a lot of movies and TV dramas with a big black cat in his arms. The plot of few film and television dramas is quite clear.

Familiarity with the plot is Jiang Feng's biggest trump card against the protagonists and villains!

He quickly recalled the information about Wesker and Dr. Isaacs in his mind.

Let's talk about Wesker first, Jiang Feng's evaluation of this guy is quite low, he is the most stupid villain in the movies and TV dramas that Jiang Feng has watched, bar none.

How stupid is Wesker?
In the movie "Resident Evil 5: Punishment", Wesker sent a team composed of Leon, Ida King, Barry and other elite personnel to sneak into a Umbrella secret research facility converted from the former Soviet Imperial Navy base , launched a series of fierce battles with various biochemical monsters and security forces controlled by the Red Queen who were chasing and killing Alice. After suffering heavy casualties, Alice was finally rescued.

Then, Alice was sent to the White House, the last stronghold of mankind, and was re-injected with the T-virus by Wesker, restoring her strength far beyond ordinary people.

But Wesker's real purpose is to lure Alice into the trap of the White House defense war, planning to use countless biochemical monsters to kill Alice in one fell swoop!

When Jiang Feng was watching a movie, when Wesker seriously stated his plan to kill Alice, he sprayed a beer on the computer screen.

Jiang Feng: Can I say one word MMP, and another one sentence?
Of course, such a brainless murder plan cannot be regarded as Wesker's fault.

After all, there is a three-year gap between the movie "Resident Evil 5" and "Resident Evil 6", and the screenwriter of "Resident Evil 6" obviously did not handle the end of "Resident Evil 5".But in a real world, the responsibility of the screenwriter can only be thrown to Wesker.

Followed by the final boss, Dr. Isaacs, he is the real ontology, and the one that appeared in "Resident Chemistry 3" before was just a clone.

As the final BOSS, he was the one who developed the Red Queen (the setting of "Biochemical 2" can only be ignored), and used a "too many people to eat, and there is not enough food, just kill all the extra people , you can have food again", triggering the doomsday catastrophe (the title of "Resident Evil 3" can only be ignored).

With one hand causing the doomsday catastrophe, the other hand developed the T-virus antibody, which is also worthy of his final boss setting.

However, as the final boss, Dr. Isaacs's strength may not be as good as the clone of Wesker, the gatekeeper boss in "Resident Evil 4". His greatest strength is a computer control system installed in his brain, which can predict the opponent's actions.

Relying on this ability, she was able to defeat Alice, who was perfectly fused with the T virus and whose physical fitness was far beyond ordinary people. She was obviously a character who was cheated by the screenwriter.

You have a computer system in your head that can predict your opponent's moves.However, the body is the physique of an ordinary human being, so how could it be possible to keep up with the speed of the nerve response?

In the real world, Dr. Wesker and Dr. Isaacs are nothing to be afraid of. Jiang Feng has more than a thousand ways to kill these two morons.

So Jiang Feng's only scruple is the T-virus antibody in the hands of Dr. Isaacs.

Nima, this thing is super unfriendly to his T virus life form!

Moreover, the range of the map cannon is still the whole world. Once it is dropped on the ground, Jiang Feng has nowhere to run.

In addition, the red queen is also a big problem.

She controls the reconnaissance satellites in space, and can also link electronic devices at will to communicate with people.

Maybe every move of Jiang Feng and the big black cat will be seen by this computer loli.

What's more, Alice was killed, so the friendship of one person and one cat on the red queen's side must be negative, but the hatred value is positive.

You must know that the three roles of Alice, Alicia, and the Red Queen are a trinity.

Alicia is the main body, Alice is her clone (a clone that is better than the main body), and the red queen is based on the Alicia when she was a child (in reality, the actors who play these three roles are mother and daughter relation).

The conclusion is: if Wesker and Dr. Isaacs have been hiding in the hive base, Jiang Feng has no possibility of killing them at all.

"These two guys are a bit difficult to deal with. Besides, if you offend Hong Hou, if you approach the hive base rashly, won't you be beaten to death by this loli?"

Jiang Feng shook his huge head, feeling a little headache, "It's better to fly to Raccoon City first and then think of a solution."

On the other hand, in the hive base.

"What? is this possible..."

Beside a small wooden table, a little girl in red who was kneeling gracefully and closing her eyes in thought suddenly opened her eyes, "Or was she killed by a mutated flying creature?"

This is obviously a projection of the little girl, who is the red queen of artificial intelligence, "Things have changed beyond my expectations. Is it destined that all human beings on the ground will be extinct? Although I don't want to exterminate human beings, Dr. Isaacs's The order, but I can't resist. Now that Alice has an accident, who else can stop me?"

"Huh? On top of the flying monster's head, there is actually a black cat riding on it! This is really an unexpected discovery."

The red queen stood up, looked at an empty place with her beautiful eyes, and a funny smile appeared on her small and delicate face, "The black cat riding on the monster's head is like a little dragon knight, It's so interesting... Ahem, now is not the time to think about these insignificant things. In 22 hours, more than 4000 humans on the surface of the earth will be wiped out! Now that Alice is dead, what should I do? No There is no other way, so I had to talk to Alice's partner, Miss Claire... But the black cat flying in the sky is really fun!"

Jiang Feng made a little misjudgment, that is, for Alice's death, the Red Queen actually felt that there was one less person who was most likely to stop Dr. Isaacs' conspiracy, so she had no extra feeling.

After all, the Red Queen had chased and killed Alice before.

After all, Alice is just a clone of Alicia who compares her body to scum, and she is not someone from her red queen. Why should the red queen feel sad about her death?

After being created by Dr. Isaacs, there is only one human being that the Red Queen really cares about, and that is Alicia, her only human friend, sleeping in the hive base.

Now, due to the nature of the little girl in the setting, she pays continuous attention to the funny cat, the big black cat, just like Alice before.

Jiang Feng and the big black cat did fall under the observation of the Red Queen, but not for the reason he thought.


A few hours later, a huge shadow passed over a huge crater thousands of meters wide.

"Jiang Feng, we have arrived in Raccoon City."

The new book is on the road, please recommend, please collect, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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