Uncle Deyun

Chapter 326 Goodbye Feng Jian

Chapter 326 Goodbye Feng Jian
Yi Yang didn't refuse either, they left business cards with each other, and we'll talk about it after an agreement is made. In fact, Wang Laoshi doesn't have to do it himself, but he just did it. For a while, Yi Yang didn't understand what he meant.

"Boss, Feng Jian is here too."

Hearing Zhang Ming's words, Yi Yang looked over, and sure enough, the man in the crowd was chatting and laughing happily.

He still remembers that the two of them cooperated very happily back then, but unfortunately, the best friendship is not as important as the interests. No one would have thought that when the company went public, Feng Jian chose to take back the company's shares. At that time, Yi Yang was no longer in charge of the company. Jay had a big fight with him over this.

Later, Feng Jian called Yi Yang directly, which meant that other investors in the company did not want another shareholder like Yi World, and wanted to buy back the equity, and everyone bought it back, and said some things that he could not make decisions on his own Well, Yi Yang was very happy raising children at that time, so he ignored him and sold the shares directly.

Originally, the story ended here, but it turned out that Yi Yang was short-sighted and abandoned their shares. Feng Jian, the chairman of the company who had changed his name to NetAudio and Video, actually responded to this matter, roughly meaning that he could not Blame Yi Yang, after all, everyone was not optimistic about the company's prospects at the time.

In this way, Yi Yang carried a big pot on his back, and the two of them haven't seen each other for ten years since then.

"Boss, he's here."

"Be magnanimous and think that we are still better than him now, so I will be happy."

Feng Jian came over with a drink.

"Boss Yi, long time no see, and Boss Zhang, long time no see, have a drink?"

"It's fine to drink. I haven't seen you for so long. Your skin is getting thicker. Sure enough, you are a businessman."

Zhang Ming directly mocked, Feng Jian's face remained unchanged, and he did not put down the wine he was carrying.

Yi Yang thought for a while, took the wine and touched it, but it was on his lips, and he didn't drink it.

"I heard that Mr. Yi's company had a lot of problems last year. I wanted to help, but unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity. But now that Mr. Yi has come out, the problems were solved immediately. I really admire it."

Yi Yang couldn't listen to his hypocritical words anymore.

"Our company is more valuable than many companies now, and our reputation is also very good. I heard that your company has been investigated many times. Feng Jian, because of our friendship at the beginning, I advise you that those illegal things will cause accidents sooner or later. of."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left regardless of Feng Jian's thoughts. Feng Jian's company was very popular because he was doing the same thing as a certain broadcaster in the last world. If he didn't correct it in time, the ending would be the same.

At the beginning of the meeting, the host was of course the inviter, Lao Ma, who was very eloquent. He talked on stage for more than two hours, from the Internet to finance, and from finance to entities. Will be eliminated, don't say it, after he finished speaking, many people fell into thinking. After hearing this thing, it really makes sense.

The latter explained by industry, what is the relationship between entities and the Internet, and the inseparable relationship between the entertainment industry and the Internet, etc. Anyway, as long as it is an industry, he can connect it together. Yi Yang admired him for not repeating his speech for such a long time.

Afterwards, all the bosses came to the stage to speak, basically they were representatives of various industries. If ranked by assets, Yi Yang would probably be a middle class among them, much richer than him.

But soon, Yi Yang was also invited to speak on stage, because he is a leader in the entertainment industry, so he was naturally also invited.

"I didn't expect that I could also speak on stage. Before that, I felt kind when I saw this microphone. I didn't expect that we have such a fate."

After Yi Yang finished speaking, he touched the microphone. It felt as if the microphone had turned into a human.

"I have learned a lot from listening to everyone's opinions just now. As the seniors said, the Internet and various industries are inseparable. I remember the first time I cooperated with Mr. Sun of Groupon.com. At that time, I was a small director. , Mr. Sun is always an entrepreneur, we hit it off immediately and made the first movie ticket group purchase, which was a big success, Mr. Sun still remember?"

President Sun in the audience nodded in response, and someone handed over a microphone.

"That cooperation laid the foundation for our group buying."

After Mr. Sun finished speaking, Yi Yang went on to say:

"Thank you for Mr. Sun's affirmation. Afterwards, this model became common. Everyone found that everything can be sold on the Internet. At this time, I already felt that I can't talk about the Internet. My concept is the Internet of Things..."

Yi Yang didn't expect that he just went up and talked about the concept of another world. After talking for an hour, he finally knew why the old horse could talk for so long. This thing is out of his control, and he can't stop talking Come down, especially seeing the way the bosses are listening carefully, the sense of accomplishment, let alone how strong it is.

"Mr. Yi, we must communicate more when we have the opportunity. You have inspired me a lot today."

Lao Ma personally sent Yi Yang out and said something like this.

"It must be, I have also benefited a lot, then let's meet again later."

"OK, bye."

On the way back, Zhang Ming was still aggrieved, because as the representative of the new video, Feng Jian also took the stage to speak. It has nothing to do with them whether they speak or not, but the content of the speech is quite disgusting.

Feng Jian said on the stage that some companies stand on the credits of the past and do not think about making progress. Sooner or later they will be eliminated by the market.

That's probably what it means, no one with a discerning eye can understand it, this is satirizing Yi Yang, but Yi Yang listened to his speech very calmly, and didn't say anything, what he did made everyone take a high look, but Feng Jian, so many people shook their heads.

"Zhang Ming, when this kind of person gets carried away, don't remind him. In the end, he will taste the bitter fruit. Today I have done my best. In fact, the live broadcast industry is very good. He is now on another road, and he will not return. Lu, there's no need to be angry with him."

Yi Yang didn't respond because he didn't care at all. This kind of person is just like that. In China, illegal things won't last long.

Deyun's office, I don't know how many times, many people came to look for it, now Deyun's situation is very bad, there are no old actors sitting in the town, and a lot of audiences are lost. Deyun actors who used to be famous for a while, now it is difficult to support their families .

Guo Yang smoked a few cigarettes, and Mr. Yu's hobbies were learned by him instead of his brother.

"You said, if my brother took over at the beginning, those people wouldn't exist?"

When he took over Deyun back then, he was high-spirited and thought that he would be able to do it. However, gradually many people left Deyun, the pillars were gone, and the new trainees couldn't stand up, which led to the current situation.

(End of this chapter)

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