Uncle Deyun

Chapter 365 Consequence 2

Chapter 365 Consequence II

Yi Xiaoqian moved to a new home, but there was an unexpected guest in the new home.

"Li Hongyang, who told you to live here, move out quickly."

Li Hongyang's hand to put things was not affected at all.

"Can you cook by yourself? Can you supplement nutrition? What if the child does not eat well and is born in poor health? It's not like you don't know my craftsmanship. I'm here to take care of you conveniently. There is absolutely no other meaning."

Yi Xiaoqian snorted and didn't say anything, because she was sure that without the skills of her father and Yi Daqian, instant noodles would be mushy, let alone a nutritious meal.

"Let me tell you, you can't disturb me normally. If people find out that we live together, you will be finished, you know?"

Listening to Yi Xiaoqian's threatening words like a child, Li Hongyang nodded with a smile, as long as he can stay, any conditions are fine.

In this way, the two began to live together. In order not to be discovered, each time they went out, they had to be 10 minutes apart. When they came back, they had to go to other places on purpose before returning home. It was no different from a secret agent.

At five months, Yi Xiaoqian's stomach could already be seen, and the doctor said there was nothing wrong, so the matter of notifying the parents of both parties was put on the agenda.

"Daughter-in-law, I am writing today, and I feel that my eyelids are twitching violently, as if something is about to happen."

"If you have this ability, you should go to Tianqiao for a fortune-telling. I said don't face the computer for too long and protect your eyes. How old are you and think you are young? I bought eye drops to relieve fatigue. Use it first superior."

"My daughter-in-law treats me well."

The two were still bickering at home, but they didn't know that things had come at this time.

"Do you think my dad can hit me?"

Yi Xiaoqian was really scared. She knew better than anyone that her father valued rules. The education she had received since she was a child was that she could not do things in that area unless she was married. Now she has done it in one step and has children. She doesn’t know how to explain it when she returns home. .

"Your father may not be sure, but your mother may."

Li Hongyang knew that all the women in Yi Xiaoqian's family practiced martial arts, and the men all took the cultural route, and the whole thing was upside down, but thinking about it, he seemed to be considered a cultural person...

"Mom, I'm back."

Yi Yang was cooking, and when he was cooking, he thought of something, why he had to clean up before, but now, he had to clean up again after cooking, he told his wife, and in exchange he said, "After dinner, you Clean up", I am depressed at this moment.

"Come back when you come back, what are you calling, you don't look like a girl at all."

Yi Xiaoqian suddenly felt that she had no love, and her father scolded herself, and she was wronged, because her mother scolded her before.

"You and my mother have developed a relationship again? Isn't the mood very beautiful."

"I develop a relationship with her? Your mother uses me as a robot vacuum."

As the dishes were ready, Yi Yang came out and saw that Li Hongyang was also there.

"Hongyang is here, look, Yi Xiaoqian, do you want to tell me about the guest?"

Yi Xiaoqian understood, Dad felt ashamed and embarrassed.

"Next time, next time I will definitely tell you in advance, I will call my mother for dinner."

"Shout you, she likes to eat or not, I'm a little cold, go upstairs to get some clothes."

Looking at the clothes on the sofa, Yi Xiaoqian chose to shut up. Yi Yang went upstairs, and the two people downstairs vaguely heard the gentle words from the upstairs:
"Daughter-in-law, the meal is ready, let's eat."

"Did you see, my father has been in my mother's hands for the rest of his life. You should pay attention to yourself and find out that the fake show is real, or you will be worse than my father."

Li Hongyang didn't take Yi Xiaoqian's threat seriously at all, as long as he did the right thing, he had no objection to whoever said it.

"Hongyang is here, why didn't Xiaoqian tell your father to cook something delicious when he brought the guests back."

"Mom, it's not an important guest, let's eat quickly, I'm hungry."

Yi Xiaoqian decided to announce the news after dinner, otherwise she was afraid that her parents would not be in the mood to eat.

"Come on, Hongyang, let's eat vegetables. Your aunt knows about Uncle's skills. It's quite good."

"Don't talk about it, your uncle doesn't mention anything else, just this cooking ability, he is really not as good as Daqian, my son's cooking is absolutely delicious."

Yi Yang was still waiting for a compliment, but in the end, let alone praise, he stepped on it.

"My daughter seems to have gained a lot of weight recently. Does she always eat junk food? Let me tell you, you can't eat those things often, because they contain hormones."


The meal was still enjoyable, but when they put down the chopsticks, the expressions on the faces of Yi Yang and his wife changed.

"Mom and Dad, that's what happened anyway. I really didn't expect him to treat me like this. You know, I'm stupid and sweet."

The more Li Hongyang listened, the more wrong he became. Why did he seem to be a bad person? This time, he couldn't calm down anymore. Just as he was about to explain, Yi Yang stopped him.

"You don't have to talk, I don't want to hear it."

"Uncle I..."

"My dad told you to stop talking, so you can't talk?"

Li Hongyang had no choice but to shut up.

"Yi Xiaoqian, do you think I understand you?"

"That's for sure, Dad and I are the best."


"Mother and I are fine too."

Almost didn't dig a hole and buried himself.

"Then do you think I will believe that he has the ability to force you, even though he is taller than you and looks stronger than you, if he really fights, he can't beat you. If you say that you forced him, I will believe it."

Yi Xiaoqian: ...

She hates this damn tacit understanding very much now, and her father's guess is too accurate.

She didn't know that Yi Yang didn't rely on guesswork, it was purely a lesson learned from blood. At that time, he was already married, and then his wife went out to a party, and when she returned home, she brought back her girlfriends. They drank twice and immediately became drunk , Yi Yang managed to get his daughter-in-law upstairs, and was just about to change clothes, but was suppressed by a backhand, and the final result was a bruised nose and swollen face. Regarding this matter, Zhou Ziyi explained that she was just married and not familiar with her.

"That uncle, I really forced her, no, we hit it off."

Li Hongyang wanted to refute, but forced thinking is not good, it sounds better to fall in love with each other, he later recalled some things as if he had struggled, but failed...

"Dad, it's already like this. We want to have a wedding. What do you think?"

Yi Xiaoqian broke the pot, but she didn't want to admit it, but unfortunately, her memory told her that she was the one who took the initiative.

In fact, Yi Yang was not as angry as he imagined. Although he was a very conservative person in his two lifetimes, he didn't really get to the point where something happened before marriage and he wanted to beat someone to death.

He just thinks that no matter boys or girls, if they reach that stage, it means that they have truly become adults, and they have to be responsible to each other. If they are not capable of being responsible to others, it is best not to have those things happen. It's the 21st century, I haven't seen or heard of anything, but when I think that my daughter is going to start a family and become a mother, I feel happy and sad at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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