Uncle Deyun

Chapter 319 Yi Yang Donated 1!

Chapter 319 Yi Yang Donated 100!

"Hi everyone, I am the president of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce..."

This kind of party starts with a long speech, explaining the importance of this event, and then introduces the people who came, don’t think it’s to introduce you, just tell you that they can invite these big people, which shows that they are very powerful.

Yi Yang actually looked at it, and none of the top few in the real rich list came. Most of them were entertainment companies with artists. No matter how you look at it, it feels like they are just for the sake of popularity. Well, he admits that it is too biased.

Next, some people took out things, and then everyone started bidding. Most of the things were useless, but since they came, no one could leave empty-handed, and it would be embarrassing.

"How much do we donate?"

Zhou Ziyi's auction has ended in the stands, and it's time to donate.

"Look at other people, don't be the first bird."

Soon, people on the stage began to donate, ranging from thousands to tens of thousands. There is also a saying about the order of donations. They are all from small to large. The more descendants are more important, the more donations naturally.

"Mr. Yi has not made a move today, it seems that he is waiting for the last link."

The person who spoke was the boss of a real estate company, whose strength is not ranked in the whole country, but today's venue belongs to the top group.

"Boss Shi is not the same. Shi and I can't compare. After all, real estate is so hot now, it's not like us, we can deal with a mouthful of food."

"Boss Yi is joking. Your company is worth more than 100 billion yuan more than mine. If you have to pay for food, I'm afraid I will be begging for food, haha."

Yi Yang knew that this person wanted to make friends, but he couldn't guess why, and he didn't want to guess why. Real estate was the industry he hated the most in his previous life.

"Husband, let's go too, finish early and go home early, my son may come back today."

Zhou Ziyi interrupted the conversation at the right time.

"I went up to Mr. Shi first."

"Mr. Yi please."

The staff around Yi Yang signaled to the stage, and the stage got the signal.

"Let's welcome the general manager of Yiyang, a leading entertainment company, E-world."

There was a wave of applause from the audience. The entertainment industry is actually looked down upon by many real industries, so there is a strange phenomenon in this circle. It's hard to fight with your own people, but you can be surprisingly consistent with outsiders.

Yi Yang wrote a check for 100 million, not too much, but not too much. He has learned that the most common is 500 million, so he will take one million, 100 million.

After the donation was over, everyone left. This kind of occasion, to put it bluntly, was just a formality.

When I got home, my son was of course not there, Zhou Ziyi said that on purpose, in fact, my son was probably studying late at night at school.

"The real estate guy is very interesting. You said you want to change careers. I think he always wants to find out information."

"Who knows, real estate has reached a bottleneck. Believe it or not, if it weren't for policy suppression, all these people would have committed suicide now."

Real estate has gone from a sunrise industry to a sunset industry now. It has to be said that policies can be maintained for such a long time. The economic problems caused by the collapse of housing prices are immeasurable.

"Yi Yang, the richest man in the entertainment industry, only donated 100 million yuan?"

"Uncover the amount of donations from the big bosses, who is the most stingy?"

This kind of weird headline suddenly rushed to the headlines of the news, all kinds of hot topics, and the comment area was immediately heated.

"I didn't expect that I would donate 100 million yuan if I have hundreds of billions of assets. If I donate [-] million yuan."

"That is, these people only make money and don't spend money, so they should be boycotted."

"Rich people, I really don't understand why you keep so much money."

Of course, there were also some rectifications, but they were all defeated by the hostility on the Internet. Yi Shijie also saw the news immediately and reported it to Zhang Ming. Zhang Ming told Yi Yang, and Yi Yang told him to wait, don't worry.

"Husband, are you not angry?"

Zhou Ziyi was so angry after reading the comments, Yi Yang has been comforting her all morning.

"Don't be angry, these people don't usually donate a dollar, they just like to talk loudly, what can you do, just wait to slap them in the face, isn't this also a kind of propaganda, don't worry."

Yi Yang is a real gold who is not afraid of fire, he quite likes it, this is hype, and he is the ultimate beneficiary.

"Daqian, you don't care if your father is scolded?"

The classmates all knew that Yi Daqian was originally a rich second generation. Thinking about his usual style, he used to think he was poor, but now he is styled. Not to mention anything else, he lives in a villa in the imperial capital, and it is worth a lot of money if he sells it.

"There is nothing to care about. Public welfare is not for others to see. My dad has done so many public welfare projects that he no longer needs others to evaluate him."

Compared with Yi Daqian's calmness, Yi Xiaoqian is much irritable.

"Sisters, give me a rush, yes, scold them, dare to say my dad, scold him, yes, come, add a drink."

At this time, the eldest lady has already done a lot of work, such as finding many people to help her scold her on the Internet...

But what she did was useless, basically there was no wave.

The official media was the first to report it, so it can be said that it directly corrected the name.

"On the Importance of the Contemporary Entrepreneur."

The article cites some of the positive impacts entrepreneurs can have on society, with Yi Yang and his company, Easy World, featured heavily.

"Mr. Yi Yang, the founder of Easy World, as an entrepreneur, not only promoted the social economy, but also gave back to the society. Now, Mr. Yi Yang has donated 160 public welfare schools, helping poor children to set up education funds, with a total of one billion , set up the Easy World Public Welfare Fund, with a total investment of 30 billion RMB, and set up a serious illness relief fund, with a total investment of 42 billion RMB, etc..."

The reports of the official media directly silenced the Internet. Everyone knows that Yi World is not listed, and only some employees have some shares. It can be said that Yi World belongs to Yi Yang, which means that Yi Yang himself has donated more than [-] billion .

"A slap in the face? Except for some world-class rich people, few people can reach this statistic. You will be scolded to death for 100 million. I don't know if you have anything to say when you see the number of 100 billion."

"Now they are all pretending to be blind. With the figure of 100 billion, it is estimated that they can only pretend to be blind to avoid embarrassment."

Unprepared for the comments turning around, Yi Yang frowned, what he thought was that it would be great to wait another week for the official media to publish the report.

If this stinky and shameless spirit is seen by familiar people, they will definitely sigh with emotion:
"Sure enough, that smelly shameless."

After this incident, Yi Yang's image instantly grew taller. Many young people called him the most handsome uncle, and the number of topics directly surpassed that of superstars.

"Daughter-in-law, do you think I have rejuvenated my career?"

"What? You still want a second spring. Haven't been bullied recently, and you feel like you're awesome."

"I said career?"

"I heard the second spring."

Yi Yang: ...

(End of this chapter)

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