Uncle Deyun

Chapter 325 Business Gathering

Chapter 325 Business Gathering
Taking my brother away and shooting went smoothly beyond imagination. The original plan was two months, but the shooting ended in more than a month. It will be enough to make up the shots later. Yi Xiaoqian is still full of ideas. go home……

"Light and shadow recording? Should the elderly be invited to participate in this program?"

Yi Yang did not expect that the first variety show he received after his comeback turned out to be an invitation for interviews. This program mainly invites some actors who have masterpieces on the screen, and then recalls some filming scenes. Yi Yang, don’t watch the dramas he participated in. There are many, but the ones who actually starred in it didn't actually appear in a few. He didn't dare to go on this show because he felt guilty.

Rejecting the invitation, Yi Yang boarded the computer again. There is one thing he insists on all these years, which is to write novels, and write a little when he has nothing to do. The editors who first signed contracts with him are now the bosses of the company, yes, it is The little prince back then.

The little prince's persistence was not in vain. After leaving messages on the 560th and eighth day, he finally signed a contract with Yi Yang. In fact, he had no hope at the beginning, but he had a belief in his heart that he must persevere. Unexpectedly, he succeeded. up.

Over the years, Yi Yang's writing has become popular one after another, but his pen name has changed, and he still has the title, eunuch reserve.

The origin of this name is entirely self-inflicted by Yi Yang. His book is basically written for one month and one month for a month. When readers thought he wanted a eunuch, he appeared again. The longest record is half a year. So everyone He was given a nickname, eunuch reserve, although there is no eunuch yet, everyone feels that sooner or later he will be a eunuch.

Now the book written by Yi Yang is also in such a state, Zhu Xian, a work of the level of the ancestors of Internet literature in the previous life, although many people have different opinions on it, even the author of human flesh, but it is undeniable that this book has indeed given everyone a New ideas for web writing.

Yi Yang's codewriting speed is very fast, and he finished writing tens of thousands of characters in more than two hours. He is also very surprised that he usually doesn't contact his hand speed, and he can type codewords without looking at them. In the end, he can only attribute it to his golden finger.

"I'm going, brothers, the author who wrote Baguio to death has come out, everyone follow me."

"What? You dare to come out. It's fine if he doesn't come out. Since he comes out, he must be killed. Of course, if he is willing to revive Baguio, it's okay."

"Right, right, or revive Baguio, or destroy him."

As a result, book fans gathered, and Zhu Xian's comment area broke through two thousand in a short while, with only one sentence, return me to Baguio.

Yi Yang did not expect that people in this world would be so crazy for Baguio. In his impression, readers of two books actually sent blades to the author. The first one is Mr. Jin Yong, the author of The Legend of Condor Heroes. Is there a reason, everyone? We all know that the goddess in countless people's hearts of Xiaolongnu was given to that by someone, who can bear it, so the first author who was scolded was this old gentleman.

The second place is of course Xiao Ding, the author of Zhu Xian. Baguio died for love. I don’t know how many people cried in this passage. Everyone unanimously hopes that he can bring Biguio back to life. This one just gave an ambiguous The answer, then, in the end, Baguio did not appear again. Also, this favorite writer is the above Mr. Jin Yong. Readers feel that because he saw what happened to Xiaolongnv, he felt that he had to keep up with his idol The pace, deliberately write Baguio to death.

In any case, the readers' comments didn't affect Yi Yang in the slightest, because he always passed on after writing, and didn't read anything else at all, entrusting the little prince to deal with it.

"Boss, my son was single when you updated last time, and now my grandson is about to be born."

The old Wang next door to the former little prince sent an official complaint.

"Oh, congratulations."


This is the end of the wonderful conversation. The old Wang next door wants to see his grandson grow up. Talking to this person is easy to get a heart attack. Besides, this boss is a real boss. If you offend him, don’t update What to do, so, bear with it.

In less than half a month, Yi Yang received a second invitation. This time it was not a variety show, but a party initiated by business leaders. The invitations were all well-known in the business world, and the coverage was very wide. Yang is still interested.

In his previous life, he wandered among the crowd to make a living, and he had never seen the true colors of these big shots. This time, he had the opportunity, of course he had to see them.

"That, the chairman of Shanghai Fengcheng Group, that, the chairman of Fujian Huankang Group..."

Yi Yang didn't know these people very well, Zhang Ming did, and secretly introduced Yi Yang as he walked.

"It seems that the domestic business should not be underestimated. There are so many hundreds of billions of groups, and they are entities. I'm afraid we won't be able to rank among them."

Still the same sentence, looking at them as a real entity, they all said that their assets have shrunk by half. Yiyang is okay, because Yi World is not listed, so it does not involve stock market turmoil. For other entertainment companies, stocks will go crazy if there is negative news The same goes down, this is the difference.

However, someone has also calculated for Easy World. If Easy World chooses to go public, then with the help of several official media publicity, the market value will definitely be several times higher than it is now.

"Boss Ma, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Yi Yang took the initiative to talk to Mr. Ma, the inviter of this conference. He relied on the achievements of others in his previous life to achieve his current achievements. This is not the case. He can create such a large business empire purely with his brain, which has to be admired.

"I have admired Mr. Yi for a long time. I often, there is only one person in your circle that I admire, and that is you, because you walk steadily and see the long-term. I hope we can work together if we have the opportunity."

"It must be. I am flattered to receive such a high evaluation from Mr. Ma. I must have a chance."

After saying a few words, Yi Yang tactfully walked away, he wanted to get in touch with the boss a lot, he didn't have this idea, and he didn't want to be scolded for it.

"Which one is the real estate leader Wang Honest, with an honest name, but a very hard-working style. Now he is planning commercial development and has built many square landmarks. It can be said that he is the most influential real estate company."

As I said before, in fact, Yi Yang’s views on real estate are very general, because he always feels that these people restrict the purchase of houses by young people, but in other words, this is not their fault. It can be said that this industry is destined to be affected. The monitoring of the above, if the above says no, it will not work, and the economic bubble is a terrible problem.

"This is Mr. Yi, who has long admired his name."

Yi Yang didn't expect that he would come to say hello to someone right after discussing them here.

"Mr. Wang is even more like a thunderbolt to me."

The two boasted to each other for a while, and chatted for a while. Finally, this one said his intentions. They hoped that the theaters under the company could reach a long-term cooperation with Easy World.

(End of this chapter)

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