Uncle Deyun

Chapter 320 Cheering for Domestic Enterprises

Chapter 320 Cheering for Domestic Enterprises

The shooting in the name of the people has come to an end, and there is one shot that has not been shot, that is, the first shot has not been shot, because it involves money, and the money used in it is real money. Yi Yang feels that no matter how similar it is, it is better to use real money. Yes, but real money involves issues such as security and communication with banks, so I put it at the end.

The people at the scene were dumbfounded when they saw the security personnel put the money in it. It may not be conceptual to say how much money a person has, but if the money is put in front of you, the impact is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

"Yi Daqian, can you stop eating my food?"

"Mom said she bought it for us, did you say it was for yourself?"

Yi Yang sometimes feels that the two children are not good either. Although Yi Daqian is very calm outside, as long as his sister is around at home, the two of them often quarrel. At this time, Yi Yang especially hopes that they will leave home quickly and give him back. clean.

"Dad, Yi Daqian eats my ice cream."

Yi Xiaoqian shifted tactics and ran to Yi Yang to act like a baby.

"Call your sister and ask her to buy it."

"No, the one bought by mom is the best. Dad, tell me about him, okay, dad, my dear dad."

There was really no way for Yi Yang to be tortured, so he could only shout:
"Yi Daqian, get him away in 30 seconds, or your laboratory will be gone."

Hearing his father's threatening words, Yi Daqian directly took his sister away, and his interests really came first.

"Dad, I heard you shouting outside, who made you angry?"

Yang Hua came in with a bunch of things.

"Who else is there, the two little ancestors, Hua'er, go and get your sister away, and let Dad be quiet."

Yang Hua smiled and agreed, she thinks this family is very interesting, her father is majestic outside, the big boss is a style, and he can only be at the bottom when he comes home, but she thinks his father is a really good man, at least, she knows him None of the entrepreneurs out there can put family first.

Finally, the house was quiet, and Yi Yang continued to cook. At the same time, he was also thinking about the future development of the company. To be honest, he had some ideas, but he felt a little embarrassed if he went out again at his age. He was already fifty , Go out to grab a job, no matter how you say it is not honorable.

"Yi Xiaoqian, that's the braised pork my dad made for me, shut up."

"Oh, what, I can't hear you."

Like revenge, Yi Xiaoqian stuffed several pieces into her mouth, but she couldn't get it in, so she still pinched it.

Yi Daqian stopped talking, and started to scramble for food. Although this situation was impolite, they were used to it at home. In front of outsiders, these two people pretended to be better than anyone else.

"Hua'er, didn't your parents say they would come to the Imperial Capital to stay for a while?"

"Yeah, hurry up, my mother said that the mushrooms on the mountain grew well this year, and you should bring some after drying. She said that you like to eat this."

Yang Hua's parents took Zhou Ziyi and Yi Yang very seriously, as long as Yang Hua told them what they brought and what they liked to eat, they would definitely bring a lot of them in the next year.

"Your mother is always like this. You tell her that it's fine when the person comes, and you can't eat the food anytime."

Yi Yang also said:
"Tell your mother to come here secretly, otherwise the folks will bring too much food to eat."

It's not just Yang Hua's family that thinks of them well, the whole village remembers them, and knows that they can walk on the road to a well-off life, all because of Yi Yang and the others. Send it, and ask it to be brought over, so that now everyone knows that Yi Yang's family has a lot of goods, and they come to ask for it every now and then.

After dinner, Yang Hua talked about her recent work situation in detail, and Yi Yang also listened carefully. In fact, he was satisfied with Yang Hua's work, because Yang Hua knew the hardships of those people, so she paid more attention to these things. .

"Hua'er, you're fine with the charity now. I have a new project I want to hand over to you."

"Tell me, Dad, I'm not afraid of being tired."

Zhou Ziyi listened and patted Yang Hua's head.

"This kid is just stupid. If your father asks you to go to the construction site, you will go too?"

"Go, I can do whatever you ask me to do."

Yang Hua answered very seriously, and Zhou Ziyi touched her hand even harder.

"Don't listen to your mother. Your mother has been a housewife all her life. Don't look at what she does as a person. In fact, I think it's retirement. Don't learn from your mother."

"Who is a housewife? Now I think I am a housewife. Why didn't you let me film when I was popular? Let me tell you..."

Yi Yang's words about housewife completely angered his daughter-in-law, but the person concerned chose to admit it on the spot. After all, life is more important.

"Mom, Dad didn't do it on purpose, I still want to hear what task Dad gave me."

Yang Hua took her mother's arm and acted like a baby. Zhou Ziyi was immune to Yi Xiaoqian's acting like a baby, but when Yang Hua said it, her heart softened.

"For Hua'er's sake, I don't care about you, so hurry up and say something, we have to go upstairs to make a mask."


"What did you say?"

"Ah, no."

Yi Yang found that he always spoke his mind unconsciously, and only found out after he finished speaking.

"That's right. I plan to be an investment institution, specializing in investing in emerging industries and the pharmaceutical industry in traditional industries. You can grasp the specifics."

Upon hearing this, Yang Hua regretted that she had agreed too early, she knew nothing about investing, and Yi Yang also saw her concerns, and added another sentence:
"You don't have to be burdened, your task is to get the structure right, and then find professionals to do this together."

After hearing this, Yang Hua hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

In fact, why did Yi Yang suddenly have this idea? He remembered that in his previous life, because of technology, many things were led by the nose. Maybe a foreign policy would be a disaster for domestic companies, because of many things. At the beginning, no one was willing to invest in it. When I thought about it, I found that they had already applied for a patent and their products were already on the market.

Zhou Ziyi didn't care about these things. Seeing that the two of them finished talking, they went upstairs directly, leaving Yi Yang alone, no, there were also two people who were noisy and playing games.

Yi Daqian's laboratory was chosen in the school. To put it bluntly, it was donated by Yi Yang at the school, but it was only for Yi Daqian's own use. Of course, he didn't just donate one, otherwise the school would not agree.

"Principal Li received it in person, I really can't stand it."

Yi Yang smiled and greeted the visitor.

"You are polite now, kid. I still remember that you said that I looked like a cultural person, but that's exactly what it was. Didn't you say that? Hahaha."

Yi Daqian didn't expect his father to know the principal. He really didn't know it before, but when it comes to this matter, Yi Yang regrets it.

(End of this chapter)

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