Uncle Deyun

Chapter 322 My son has a problem...

Chapter 322 My son has a problem...

After wandering outside for a while, Yi Yang didn't see much interest, so he went home again, but before he reached the door, he saw his son talking on the phone with a smile on his face, and Yi Yang sneaked around behind his son.

"It's not right for you to do this, you should..."

"Why are you so stupid, let me tell you, this is not the case here..."

Yi Daqian's tone was very serious, but his face was full of smiles, and Yi Yang was also very happy, because he had seen this episode before, and he knew about the relationship.

But what pleased him the most was that the voice inside was a gentle girl, who sounded like his son's classmate or something.

"Husband, what are you doing? My son is here too. Are you two chatting?"

When Zhou Ziyi went out to take out the trash, she saw the father and son hiding under the tree, and thought they were chatting there.

Yi Daqian was startled when he heard his mother's voice, and when he turned his head and saw his father looking at him and smiling, his heart beat so fast.

"Dad, when did you come? Did you hear something? But don't get me wrong, we are..."

Yi Yang waved his hand.

"Son, you don't need to explain. Daddy understands everything. Come on, Daddy likes you."

Then, with her hands behind her back, she hummed a little song and went to take out the trash with her daughter-in-law. Zhou Ziyi wondered what happened to her husband today, so happy.

Yi Daqian's face was flushed, he had been hiding very well, he didn't expect to be discovered by his father today, it was really hard to guard against, the key point is that he has nothing to do with that girl, it's just that he communicated a little more than others.

"Yi Daqian, why don't you speak?"

The girl over there didn't know what happened, and suddenly the phone went silent.

"Ah, it's okay, you should learn by yourself first, and then contact me later."

After hanging up the phone, Yi Daqian went directly to find his father, he must tell his father not to talk nonsense, otherwise this year will be difficult.

"Honey, why are you so happy?"

Zhou Ziyi couldn't bear it any longer. When she asked, Yi Yang also wanted to share with his wife. As soon as he opened his mouth to speak, his son caught up.

"Mom, I'll ask my dad to go shopping with me, and you can take out the trash by yourself."

Then he dragged Yi Yang and left, leaving Zhou Ziyi alone. I don't know what the father and son were doing behind her back, but as long as they didn't cheat her out of money, it didn't matter.

"Dad, you agreed to keep a secret for me."

"Son, you asked Dad to keep the secret for you. You see, Dad didn't agree. Besides, your mother is not an outsider, so she can give you a reference."

Yi Daqian looked at his father with the most reasonable expression on his face, and didn't know how to refute for a while.

"Dad, can't I beg you? Don't tell Mom if it's okay, let me have a good New Year."

Yi Yang doesn't care if he doesn't ask for anything, what he cares about is living a good year, and thinking about it, it really is true, if his relatives and friends knew the news years ago, they wouldn't have to question his son for three days and three nights. trembling.

"Then I'll help you keep it for a few more days, but if it happens, hurry up and bring it back. Dad is waiting to hold his grandson."

Yi Daqian could only agree perfunctorily, and Yi Yang went for a walk again satisfied.

The first day of the Lunar New Year, the first day of the new year, is also the first day when the new year's drama "The People's Name" was released. This TV series has no big publicity, but its content is destined to attract attention. People don't care about its actors. The lineup is mainly whether the shooting is as true as it is said.

"Dad, Hou Liangping will be punished. How many people did he do that?"

Yi Xiaoqian is also watching. Although she said she didn't like this kind of drama before watching it, but now she watches it more seriously than anyone else.

"Dad, look at this man, he eats noodles all the time, he must be an upright official, Hou Liangping can't be a bad guy, he took bribes to investigate them."

"Dad, Hou Liangping's character is not calm enough..."

"Yi Xiaoqian, shut up."

Everyone really couldn't stand Yi Xiaoqian's nagging, so they asked Zhou Ziyi as the representative to fight back.

"Originally, don't let me talk about it, okay, Mom, don't let me talk about it."

After the two episodes of the TV series were broadcast, everyone was still unsatisfied.

"Know people, know face, but don't know heart. Look at this and so on. He looks innocent than anyone else. He has so much money, but he is also quite interesting. If he dare not spend so much money, it is no different from nothing."

"Dad, is that money real? It looks real no matter what I look at."

Yi Xiaoqian's focus is different from other people's. It can also be said that other people's focus is different from Yi Xiaoqian's, because Yi Xiaoqian represents young people, and their focus is sometimes unexpected.

"Of course it's true. You know that there are only a few hundred police officers and security around this scene. You are afraid that someone will go crazy and go up to grab money, and the filming will be completely closed."

"My mother, this money can cover several beds."

People who followed this drama also started discussions. There were three main topics. The first was whether Hou Liangping’s character was a bit lively, the second was to guess whether the money was props, and the third was to guess whether the news was given to Ding Yizhen. Is the person Li Dakang?

Someone even made a vote, aiming at whether Li Dakang is a good person or a bad person. The result is the same as in another world. Everyone agrees that Li Dakang is not a good person, and he is definitely a corrupt official. The most important reason is that everyone thinks that Li Dakang looks like a corrupt official. , this reason turned out to be recognized by most people.

"The anti-corruption drama People's Name premiered at [-] ratings, and the opening drama ranked first."

An anti-corruption drama has counterattacked other opening dramas and has become a dark horse. The most important thing is word-of-mouth. Although only two episodes have been aired, word-of-mouth has exploded.

In particular, the official account in the name of the people released a video of withdrawing money, and everyone confirmed that the money used in the TV was actually real. Just for this, it must be said that this drama is a conscience drama, and now 90.00% of them are all When using props, the first is that there is nowhere to get so much money, and the second is that many people think it is unnecessary.

"Yi Yang is still Yi Yang. He really deserves the title of No.1 in the film and television drama. He suppressed us for more than ten years. He thought he had a chance to turn around. I didn't expect him to be so evil after so many years."

"Let's cancel the plan. He's back in the film and television drama, so we don't have to fight head-to-head. Try to avoid the schedule. When Jiang Lang's talent is exhausted, it's not certain who will win."

Yi World's work group also exploded. Everyone posted the boss's mighty power, which made Yi Yang feel guilty. He always felt that he was forcing them to praise him during the Chinese New Year. In the end, he had to send a big red envelope in the group, a total of 1 yuan, and then Everyone had another round of rainbow farts, and this time Yi Yang could feel at ease, after all, money was spent, and money was spent, but it was different.

For three consecutive days, People's Name ranked first in ratings, topics, and discussions, and many old drama characters were re-recognized by everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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