Uncle Deyun

Chapter 364 The consequences of coercion

Chapter 364 The consequences of coercion

Now that he has decided to move, Yi Yang has to consider which one to choose, and also depends on whether it will collide with some current works.

Yi World, since Yi Xiaoqian took over the company, Yi Yang came here for the first time. No matter how long it takes for this legendary boss, the employees will look at him with admiration. In my own words, this is personal charm.

"When I came here again, I saw that it was all from the new generation. I felt a little unaccustomed to it. The old guys had retired. I thought I was the same. I didn't expect to go around and go out to work again. The domestic market, we can't It can be said to be invincible, and it can also be said to be one of the best, so we only need to develop steadily in the domestic market, and I plan to develop the foreign market in the next one, and create a new department to support foreign development."

Yi Yang took a sip of water and gave everyone a time to digest.

"In recent years, many companies have entered overseas, but none of them are truly recognized overseas, including us. A few years ago, those old people also tried. It can't be said that they failed, but it was also a lesson. Because of what, everyone uses domestic perspectives. When I watched it internationally, I didn’t consider the issue of acceptance. The return of the Great Sage, and the follow-up White Snake, these animations sold well in China and became popular, but they were not recognized overseas. Why? Because of cultural differences.”

Yi Yang told everyone about the domestic and international relations in detail, and also explained many reasons. The final conclusion is that if you want to open up the international market, it is impossible to use our products for the first time. Cultural acceptance is a process. , step by step.

The young man originally thought that he should be the protagonist of the era, but he did not expect to be taught a lesson by the boss today. There is a saying that Jiang is still old and spicy.

After instilling the concept, Yi Yang asked his daughter to quickly set up a new department. The overseas market needs people who know the local area well. If there is no such person, even if Yi Yang directly takes out the work, someone may not show it to him. It is also the past few years. He didn't pay attention to overseas relations, otherwise he wouldn't be so passive.

On Tuesday, Yi Yang led people to discuss with the higher-ups again. In the end, both sides were happy, and the higher-ups were also very satisfied.

In November, the weather started to turn cold. Yi Xiaoqian recently felt very uncomfortable and her appetite was not very good. Zhou Ziyi urged her to go to the hospital for an examination, but...

"Doctor, are you sure there is nothing wrong? I always see misdiagnosis on TV."

"You don't have to worry, it's absolutely right, you can rest assured and wait to be a mother, this age is just right for having a baby."

Yi Xiaoqian didn't feel happy when she heard this, but felt that it was a bolt from the blue that such a bloody thing happened to her, and just once, she usually didn't get pregnant the first time she checked online.

When she got home, she did some research. It was said on the Internet that there might be something wrong with the child after drinking. She called the doctor, but the doctor said it was too early to find out.

"Li Hongyang, get the hell out of here."

Li Hongyang is participating in a variety show. I don't know why Yi Xiaoqian suddenly got angry, but the other party is the boss, and the boss yelled, he must go.

The two made an appointment in the private room of the teahouse, and Yi Xiaoqian threw the test results over.


"See for yourself."

Li Hongyang opened it, looked at Yi Xiaoqian in disbelief, then looked down at the result, and then smiled like a fool.

"I'm going to be a father, am I going to be a father?"

The man stood up excitedly while talking, and Yi Xiaoqian sneered.

"Who told you I was going to have a baby."

"Ah? Then you plan to...Xiaoqian, the child is innocent, and I am willing to take responsibility."

Yi Xiaoqian was so angry that she said this as if she was going to throw the child away.

"I didn't intend to make you responsible. Let me tell you, you pay for the inspection of the child. If there is something wrong with the inspection, I will kill the child immediately. No one is allowed to know until the inspection is all right. You can rent a house for me and save money." My parents found out, and if the child is fine, you are ready to marry me."

"Really? Xiaoqian, you don't need to check, I'm willing to do whatever there is any problem."

Li Hongyang was very happy, he didn't expect his wife's matter to be resolved.

"What you think is beautiful, let me tell you, if you have children, I will marry you for the sake of the children. No, don't even think about getting married. Also, marriage is also fake. Let the children have a complete family when they are young, and wait until they go to school. We will separate. Of course, if there is a suitable one among you, we can also go through the formalities. In the end, you know the conditions of my family. Even if the marriage is fake, it must be as real as it is, and my parents cannot be ashamed. You don’t have to worry about the money. I will return it to you together in time."

Yi Xiaoqian talked a lot, but Li Hongyang focused on one important point. He could get married if he kept the child. He had already prepared the money for the marriage, and he also had the house. After all, he was from the imperial capital.

"How about Xiaoqian's examination?"

Yi Yang has been busy with the script recently, otherwise he would definitely accompany his daughter when she was sick.

"It was said that her stomach was not feeling well, and she prescribed medicine. Xiaoqian rented a house near the company. She said it was too far to go back and forth to rest."

These years, they like that their children are not at home, and they don't really care about it. Although they hope that their children will come back often, they still want them to leave early after a long time. Parents are contradictory.

"That's fine. The new company is closer to home. The first one is closer, but they're all sold."

"You can do it. It's still new. How many years have passed? I found out whether you have memory problems now."

When Yi Yang thought about it, it was true. It has been ten years since he arrived at the new office, so how can he say anything new?

"I'm old, the new year is sixty, how fast, we have been married for more than 30 years, and the children are all married, daughter-in-law, you say that we are busy in this life, we can't spend enough money, and our children are well raised , and did a lot of good things, isn’t it perfect.”

Zhou Ziyi was cleaning the table while listening to Yi Yang's speech.

"Thinking about it, it's really true. You said that when I was in school, I didn't dare to think about what kind of life I would live in the future. At that time, I was happy to have a maid acting in the role. Later, I married you, and I could choose the filming by myself. As a result, I have a child, and finally the child grows up, and we are also getting old. In this life, I have lived a fulfilling life, and I also have a little regret, which is very good."

Two people are at home, you get water, I work, the division of labor is clear, when people reach [-], they see many things more and more lightly, only the person who has walked along the way is the most important, and the children don’t need to be around , but it’s not okay if the lover is not by my side, because only she is the one I care about the most.

(End of this chapter)

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