Chapter 167
Mo Qitian handed the square handkerchief to You and said: "Don't talk nonsense, Qingtian is the apprentice of Shibo Yaojizi. I have seen him since I was a child. There is nothing wrong with him. He just has a cold temperament and no malicious intentions." .”

While the three of them were chattering, Youran suddenly changed his face and said: "Someone is trying to break my barrier." After speaking, he rushed out.Mo Qitian and the three quickly followed.

When Youran arrived, Li Kui had already started a fight with the group of people. Looking at the situation in the field, Youran saw that Li Kui was one against five, and still
It seems that these five characters are not very powerful, leisurely let go of her heart.After a while, Li Kui subdued these five people, but strangely, all five of them committed suicide by taking poison without exception.And there are no clues on him.It stands to reason that if these five people just came to snatch the medicine Wangshenpian, they wouldn't commit suicide by taking poison if they were caught!Is it a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain?
The three of Mo Qitian also obviously wanted to go with Youran, and the three hurried back to Youran's room.

After the three of them entered the room, they checked carefully and found nothing wrong. You Ran wondered secretly: Could it be that they guessed wrong?

Suddenly leisurely saw a shallow mud print on the ground beside the bed, and the position of the pillow on the bed was slightly off. Usually Chunhua Qiuyue is very serious when cleaning the room, and she will never make such a mistake, so her room is really clean. Someone came in.

When Yi Shuihan heard Youran's words, he said with a clear face: "It must be that sunny day, he is the only outsider in this manor."

The others were silent when they heard it, what Yi Shuihan said was not unreasonable, Youran really didn't want to doubt other people in the village, if even the people who have been with the village for so long would betray her, that would be really terrible up.

After identifying the suspect, the four of them rushed to Sunny's room.Jiang Nuo rudely kicked the door of Qing Tian's room, and Qing Tian hadn't rested yet at this hour. He was wearing a loose robe, showing his strong chest slightly.His hair was also a little wet behind his back, different from the indifferent and pure look he just saw today, he looked sexy and charming on such a sunny day.He was reading a book in the room with his arms propped up, and it seemed that he had just finished taking a bath.

Seeing the menacing four people, Qingtian just raised his eyes and continued to read, Mo Qitian quickly covered Youran's eyes, Youran was a little speechless, just showing a little chest, but in his previous life, he could see shirtless men everywhere.

Yi Shuihan rushed over and pulled Qing Tian up and said, "Speak? Who sent you here? What are you looking for in Youran's room?"

Qing Tian pushed Yi Shuihan's hand away, and after gathering his shirt, he said flatly: "I have never been to Youran's room."

Jiang Nuo said with a frosty face: "Then where were you just now?"

"As you can see, reading a book in the room."

Just when Yi Shuihan was about to speak again, there was a noise outside.You Ran and the others immediately ran out, and after they had gone out, they closed the door on a sunny day and changed out of the night clothes hidden under the bathrobe.

When Youran and the others came to the living room, they saw Li Yu wearing night clothes, kneeling in the middle of the hall.Youran understood what was going on at a glance, at this time Mo Qitian took over the dark pavilion arranged by Mo Qitian and said: "Master, I saw him sneaking out of Miss Youran's room, so I arrested him." After hearing this, Qitian glanced at Youran worriedly, and waved his hand to accept it.

After hearing this, Lei Ran said with a frosty face: "Li Yu, I need you to explain to me."

(End of this chapter)

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