Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 94 Career, Wife

Chapter 94 Career, Wife
For how to rule a world with a population of 70 billion, Jiang Feng and Big Black Cat definitely have no experience, but they both understand a truth: as long as they hold the military power firmly in their own hands, even if they allow the world of "Pacific Rim" The governments of various countries continue to maintain their own rule. Without military power, they can only honestly continue to submit to the feet of the big black cat empire.

Therefore, after the humans surrendered, the first thing Jiang Feng had to do was to disarm the opponent.

The armies of the whole world have been disarmed under the supervision of the Terminator; the military systems of various countries have also been injected into the copy program of Skynet by the big black cat, and have fallen into Jiang Feng's control.

Millions of Terminator robots were transported to the world of "Pacific Rim" by the big black cat, and began to occupy the industrial base of mankind, and then continuously produced Terminator.

The Shaw Industrial Group in "Pacific Rim 2: Uprising" was also taken over by Jiang Feng's Terminator.

From then on, every hunter mecha produced by Shaw Industries Group will be implanted into the copy program of Skynet, ready to fight for the big black cat empire at all times!

There is no army, no industrial base, and all resource areas are controlled by Terminator forces. Human beings have reached this point, even if they want to resist the rule of the Big Black Cat Empire, how can they resist?

Let top computer hackers hack into the Terminator's control system?

If human beings had this ability, they wouldn't be almost extinct from the earth by the nuclear strike launched by Skynet in "Terminator 3".

Jiang Feng has long considered this possibility. The Terminator without the learning function is directly controlled by the Skynet dungeon program.

Which hacker is capable of hacking Skynet?

In order to completely extinguish human's rebellious thoughts, Jiang Feng ruthlessly ordered the big black cat to kill chickens to scare monkeys, use dead body virus character cards, and turn those dead-brained countries that are unwilling to surrender into "School of the Apocalypse" doomsday world.

It is said that although the dead body virus character card is not as powerful as the T virus character card, if it is used to deal with disobedient people, it is actually much easier to use than the T virus character card.

Because, all the virus-like character cards used by the big black cat cannot control the infected body.The dead body virus, which only infects humans and does not pollute the environment, is simply a special killer weapon tailored to treat thorns.

Then, the hellish horrors of those countries are broadcast live to the world via satellite.

"This is the fate of unwilling to submit to the big black cat empire!"

General Frieza also showed his face. The meaning of its existence is to take the blame for the big black cat, confirm the identity of the cold-blooded butcher, and deter those who are ready to move and intend to rebel.

Seeing the horrible scene of the dead body rampaging among the cities, devouring human flesh and blood, like hell descending on the world, human beings were all horrified, thankful that they had surrendered to the big black cat empire as soon as possible.

As for those who have grass in their hearts and have a heart of betrayal, they have completely given up the idea of ​​betrayal.

Jiang Feng and the big black cat have been busy in the world of "Pacific Rim" for three years before the big black cat empire's rule of this world is initially on the right track.

After being ruled by the big black cat empire for three years, human beings found that as long as they don't betray, life will go on as usual. The governments of various countries can continue to exercise the right to manage the country except for losing their military power. The world has returned to the peace it used to be.

The big black cat empire, because of the expansion of its territory, began to develop into a united empire.

But Jiang Feng is a Chinese who believes in great unity. He doesn't like the system of the United Empire. He also knows that blindly using force to suppress, even if the effect is significant, is not the best strategy, so he came up with a A way to assimilate human beings ideologically.

He sent a large number of T888 terminators disguised as human beings to enter human schools at all levels to carry out brainwashing education for human children, similar to the Japanese imperial era when the emperor was worshiped as a god, and instilled in children Both Feng and the big black cat are concepts of gods.

I believe that this kind of education lasts for 100 years. Even if there is no need for force to suppress it, the human beings in the world of "Pacific Rim" will be loyal to Jiang Feng and the big black cat, just like the Japanese in the old days were loyal to the emperor and would not hesitate to die.

After returning to the original world, Jiang Feng came to the world of "School of the Dead" to visit Saeko Busujima and Shizuka Marikawa.

