Uncle Deyun

Chapter 323 There Are Fewer People Around

Chapter 323 There Are Fewer People Around

What is the hottest thing about the opening of the new year?There is only one answer. In the name of the people, this drama, which was not favored at the beginning, turned into a dark horse all the way while everyone was stunned. It was a proper champion. From the first episode to the last episode, the ratings were far ahead.

The most amazing thing is that everyone found out that the stories in it will meet with reality, such as the one who embezzled a lot of money and dared not spend it, and the one who set up the office window unreasonably, and the plots that appeared in some dramas. In reality, it can be checked. These discoveries have made everyone put the hat of a conscience drama on the name of the people.

Yi World once again returned to the public's attention with a TV series. Many people thought that this entertainment giant would slowly sink. Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, people became the leader again. There is a saying, a skinny camel Bigger than a horse, not to mention that this camel has never been thin...

On March [-]th, a day to crack down on counterfeiting, Yi Yang received news. He hoped that it was fake, but the reality is so cruel.

"Why did you fall suddenly? What's the situation now?"

Li Jie, his partner who has been working with him for more than [-] years, suddenly entered the hospital, and his condition was very bad. Yi Yang kept saying that this company owed a lot to Li Jie, so when he received the news, he felt indescribable. sadness.

"Mom, the doctor is here."

Li Jie's son and daughter's family came and waited outside for the results. When they saw the doctor come out, they hurried to surround him.

"The patient's condition is not very good. He has symptoms of cerebral hemorrhage. Although he is awake now, he probably won't survive for a week at most. It is very likely... You should go in and see if he has anything to explain."

After speaking, the doctor left, even a little numb. They were used to seeing life and death, and they knew that what they said and their turning around, all they got was the crying of their family members.

"Sister-in-law, go and have a look first."

Yi Yang's eyes were red, but his rationality told him that it was useless to cry at this time, the most important thing was to see him one last time.

The doctor let in five people at a time, of course Yi Yang couldn't compete with his family members, so he just waited outside, the door was closed, and there was no sound from inside, but this was the best, Yi Yang was very afraid to hear crying from inside sound.

While waiting, Zhang Ming also came, along with several company veterans who used to have a good relationship with Li Jie.

"Boss, how is Mr. Li?"

Yi Yang didn't hide anything, and directly told them what the doctor said. They all slumped on the chairs, and all the feelings of decades came to their hearts at this moment.

"Someone has come out."

Yi Yang looked up, his son and daughter had come out, but his sister-in-law didn't come out, so she probably stayed with her inside.

"The uncles are here, my dad wants to see you."

"Okay, you guys... rest for a while."

Originally, I wanted to say mourning and change, but the person is still there, which is obviously inappropriate.

"Brother Li, didn't you agree to take care of the elderly together? You also said that you will cook for us in the future, and we can wait to eat when the injury is healed."

Yi Yang went in and made a joke first, this is the way he and Li Jie get along, and he also hopes that a good mood will have a miracle.

"That's no problem, but you are all younger than me, and it may take a few years for you to retire. Unlike me, the past few years have been called a comfortable one, raising flowers, walking the dog, and I tell you, the flowers I raise If someone offered me [-] yuan, I wouldn't be willing to sell it, so I'll give you a few pots..."

The more excited Li Jie was, the more excited he was, the better he looked.

"Lao Li, take a rest for a while, you're not tired after talking so much."

"Daughter-in-law, I'm tired, but it's the last time I'm tired. In fact, I don't worry about anything else. My children and grandchildren have their own blessings, and I don't want to worry about them. Brothers, your sister-in-law will be taken care of by you in the future. Don't cry, cry What, I'm just going there to explore the way first, and when you go, I might live in the villa below..."

The more Li Jie talked, the more sad everyone was, and finally they all left crying. There were still people waiting to come in behind. When several people were about to go out, Li Jie said a word.

"I hate you guys."

Several people heard it, but no one turned their heads. They didn't want the old man to see their tears.

"Let's go. When you get better, we'll be together again? Why don't you say goodbye."

After finishing speaking, several people left the ward. The moment the door closed, their tears could no longer be stopped.

One day and one night, Li Jie tried his best to persevere for one day and one night. In fact, an hour after seeing Yi Yang and the others again, he fell into a coma, and the last sentence he said when he woke up was to his wife.

"Find someone who can take care of you. In my life, you are the one I am most sorry for."

He has been busy all his life, spending less time with his family and leaving more. He didn't return to the family until he retired, and the whole family was taken care of by his wife before. At the last moment of his life, he only thought of his wife.

At the funeral, Yi Yang gave a speech as a representative, affirming Li Jie's contribution, and talked about some of Li Jie's deeds, which was considered to be the end of his life.

It's been a week since Li Jie's funeral. Yi Yang hasn't gone out at home, and he doesn't like to talk too much. He looks weird. When Zhou Ziyi asked him, he didn't answer much, which made everyone panic of.

"Daqian, come back with your sister, I don't feel right about your father."

After receiving her mother's call, the two of them hurried back home. When they saw their children coming back, Yi Yang greeted them, and then went to cook in silence. It was not like this before, and they had to pretend to be noisy about who cooks and who washes. Bowl, now it seems that Dad is really not normal.

At the dinner table, Yi Daqian and his sister deliberately talked about some topics, trying to arouse his father's desire to chat, but unfortunately, even when Yi Daqian said that he was looking for a girlfriend, his father's reaction was flat, and he only agreed twice.

"Mom, what's wrong with my dad, do you want to see a doctor?"

"Since attending your Uncle Li's funeral, you have been like this when you come back, like a puppet. That's why I let you come back."

Yi Yang is now immersed in a world, a world that belongs to him. In this world, he is still very young, and everyone else is also very young. They don't have to worry about the future at all, as long as they live happily.

He made a door for himself, and this door locked the outside world, so that everyone will not grow old, but will always be young. This world is a heart wall he constructed.

Yi Daqian and the school asked for leave, and Yi Xiaoqian didn't go to the film crew. He just chatted with his father every day. They consulted the doctor, and the doctor said that the situation would get better with more communication.

So the two decided to stay with their father at home. Zhou Ziyi let them go and didn't listen to anything, so she had no choice but to let them stay. She also felt that her children had grown up after all.

(End of this chapter)

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