Chapter 95 Hunting
On the day when he returned to the original world, after Jiang Feng asked Chief Bazooka about the preparations for the upcoming crusade against the Somali government army, he ate a meal of braised zebra meat with the big black cat, and then brought a dozen of his subordinates with him. American-made assault rifles, took three Humvee off-road vehicles to a prairie controlled by the bazooka chiefs, and accompanied the big black cat to hunt.

The big black cat actually likes hunting very much. In the past, he could only hunt small animals such as mice and squirrels, but now he is obsessed with hunting spotted hyenas.

Whoever called these spotted hyenas were also dogs. When the big black cat was wandering on the street, it was not uncommonly bullied by dogs.

Now that the big black cat has power, it will kill Gouzi to vent its anger.

Spotted hyena: Little wronged!
As for Somalia's law, it is not allowed to hunt and kill rare animals on the grassland without permission. To Jiang Feng, that is a fart.

As long as the big black cat is happy.

And Somalia will become Jiang Feng's pocket sooner or later, how can the country's laws control Jiang Feng's head?
In ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, princes have committed the same crime as ordinary people, so they say it to coax ghosts, and it is not true.

Facing the scorching sun of the continent of Africa, three Hummer off-road vehicles in front and behind galloped on the newly repaired concrete road, bringing up a large amount of dust.Those who walked with baskets on their heads and those who drove the ox carts all hurriedly pulled over, fearing that they would be caught and rubbed against.

Sitting on the Hummer off-road vehicle, watching the dense jungles on both sides of the road receding rapidly, the wind with a strong forest atmosphere rushed towards him, and the cries of unknown beasts came from the jungle from time to time, Jiang Feng was refreshed and felt very refreshed. A sense of accomplishment.

The big black cat beside him has already sprung out its sharp little claws, imagining the wonderful scene of tearing the spotted hyena to pieces after arriving at the hunting ground.

But the corners of Jiang Feng's mouth turned up slightly, and the mental power he released had already detected many armed men who were hostile to him around him.

"James, tell the brothers to be vigilant, there are unknown armed men who will harm me."

After using his mental power to observe that the other party would ambush us on the way back, Jiang Feng smiled, "They will ambush us on our way back from hunting."

"I've got my brothers ready."

Captain James replied in a deep voice while driving.

Jiang Feng restrained his smile, reached out and turned on the car music, and the melodious music sounded on the silent forest road.

Turning his head and looking at the forest beside the road quietly, the luxuriant branches and leaves in the dark forest block the sunlight, like a monster ready to devour people, which makes people feel chilling.

On the prairie, the big black cat happily slaughtered a group of about a dozen spotted hyenas, waving its sharp little claws.

Then, the mercenaries used the prey caught by the big black cat to barbecue on the spot.

After grilling the spotted hyena, the sun had already set, and the afternoon passed quickly. Jiang Feng took the big black cat and the spotted hyena it killed, and returned to his villa the same way.

When the three Hummer off-road vehicles drove halfway, Jiang Feng stopped the vehicles and said to the mercenaries in a deep voice: "Guys, everyone knows that someone is preparing an ambush on the road ahead to deal with us."

"Boss, what is your idea? Is it safe to send you away, or kill them? Or turn them into your own?"

James looked at Jiang Feng, smiled coldly, and said in a deep voice.

The corners of Jiang Feng's mouth twitched, "I don't have any shortage of manpower now, it's better to kill them all. At most, a few people will be left alive to ask for confessions."

Thanks to Brother Donglas for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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