Uncle Deyun

Chapter 335

Chapter 335
"Brother, do you want to turn on the light?"

"not open."

"Would it be wrong if you don't turn on the light?"

"How could it be? This is more accurate. If you don't believe me, try it, then turn on the light and see."

"Okay then, hurry up senior brother, I'm afraid."

Strange words make people fantasize, but the truth is...

"Look, is it more accurate to turn off the lights, because there is no light effect, so we can calculate, if..."

I can't imagine that the two people who have agreed to confess their love are actually doing experiments at this time, which is very disappointing.

"You have a bit of quality, and you haven't seen any romance."

"If you don't lie on the window and say it, I will believe it. Come down, it's my turn. I'll see what Yi Daqian is like in a relationship. It's really unimaginable."

This matter started when two people came to the laboratory. Yi Daqian originally wanted to let the flow take its course to confess, but at the critical moment, he didn't know what to say. Zhang Han struggled for a long time, and he agreed to the male god. He still refused, but the male god said to him:

"Let's do an experiment together."

It wasn't just her who heard this, including the group of spectators who followed behind. Everyone wanted to come and continue to eat melons, but they didn't expect that they went directly into the laboratory, and they really started to do experiments.

The melon-eating crowd who had planned to give up suddenly found that the lights in the laboratory were off, and their curiosity came back in an instant. They always felt that they could eat a bigger melon. Still an experiment.

"It's broken up, the love of the man in science and technology, I guess that's it. I'd better go back to the dormitory to watch my goddess. My goddess has a new movie. It's the same kind. Do you want to go see it? What kind of thing, and Am I pretending to be pure? It’s the kind of two people shooting, really, let’s go.”

This man abducted a little sheep and left. Those who knew it unconsciously commented on it.

"This little white sheep, I guess I'll know what was filmed by two people in a while, but then again, the sketch is really funny."

"Brother, what do you mean, have you seen it?"

"Ah? How is it possible, no, no, continue to look inside, look inside."

In the crowd, many boys looked at each other and smiled, and they all leaked out that I understood, because, the sketch, they also went to see it when they were little white sheep.

"The experiment is almost over, let's turn off the lights and see the effect."

"Okay, but isn't there already long johns for this light experiment? Why do we have to do it again?"

"Ahem, why ask so many questions, just watch."

Zhang Han finally took the initiative to ask a question, but was ruthlessly retorted back.

When Yi Daqian pressed the switch and the light went out, everyone was startled.

In the darkness, the light was flickering, slowly forming graphics and fonts, first a balloon, and then a love heart tied to the balloon, the balloon was very big, with words written on it, the content was very simple:
"let's be together!"

The most surprising thing is that after the word appeared, there was a man and a woman on both sides of the balloon. Although it was abstract, everyone could still see the sour smell of love...

"Brother, how did you do this?"

"Like it?"


"I asked you if you like it?"

In the darkness, Zhang Han couldn't see Yi Daqian's expression, but she could hear the sound of her heart beating faster, and she couldn't tell whether it was hers or Yi Daqian's.

She thought about rejecting it, but what she thought about was that she was rejected, and what she had already given up suddenly returned to her. This feeling is indescribable. All she knows is that she can't let go, or she will really fly like a balloon gone.

"Zhang Han, answer quickly, we are so anxious to death."

The melon-eating crowd couldn't take it anymore, they lay on the window and yelled. They didn't know who it was in the dark, but this gave Zhang Han courage.


"Then do you want to be my girlfriend?"

Yi Daqian's questioning confession was surprising again. What should he do if the other party doesn't want to reply to this confession method, because it sounds like a very indifferent inquiry.

"Can I say no?"


"Since there is only one option, why do you ask me, I have to go back to the dormitory, let's go first."

Then, he really ran away, and Yi Daqian still shouted from behind:
"Then do you agree?"

Zhang Han said without looking back:
"Think for yourself."

Only Yi Daqian was left scratching his head, not knowing whether he agreed or not. In the end, the crowd couldn't stand it any longer, and told him a message, that is, congratulations to him for becoming a person with a girlfriend.

Not to mention Yi Daqian, looking back at Yiyang and the others, the family of three sat in the living room and waited when they got home, he stood up and walked around, and she left too, none of them could sit with peace of mind.

"Yi Xiaoqian, can you stop leaving?"

"Just talk about me, my mother is not idle, why not talk about my mother?"

The little bit of paternalism that raised Yi Yang up with just one sentence disappeared in an instant, but daughter-in-law, you can go if you want to, your own daughter-in-law, it makes sense to go anyway.

"How do you talk to your dad? I think it's because you are usually too kind to you. From now on, the pocket money will be gone, and the car will be taken back. Don't drive it. Some student drives a car worth millions."

You thought Yi Xiaoqian would angrily say that if you don’t need it, you don’t need it, I can make money by myself, and then throw away the car keys, no, you think too much, Yi Xiaoqian’s approach is:

"Mom, my dear mother, do people know they're wrong? I don't dare anymore. Don't do this. Mom, mom is the best. Come here and give me a kiss."

Yi Yang knew that if it was about the degree of shamelessness at home, Yi Xiaoqian said he was second, and no one dared to say the first. Outside, cough, he said the second, and no one would say the first.

Zhou Ziyi just wanted to scare her daughter, she laughed when she saw her like this, and when she smiled, Yi Xiaoqian knew that the storm was over, and then continued to go her own way, Yi Yang didn't know if this was a lesson for his daughter-in-law, or acting like a baby, but he said this I dare not ask.

After waiting left and right, they finally heard the sound of the door opening, and the whole family of three came to welcome Yi Daqian in the aisle neatly.

"Mom and Dad, how many of you are going out?"

"No, come here and sit down, and tell mom if you succeeded?"

Yi Daqian didn't know what to say. Everyone told him that he succeeded, but the protagonist didn't tell him directly, so he needed to think about how to answer.

It doesn't matter if he thinks, Yi Yang and the others will just make up a good show of being rejected.

"Son, didn't you succeed?"

Yi Yang talked carefully.


Hearing that it was not two words, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's good if it succeeds. What did the girl say, when will you come..."

Yi Daqian waved his hand, but was interrupted by Yi Daqian?

"No success."

The three of them were completely dizzy, and said in unison:
"Did it succeed?"

(End of this chapter)

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