Uncle Deyun

Chapter 321 3rd Generation Single Biography

Chapter 321 The Three Generations Single Biography
Thinking back when Yi Yang was in full bloom and the current principal was still the dean, they met a few times, Yi Yang's head twitched for some reason, and he said that he must build a modern building for Imperial Capital University.

Later, when Yi Yang learned about the cost of a modern teaching building, he was directly discouraged, and now he wished he hadn't seen this group of people, and had to mention this matter when he saw them.

It was precisely because of this that Yi Yang said that Principal Li looked like a cultured person, and he was almost like a hooligan when collecting debts, and it was passed to people's ears for some reason. In short, it was just two words, embarrassing.

"I went there to visit the leader some time ago, and the leader even mentioned you and said that he hadn't seen you for a long time. Recently, I heard that you started working again. Let me tell you, keep your original intention and don't forget what you said at the beginning."

The old leader is none other than the one who wrote the inscription for Yi Yang when Yi Yang got married. Meeting the leader is still quite scary, so I don't meet many times.

"You tell him the old man for me, I will remember."

When it comes to this person, Yi Yang doesn't dare to joke. There are many reasons why his company has been able to go smoothly without official embarrassment.

"Yi Daqian, come here, I hugged him when he was young, this kid is honest, his sister is better than him, she pissed all over me."

After talking about Principal Li himself, he laughed loudly, because he also remembered the scene at the beginning.

"I said why Xiaoqian doesn't want to come to Imperial University, co-authoring is afraid of embarrassing seeing you."

Because of the arrival of Principal Li, the ceremony was a little more cumbersome, and after some scene talk, the ground was broken.

"Although my teaching building has not been completed, these laboratories should be pretty good."

Yi Yang thought that his name would be hung on the door of the laboratory, and he was a little proud.

"It's okay, it will be even better when the teaching building is built."

What is a spike, this is, Yi Yang complained many times in his heart, who would dare to believe that this is the principal of Imperial University, this is a professional debt collector.

Principal Li left in a hurry after finishing. He is not only the principal of Imperial University, but also the Ministry of Education. He is very busy all day.

"Uncle, do you drink water?"

"Uncle, do you eat fruit?"

"Uncle, you..."

Yi Yang just sat down to rest, and was suddenly surrounded by many young girls. He thought it was his personality charm, but after watching it for a long time, he figured it out. Did the girls keep looking at Yi Daqian, their faces were all begging for attention.

"Wang Yangming, come here."

Hearing someone shouting, he saw that it was his brother...cough's father, so he had to come here quickly.

"What's wrong, Uncle?"

"Let me ask you, does Yi Daqian get closer to girls at school?"

"No, don't worry uncle, Yi Daqian is definitely a good boy, all girls want to get closer to him, let me tell you..."

Wang Yangming, who had opened up the chatterbox, couldn't stop talking. He talked about Yi Daqian's affairs at school so carefully that Yi Yang felt that he should pay the kid some money. What a professional spy.

After listening for more than 20 minutes, he had already talked about when Yi Daqian went to the bathroom several times in the dormitory, and Yi Yang finally couldn't help it.

"Ahem, that Yangming, you observe Yi Daqian so carefully, do you have that idea?"

Wang Yangming didn't understand what it meant, and looked at Yi Yang suspiciously.

"That's it, the same idea as those girls, don't you?"

This time Wang Yangming understood.

"Uncle, where are you thinking, even if Yi Daqian has this idea, I can't agree with it."

"What did you say? You said Yi Daqian had this idea, did he tell you something?"

"No uncle, don't get me wrong, I mean for example, just for example, forget it, uncle, I'd better go to work."

Wang Yangming ran away, leaving Yi Yang mumbling alone.

"Three generations of single pass, three generations of single pass."

Time is always fleeting, and in a blink of an eye, it is Xiaonian. Yi Yang attended Lao Guo's birthday party, and took his wife and children back to his father-in-law's house. When they were older, it became Yi Yang and his family going there to celebrate the New Year.

"Yi Xiaoqian! What do you look like, what should grandma do when guests come to my house?"

During breakfast, Yi Xiaoqian got up in her pajamas, her hair untouched, like a madman.

"Grandma, my mother said me again."

Yi Xiaoqian's ability to find a backer is unmatched by anyone, since she was young she knew who could keep her from being beaten.

"Okay, let's talk about what the children are doing during the new year, don't educate them at home, and come to me to show their prestige."

Hearing what her mother said, Zhou Ziyi's heart almost stopped beating. She clearly remembered that when she was a child, she was severely beaten by her mother for doing the same thing. How did she get to her daughter?
Compared with Yi Xiaoqian's slovenliness, Yi Yang found that his son is very clean recently, and bought new clothes specially, which are quite fashionable. Zhou Ziyi even joked about whether he was going to have a daughter-in-law, and Yi Yang had a feeling after hearing it. , Three generations of single pass can not be broken.

"Son, it's junior year, do you have anything to tell us at school?"

This is what Yi Yang checked on the Internet. It is said that children are rebellious. Asking directly may cause the result to get out of control. Therefore, this method of insinuating is the best.

"What can there be, just go to class, hang out with friends, do experiments in the laboratory, basically that's it, Dad, why did you suddenly remember to ask this?"

The sudden failure of the first move made Yi Yang have no idea how to answer with an excuse.

"It's okay, just asking casually, by the way, I heard that who in your dormitory has a girlfriend? How is his girlfriend?"

Yi Daqian wondered why his father asked so many questions today, but he answered them anyway.

"It's okay, it's just that I don't have a school girl from a department, women, that's all."

After finishing speaking, he continued to bow his head to eat, Yi Yang's heart turned cold when he heard that, his son actually thought that women were all the same, and that it was only passed down in three generations.

He didn't see that when talking about women, his son's ears were obviously red.

The answer he got was not what he wanted, and Yi Yang didn't want to ask any more. After eating two bites of food, he went downstairs for a walk. Sometimes he said that he wanted to purify his soul, but Zhou Ziyi said he was being hypocritical.

"Yi Yang is here for the New Year?"

"Yes, Uncle Liu is still in good health."

"Look, I just said that I am in good health. Your father said that I am not as good as him. You tell him when you go back. Let's compete tomorrow and see who can't do it."

"Okay, then you can continue to walk."

In this community, Yi Yang basically recognized all the people.

(End of this chapter)

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