Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 93 I, forced to surrender the whole world!

Chapter 93 I, forced to surrender the whole world!

Jiang Feng was full of pride, "Big black cat, there are 70 billion people in this world, I want to conquer them."

Although Jiang Feng has ruled the earth in the two worlds of "Terminator 3" and "School of the Apocalypse" before, the earth in these two worlds is the end of the world when human society has collapsed. The population is barely over 1 million.

That is to say, the big black cat empire that ruled the two earths, all the citizens added together, is less than half of the population of the United States in the world of "Pacific Rim".

Not counting the territory, just counting the population, the mighty Black Cat Empire is the size of a medium-sized country.

Now, by coincidence, Jiang Feng has the power to suppress the military power of the entire earth without using the T virus and dead virus, so he inevitably has the idea of ​​​​annexing this world.

The big black cat's round eyes lit up, "Very good! This cat likes to expand its territory."

The cat stood on Jiang Feng's head facing the turbulent air current, spread its paws, and made a gesture of embracing the earth, "I'll see me conquer, meow!"

It is not the first time for Jiang Feng and Big Black Cat to conquer the earth, and they have their own familiar routines.

First return to the original world, and then return to the "Pacific Rim" world, so that you can refresh the chance to host the character card for the big black cat.

To conquer a world of technology, among the character cards that Jiang Feng currently has, the Skynet character card can be said to be invincible, and it is the best character card to use.

Under the watchful eyes of all human beings like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, Jiang Feng, flying at full strength, landed in San Francisco, USA an hour later.

The entire city had already been emptied. After Jiang Feng landed, not a single living human was seen.

He put the big black cat on the ground, and the big black cat immediately used the character card of Skynet to become a TX. He found a computer in a building that was too late to shut down, and used the nano input pin to turn a skynet into a computer. The copy program of the net is connected to the human Internet.

A few seconds later, the civilian networks and computers of human beings all over the world were controlled by the copy program of Skynet.

Skynet is everywhere in this world.

Then, through the Internet, the big black cat sent a notice to human beings, requesting to announce an important decision to human beings at the United Nations headquarters in New York, USA.

"The monster has paused its attack? Does the Big Black Cat Empire have something to say to us?"

Human beings were ecstatic after being stunned for a short time.

At first I thought that the monsters were an irresistible natural disaster, but now I realized that it was aliens who were attacking the earth.

The human beings who had been waiting to die, their brains came alive in an instant: as long as the other party is also an intelligent creature and can communicate, there is still room for discussion, and there is still room for redemption, so that the troubles will not reach the irreversible point of the end of the world.

"Listen to what the big black cat empire has to say."

Humanity has reached a consensus in a short time.

Half an hour later, in New York, the United States, various military planes were flying in the sky, and countless soldiers with weapons were maintaining order on the ground. Journalists from all over the world were waiting impatiently for the alien from the Big Black Cat Empire. Man came to the United Nations.

Whether human beings live or die depends on how the negotiations go.

"Here we come, aliens are coming!"

The crowd outside the United Nations headquarters suddenly shouted loudly, causing chaos for a while.

Ten spaceships about the size of frigates appeared from the end of the sky, and then slowly landed at the gate of the United Nations headquarters.

These spaceships are actually the super-large hunter transport ships that appeared in "Terminator 2018". They are mainly used by Skynet to transport captured humans and put them into combat units such as Reapers and Terminator.

Jiang Feng is a pragmatist. He especially loves actual aircraft such as the C130 transport aircraft of the US military. They have gone through the test of actual combat and are of high quality, low price and sufficient quantity. He is not very interested in the aircraft developed by Skynet in the future.But the big black cat didn't think so. Taking advantage of Jiang Feng's five years of retreat in order to practice "The Illustrated Book of God of War", in order to satisfy his own curiosity, he produced a lot of sci-fi appearances such as Reapers and Hunter Tanks. It's cool, but it's a futuristic weapon that is strong in the future and beaten by the human resistance army on the ground in the future battlefield.

This time, in order to pretend to be aggressive in front of humans, the low-practice equipment produced by these big black cats for fun in the past happened to be useful, so Jiang Feng used them in the world of "Pacific Rim".

After the ten hunter transport ships landed vertically, the hatches opened, and a dozen hunter tanks that looked like T1 battle robots magnified dozens of times, with 30mm caliber plasma cannons hanging on their arms, were launched first. Eyeingly aimed at the nearby US troops, ready to fire at any time.

Then, a regiment of T800 terminators, holding plasma rifles in both hands, lined up neatly, and under the cover of hunter tanks, filed out of the transport ship.

"The alien army was originally composed of robots. It is really high-end and high-end."

The crowd of human beings watching nearby were all pale and chattering.

After all, the T800, which is not covered with human skin, looks like a ferocious metal skull. Ordinary people can only be ghosts if they can continue to calm down when they see it, and there are so many of them.

In the end, twenty marines wearing imitation blue CMC power armor, guarding a big purple-skinned cat wearing an ancient Egyptian-style coat, with hands behind its back, has a proud face. One of the transport ships came out.

