Uncle Deyun

Chapter 317 Lao Guo Is Sick

Chapter 317 Lao Guo Is Sick
"Why did you remember asking me for a drink?"

Yi Yang hasn't been to a bar for a long time. He always feels that this should be a place for young people, and the older he gets, the more noisy the place is. Today, Da Lin and the others are not very good, so they insisted on inviting him to drink.

"It's rare for Liu Yuan and Sun Haoran to come out and have fun together. I didn't say that you take care of Tan Yun. Now Haoran is in the army when he comes out, and he still needs to be approved for leave."

"Speaking of that, if he and a certain little girl hadn't been caught by the eye, it wouldn't have happened."

Speaking of this matter, Sun Haoran almost died of injustice. On the day of filming, there happened to be an actress, so he asked him to help film the film. It's okay to help, but the daughter-in-law who visited the class saw it. From then on, freedom is just a matter of yesterday.

"When will Liu Yuan get married?"

Yi Yang didn't know what was going on, none of the people around him were married, but Liu Yuan had a girlfriend.

"I haven't thought about it yet, maybe a year or two."

The former National School Grass is now an uncle, and he speaks very calmly.

"Brother, hurry up and stutter, I always feel that you are still thinking about my wife."

Sun Haoran only found out after he got married that Liu Yuan had even pursued his wife, but he later embraced him as a beauty, but Liu Yuan has not married for so many years, Sun Haoran is always on guard, fearing that his wife will be abducted, Later Liu Yuan had a girlfriend, so he was relieved.

The chatting time of several people passed quickly. Yi Yang looked at these people and was very emotional. Tao Yang, who used to not drink alcohol, would now drink it. Those artists, from their youth, have become seniors in the eyes of newcomers. Sure enough, the most valuable thing is time.

Lao Guo was hospitalized. It is said that his heart beat faster because of his anger, so he was sent directly to the hospital. Yi Yang went there after hearing the news. The road was very silent. He knew that many familiar people would leave slowly.

"Sister-in-law, how is senior brother?"

Old Guo's daughter-in-law and children were standing outside. She is in her 60s and her health is not particularly good, but Yi Yang saw the strength of a woman from her.

"It was nothing serious at the beginning. The doctor said to check in detail and wait. Don't worry."

At this time, he still wanted to persuade Yi Yang, but Yi Yang knew that she might be the most anxious person at this moment.

After more than half an hour, the doctor came out, and everyone rushed up to ask how the situation was going.

"We did a detailed examination and found that the patient's physical condition is not particularly good, especially the heart, and there are some problems, but at this age, we recommend conservative treatment. You can ask the dean to see if he is better. suggestion."

After the doctor finished speaking, he went in again. Several people sat on the chairs. Yi Yang wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it. After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone and called Brother Feng.

"Well, yes, then I'll talk to them, okay."

Apparently, they also received the results from the doctor's feedback, and hung up the phone. Yi Yang saw that everyone was looking at him, so he didn't hide anything, and said it directly.

"He also meant conservative treatment. My brother is getting older. If you have surgery, you may have other symptoms. Although conservative treatment can't solve the problem, the maintenance is good, and the effect is similar to surgical treatment."

The sister-in-law nodded and looked in the direction of the operating room.

"Old Guo has been competitive all his life, let him make his own decision this time, and tell the truth later, he makes his own decision."

Perhaps this is the best way.


Dalin's cell phone rang, and seeing that it was from his master, he didn't know whether to answer it or not, so he looked at his mother.

"My master."

"Come on, the two of you made an appointment to go to the theater today, so you probably got anxious because you didn't see anyone."

Lao Guo didn't tell anyone about his illness, but only informed Yi Yang. They also felt that Yi Yang and Dean Feng were more familiar, and they would be able to help when they came.

"Master, um, don't worry. My dad is a little sick. It's not dangerous. Don't come here. Maybe we'll go back later. Okay, or I'll pick you up? Okay, okay. "

Da Lin hung up the phone and said that Master would be there in a while.

"The relationship between the two brothers has lasted a lifetime. As long as you can move, your master will come. You can go downstairs and wait."

The two have worked together for decades and have witnessed the ups and downs that the other has experienced in this life. It can be said that they regard each other as family members.


Er Bao saw someone coming out with a cart inside, so he yelled.

"Old Guo, how is it? Do you feel all right?"

Lao Guo looked at everyone's worried expressions and smiled.

"It's okay, why did you make them bother here, as if I was leaving."

This time, this one is still in the mood to joke.

"Don't talk nonsense, you scared us, go back to the ward first."

Everyone pushed Lao Guo to the ward, and the doctor injected the needle. Lao Guo didn't seem to be sick at the moment. The doctor said, this disease still needs to maintain a good attitude. Lao Guo's temper is a bit difficult.

"Old man, your body is not good enough, why not be as strong as me, hahaha."

Accompanied by laughter, Teacher Yu walked in. These two are the same, they are really old children, and they are right.

"You are in good health. I forgot that you stayed in the hospital for a week last year. I went to see you. You had to be supported by someone when you went to the toilet. Look at me, I can take care of myself completely."

The bickering between the two brought some joy to the atmosphere in the ward.

"I told you two to stop arguing. Last year, Senior Brother Yu just had a bad stomach. You made it so serious."

Yi Yang interjected.

"How, what do you think, I asked the doctor, how to decide whether to operate or not?"

Lao Guo already knew about his situation, but everyone hadn't talked about it yet.

"How is it decided? I don't count now. Don't I have to be determined by these people? You said that I will be strong for a lifetime. Why am I afraid when I am old? If it was before, I would definitely say surgery. Now I I hesitated, I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to get off the operating table, and I wouldn’t be able to see you.”

Hearing what Lao Guo said, everyone was very sad. Lao Guo used to be high-spirited, but now he has to bow to fate.

"Old man, you can choose for yourself. No matter what, we will fully support you. Don't worry about it. The doctor said that if you are in a good mood, you will be cured."

The sister-in-law held Lao Guo's hand. There was nothing particularly romantic in their life. When they first got together, their careers just started, and there were difficulties everywhere. When they got better, they kept busy. When they were old, let alone romance. Yes, the talk revolves around the children.

(End of this chapter)

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