Uncle Deyun

Chapter 336 Old Guo's Last Time

Chapter 336 Old Guo's Last Time
"I just don't know if it was successful or not. Others said it was successful, but she didn't say it was successful, and they said it was successful. She never said whether it was successful or not. I don't know if it was she who said it. I don't know or they said it. What I said was right, so now I don’t know whether I should ask her or them whether I succeeded or not, so you guys say, have I succeeded?”

Yi Daqian finished speaking in one breath, and got three looks begging for explanation.

"Son, did your elder brother Dalin ask you to learn cross talk? Dad can't do this tongue twister."

"That's not OK."

"Neither can I."

Yi Daqian...

"It's like this..."

Yi Daqian explained it again, and now everyone understood, it was because the girl was embarrassed, and then secretly told him to agree, but Yi Daqian, as a boy with EQ problems, expressed some doubts, although everyone said that Yes, he wanted an answer himself.

"Son, let me tell you, you can't be too serious about being a person. For some things, don't look at the surface, you have to study the meaning inside, just like this girl. Although she didn't say it clearly, she meant to agree. Let me tell you ..."

What Yi Yang said there was dry mouth, and Yi Daqian didn't respond at all. Suddenly, a voice came from the mobile phone, saying that there was a message. Yi Daqian looked at it and smiled instantly.

"Mom and Dad, it's done."

I took out the phone and showed it to everyone. It was sent by Zhang Han. I agree, and the big thing about my son is finally on the horizon.

In the general manager's office of Easy World, Zhang Ming watched the news, and his hand holding the cup was bruised.

"It's true that there are all kinds of people. I forgot that I was nothing back then, and who I relied on to get to the present is really a wolf-hearted dog."

I don't blame Zhang Ming for being angry. Feng Jian doesn't know what's going on recently. When he is interviewed, he always talks about Yi World's affairs intentionally or unintentionally. He was expelled from the entertainment industry. Fortunately, he helped to organize live broadcasts to help farmers and so on. He wished he could regard himself as the savior of the world.

"Boss, you said that this person really sees that we are easy to bully and turn black and white. Back then we didn't ask him for patent fees and let them use their ideas for free. Now it's good that it has become his own idea. We borrowed all of it. How can we justify it?" go."

Yi Yang also watched this interview. In fact, his idea is to get together and get away. After all, he has cooperated before, so there is no need to be unhappy, but now it seems that the tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not constant. This is to find fault.

There are two reasons why Feng Jian is so active. Yi Yang analyzed that there are two reasons for this. The first is self-esteem. He feels that he is developing well now, and what happened back then has become a black history. He wants to reverse this past, but the second possibility is more serious. To be big is to be someone else's shooter, to be the first bird, and to be the first bird may bring greater benefits in exchange.

Yi Yang's guess is really correct. It is true that someone found Feng Jian and promised to help his company go public. The condition is that he should speak ill of Yi World. Going public is a feudal dream, but every application will be rejected due to some problems. , Now that he has this opportunity, he certainly doesn't want to let it go.

"Zhang Ming, remember one sentence. If there is an enemy, then defeat him, and defeat him from the field he is best at. You are organizing personnel now. One month later, we will establish a new company. At that time, he will It's more fun to scold."

After hanging up the phone, Yi Yang took it seriously for the first time, not to this person, but to this matter. Thinking about it now, if he had told him the idea back then, Feng Jian's current live streaming website, which does not live up to its name, might have lost its market value. Maybe even surpass him.

Some people, if you treat him too well, what you get in exchange is what you deserve. For some people, if you treat him well once inadvertently, he may be grateful to you for the rest of his life. Humans are really the most complicated animals.

Time went into June, and Lao Guo’s health appeared again. This time he went to the hospital and couldn’t go home again. Lao Guo was thinking about his family dog, and he often said that he was afraid that he would never see him again. Let me bring it here, and I can only watch the video occasionally. The dog also wags its tail when it sees Lao Guo. It doesn't know yet, and it may never have the opportunity to meet its owner again.

"Brother, is there anything else you want to explain?"

Yi Yang is more rational than others when facing this kind of thing. After all, he is a person who died once. To be honest, if there is no Zhou Ziyi and his children, he really doesn't think death is so terrible. There is no point in living.

"I knew that you wouldn't comfort me at this moment. Before the others waited for me to speak, they were terrified. When people get old, they will have to leave one day. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Lao Guo is more and more open-minded, but he often says that he must be reluctant to part with it, but no one can stop him when it is time to leave.

"I've always had that thing in my heart. You must find a chance to tell them that in my life, oh, let's not talk about it, there is Er Bao, you know Er Bao, who is short-faced and unwilling to ask for help. I need you to reconcile more in the middle, Yi Yang, I really didn't expect that so many years have passed, the master is gone, and now I am here, if there is really a hell, I hope the masters and I can get together."

Yi Yang didn't say anything, and kept listening to Lao Guo, because Yi Yang knew that if he didn't listen to these words, others wouldn't listen, and everyone dared and didn't want to face the reality that Lao Guo was about to leave, but often , the cruelest thing is reality.

"Senior brother, I have everything to do with you. Don't worry. If there is a hell, you can hang out there first. When I go, I can go to you. Didn't you read that picture book? I have to wait in line to be reincarnated, and if my dad and the others leave, I will point at you."

The two of them are like this, talking about some irrelevant things every day, but they are quite happy, and the heavy mood of the others has also improved a lot. Just halfway through June, Yi Yang has no chance to talk about these things anymore.

"Daughter-in-law, Dalin, Second Treasure."

"Yes, we are all here, you can say whatever you want."

Old Guo's daughter-in-law also accepted the reality at this time.

"You two should respect your mother well. It's not easy for your mother. Cough cough. Also, brothers must be harmonious, and family traditions cannot be changed. You must be good people, you know?"

"Dad, don't worry, we will do it."

Hearing his son's assurance, Lao Guo smiled and looked around again.

"Is the boy not here?"

"No, it's on the show, come over after the show, you are waiting for a while."

Lao Guo nodded, and his spirit looked better.

"You should learn more from Xiaozai. Why did he become famous? Because he remembered that the audience is the most important. Back then, I still remember it was Xiaoyue, right? Where is Xiaoyue?"

"Master, I'm here."

Xiao Yue, in his 60s, had tears all over his face.

(End of this chapter)

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