The time in the world of "School of Apocalypse" is the same as that of all plot worlds, and it passes synchronously.

The two girls also haven't seen Jiang Feng for more than three years, and they can't suppress the deep yearning at the moment when they saw Jiang Feng again.

Apart from being their man, Jiang Feng was also a great hero who saved the world.

In addition to being full of love for Jiang Feng, Saeko Busushima also has admiration from the bottom of her heart.

That night, the two reunited after a long absence, enjoyed a sumptuous meal together.

Jiang Feng invited Saeko Busujima to eat sausage X1.

Saeko Busujima also invited Jiang Feng to eat delicious bread X2.


"Brother Jiang, the little girl has been waiting for you for the past three years! Teacher Ju Chuan has also figured it out and is willing to serve you."

Bushima Saeko was next to Jiang Feng's ear, exhaling like blue.

"Xuezi, I'm sorry, I can't help myself. As the earth governor of the empire, I have the obligation to serve the big black cat empire and the emperor! At the other end of the universe, the big black cat empire spent three years, and then Conquered a planet, the emperor recruited me, I had to go."

To be honest, Jiang Feng definitely wouldn't tell Saeko Busujima, but he didn't lie to Saeko Busujima either.

"Sharing the Lord's worries, this is the duty of a warrior, Brother Jiang, you don't need to apologize to me."

Saeko Busujima will never know, if the cat owner is also considered the lord...

Afterwards, Jiang Feng continued to add meals and invited the two girls to have dinner together.

Jiang Feng invited them to share delicious sausage X1.

Ju Chuan Shizuka and Busujima Saeko also reciprocated and invited him to eat butter-flavored bread X4.

The next day, Jiang Feng, who is apparently the big official of the Big Black Cat Empire and the governor who rules the earth, is actually the real master of the Big Black Cat Empire (the Big Black Cat is Jiang Feng's cat master), he submitted to "Learning All parties in the world of Apocalypse of the Garden of Silence announced the news of their upcoming wedding.

Then, this news caused an uproar in the world!

Jiang Feng is a powerful alien empire far beyond human imagination, and the governor of the earth appointed by the big black cat empire.On Earth, he is the Earth Emperor, and he is Wang Fa, who is in charge of the power of life and death for the human beings who are still alive on Earth.He is the savior who saved mankind from the brink of extinction, and is a man greater than Jesus!
At the same time, he is also the second super general in the United States besides Pershing!

In addition, the Russian Democratic Republic also awarded him the rank of Supreme Generalissimo that was only available in the Soviet Empire era!

French Republic...

United Kingdom of England...

Greater German Republic...

All the countries that thrive on the earth are all scrambling to bestow their highest military ranks on Jiang Feng to thank him for his great achievements in saving the world with his own efforts, which can be said to be unprecedented.

As for whether he was flattering Jiang Feng...

This is what the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

During the few days of preparing for the wedding, Jiang Feng and his two wives were happily eating the soft and delicious buttery bread offered by the wives every day.

On the wedding day, Jiang Feng received congratulatory gifts from various forces, enough to sink an aircraft carrier.After the marriage, Saeko Busujima embarrassedly told Jiang Feng that Rei Miyamoto had asked her to hope that Jiang Feng could find a better future for her husband Hao Yong in the militia in Japan.

Just two years ago, Miyamoto Rei and Jing Haoying were married.

"Want to go through the back door and start working directly from the squadron leader? Yes, for Saeko's sake."

Jiang Feng's impression of Jing Haoyong is still very positive. He still has some respect for a man who is able to face death calmly, at least better than his impression of the spare boy Takashi Komuro.

In addition, Jiang Feng didn't want to say NO to Saeko Busujima just because of such an insignificant matter as a squadron leader in an insignificant militia.

After three months of eating the buttered bread served by his wives, Jiang Feng had enough rest, so he returned to the original world with the big black cat on the grounds of business.

Big black cat: Jiang Feng, you throw this cat aside and eat delicious bread by yourself, the cat owner will not be happy.

Please bookmark, please recommend, poor... uh...

(End of this chapter)

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