In the world of "StarCraft", the power armor that human beings equip marines cannot be imitated in the real world in only five years, but if it is the future technology of Skynet, then there is no problem.

Jiang Feng can make T800 all over the street, if he can't make CMC power armor, hehe, how is it possible?

The ones wearing these power armors are clone soldiers from the world of "Resident Evil 6: The Final Chapter", produced by Umbrella under the control of Jiang Feng.All clone soldiers use the world of "Resident Evil: Damned", the character template of the protagonist Leon, and are strengthened by the T virus, which guarantees loyalty and combat effectiveness.

Apart from training the big black cat troops to pass the time in the original world, Jiang Feng is also consciously integrating the technology and resources of the world under his control to strengthen the military power of the big black cat empire.

Before getting the super-evolved leatherback turtle character card, Jiang Feng had already started planning ambitiously, using powerful military force, to invade the plot world that he had visited in the future and had a crush on.

As for the big purple-skinned cat that was guarded by the marines, of course it was Mr. Beerus, the big black cat's favorite.

Now, Lord Beerus is once again personally acting for the big black cat empire.

Beerus stepped onto the red carpet laid out by humans to welcome the envoys of the big black cat empire, with his head held high and his nostrils turned towards the sky, he strode towards the United Nations headquarters.

Behind it, twenty marines carrying electromagnetic rifles followed closely to protect its safety.

The big black cat is still very concerned about this one-to-one figure that he made himself.

"On behalf of the governments of all countries on Earth, I welcome your Excellency."

A high-ranking official sent by humans to receive the envoy saw Beerus and his party approaching, and rushed to meet him, saying in a flattering tone.

Now, human beings are the extremely weak side, and when it's time to pretend to be a grandson, they will never be ambiguous.

Birus didn't even look at the senior official, "Lead the way."

After obtaining Jiang Feng's consent, Big Black Cat activated the learning function for all the one-to-one animation and movie character dolls it created.

Just like Arnold in "Terminator 2", these are actually T888 or T800 terminators in their bones. After turning on the learning function, they have gradually developed their own self-awareness.

Beerus is such a T850 Terminator. Because the source programs of it and its partners are all derived from Jiang Feng's Skynet character card, even if they have self-will, the greatest desire to survive is without exception. They are all loyal to the emperor and the commander-in-chief, even if they are smashed to pieces, they will not hesitate.

The senior official hated Beerus' arrogance in his heart, but his face remained calm, "Please follow me."

As for the twenty Lyon clone marines following Beerus, the senior official could only ignore them.

The United Nations Headquarters has long been full of seats, and the representatives of every country stretched their necks, looking at Birus and his party with complicated expressions.

The secretary-general who presided over the meeting wanted to say some unnutritive clichés on the rostrum, but Birus went straight to the rostrum under the escort of the marines, pushed the bewildered secretary-general away, and then said to Holding the microphone, he notified Jiang Feng's request to the representatives of various countries present.

"By the order of the emperor and the commander-in-chief, I ordered you to return to the Great Black Cat Empire as soon as possible. Do you have any objections?"

Human beings are just meat on a chopping board, Jiang Feng can cut it however he wants, so is it necessary to be polite to these defeated underlings?

So when Birus came to the United Nations, he had only one task: to persuade him to surrender.


Let us surrender without saying a word?

All the human representatives present here are stunned.They are all masters of politics, and they obviously cannot adapt to this kind of naked, undisguised, no-nonsense way of dealing with people.

"Not surrender?"

The twenty marines behind Beerus immediately leveled the Impaler Electromagnetic Rifle in their hands and aimed at the representatives of various countries in the venue.

The Terminator troops outside the United Nations Headquarters also formed a battle formation at the same time, raised their plasma rifles, and aimed at the nearby human army.

"It's all come to this stage, human beings still want to resist?"

Jiang Feng stretched out his hand to pinch his chin, with a playful tone.

He and the big black cat have been paying attention to the development of the situation in the United Nations headquarters through the eyes of Beerus.

"Shooting is not allowed, and anyone who violates the order will be shot on the spot!"

A human general saw that his subordinates also raised their weapons and confronted the Terminator troops, and he was so frightened that he gave a loud order in a desperate and frantic manner.

A few minutes later, Beerus' program had already made a decision to start a war, and when he was about to order his troops to attack humans, a human representative shouted loudly:
"I am the United States, willing to surrender!"


Except for a small number of countries that believe in God so much that their brains have turned into elm bumps, and they don't want to surrender, the vast majority of countries on the earth have surrendered after seeing it. How can they have the courage to continue to resist Jiang Feng?They also surrendered, lest if they were too slow, the other party would no longer accept surrender, and their own country would end up in a state of subjugation and extinction.

"Hahaha, starting today, the Big Black Cat Empire has successfully annexed another world!"

Jiang Feng stood with the big black cat and laughed triumphantly.

(End of this chapter)

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