Uncle Deyun

Chapter 316

Chapter 316
"We actually got together here, why don't we sing a song together."

Someone made a suggestion, and it got everyone's approval.

"Don't be together, there are so many people, let's let Yi Yang sing a song, many songs were written by him back then, let him sing a song for us today, my son brought a guitar, just in time for it, Everyone said yes or no."


One question and one answer seemed to disrespect the parties involved, but Yi Yang knew that this brought back their memories. In the memory of these people, Yi Yang was the kind of talented person who was always inspired.

Yi Yang is not hypocritical, he really has a song that is very suitable, although the melody is a bit old, but it is suitable for people like them.

"Son, bring the guitar to uncle."

The students go and get the guitar.

"Brother... Uncle, here you are."

Saying the wrong address made everyone laugh for a while, Yi Yang is used to it, young people often call him brother, who made him look young.

Yi Yang adjusted the instrument and cleared his throat. Seeing these people surrounded him, he seemed to have returned to the days of bar singing in the last world. Thinking about it now, the life back then was so far away.

"Next, I will bring you a song, friends. This song cannot be said to be a new creation, but today it is the first time it is sung."

The teacher contributed audio equipment, although it is very simple, but it is enough to amplify the sound.

"All these years alone
The wind and the rain also go
There have been tears and mistakes
remember what to hold on to

If you really love it, you will understand
will be lonely and will look back
I have a dream and always have you in my heart

Friends will be together forever
Those days are no more"

The melody of my friend is simple. When Yi Yang sings, everyone can slowly hum along. After singing it once and the second time, everyone starts singing. Some people cry while singing, although they don’t know who the tears are for Yes, it must be his important person, important friend.

After singing a song five times, Yi Yang put down the guitar. Everyone still had a lot to say, but they had endless aftertaste. Sometimes such a simple song can evoke certain memories in people.

The crowd slowly dispersed. After all, they didn't come to the concert, and they were ashamed to disturb them all the time, but now Yi Yang and Zhou Ziyi would greet people whenever they met.

The one-day tour is mainly to cultivate the relationship between children and their parents, and we have done a lot of interaction, which also reflects the difference between sons and daughters. Daughters are more cheerful than sons. If there is an activity, there is no pressure at all.

The son can't do it anymore, sometimes he will be shy and blush, Yi Yang has seen it, not only Yi Daqian, but also other boys. In fact, Yi Yang has always felt that his family atmosphere is very good. He would be shy because of interacting with himself. It can only be said that his son has grown up and has ideas.

The activity lasted for three days and two nights. During these three days, Yi Yang and his wife felt that they got to know their son again. At home, their son gave them the impression that they were old-fashioned in school. They knew how to study every day and then did experiments.

But the reality is that my son has many good friends, plays basketball, and chats with girls, and it's not about studying.

"Husband, now I don't worry about my daughter-in-law. I'm afraid that there will be too many daughter-in-laws. You can talk to your son carefully. Don't be half-hearted. Look at the way he behaved with more than a dozen girls in the past two days. They're all familiar, don't you think so?"

"What are you thinking? With his dad as an example, he can still be a playboy. Don't worry, I will educate him later. Besides, boys don't suffer... Hey, don't hit me, I was wrong, I said it wrong , can’t you admit your mistake?”

Zhou Ziyi is most annoying when people say that boys don’t suffer, and if boys don’t suffer, then girls will suffer. Whoever is not the baby of their parents should suffer, and I have a daughter, so I feel this way .

Don't look at Yi Xiaoqian's madness, Zhou Ziyi treated this kind of thing the same way, if any boy dares to touch her, he should be careful of his health, there may be some fractures in his body...

Three days passed quickly, and when we parted, everyone sang friends again, because of this song, everyone's atmosphere was unprecedentedly good, and some people who showed off their wealth and work also restrained themselves, and the bosses of Yiyang Hundred Billion Group were so close And, what qualifications do other people have to show off.

"I'm finally home. I'm almost exhausted. Husband, help me massage my shoulders."

Yi Yang obeyed the order directly, and then:
"Daqian, press Dad's shoulder."

Well, there is nothing wrong with big fish eating small fish and small fish eating dried shrimps.

"Have you had fun?"

"Happy Girl, when did you come back?"

Yi Yang answered for a while before realizing it was his daughter's voice.

"Mom and Dad, you guys are so patriarchal. If you take Yi Daqian on a trip, you won't take me. I'm officially announcing that I'm angry."

After speaking, he sat on the sofa pouted and looked at the three people who were not moved at all, and became even angrier.

"Stop pouting, you can hang oil cans. Didn't you take over the event organized by your brother's school? Why did the filming end so quickly?"

Yi Xiaoqian picked up a female number eight, and was so excited two days ago that she showed off for several days, but the female number eight drama was too fast, it's only been a few days, and it's over.


"Stop, go find your mommy, you know, I don't count what I said about our family."

Yi Yang had goosebumps when he heard about Dabi, he could imagine that this is definitely not an easy task.


"speak politely."


Sure enough, at home, it is still the daughter-in-law who speaks more powerfully. Who let me set up a personality for myself at the beginning, and be a father who gets along with his children at home. Now he is suffering, and he has no strength at all.

"Mom, let my dad make a movie for me, can you please, mom, mom, my dear mom."

Yi Yang felt cold all over, as if he had entered winter.

"Son, let's withdraw. In our family, the battlefield has never belonged to men."

Then the two ran away, leaving the living room for the mother and daughter to fight.

"Eat, girl."

"If you don't agree, I won't eat it."

"Oh, I cleaned up the snacks in your house."


Seeing his daughter start to eat big mouthfuls, Yi Yang showed a gratified smile, it seems that his food is well cooked, seeing how happy her daughter is eating.

Back in the room at night, Yi Yang was lying on the bed while Zhou Ziyi was reading.

"Daughter-in-law, why don't I write a notebook for my daughter?"

Zhou Ziyi threw the book on the table.

"I don't want her to enter this circle. It's not like you don't know that it's the easiest place to have feelings, and how many people can really be together. The feelings in this circle are too impure."

"Aren't we fine?"

"How many of us are there?"

Yi Yang also knew that his wife was right, and he didn't know how many divorced people around him.

(End of this chapter)

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