Chapter 168
Li Yu bowed his head in pain and remained silent. Li Kui watched anxiously from the side, and said, "Li Yu, what are you doing? Hurry up and tell the lady, you must have difficulties."

When Li Yu was pushed in, Chunhua felt as if she had been shocked by an electric shock. She covered her mouth and said in disbelief, "Why you? Miss treats you so well, why did you do this?"

Leisurely waited for Li Yu's explanation in silence. She could feel Li Yu's devotion to helping her in the past five years. If a person can lie by her side for such a long time, but she If you don't find it, it's really terrible.

Li Yu struggled for a while, kowtowed and said: "Miss, I, Li Yu, am sorry for you, but I didn't mean to harm Miss. I, I found my wife, but she was kidnapped, kidnapped The people asked me to help them get Miss Yaowangshenpian, and they let my wife go, or they would kill her and my son."

Li Kui asked leisurely doubts, "Son? Don't you only have one wife?"

Speaking of his son, Li Yu smiled softly and said: "It turned out that when my wife went to visit relatives at her mother's house, she was already pregnant for more than two months, but after the war, I lost contact with her, and she took the son alone. It’s too much, so I can’t just watch them die.” After Li Yu finished speaking, he kowtowed to Youran and said, “Miss, do I really want to harm you? I just want to save my wife. Son."

Leisurely sighed. Didn't Li Yu fall in love with him because of his affection?Leisurely helped Li Yu up and said, "Why didn't you come to me? Miss, I'm so unworthy of your trust?"

Li Yu hurriedly said, "No, Miss."

"Okay, you are brothers of my village, and I am your village owner. I hope that this kind of thing will happen again in the future. You must tell me. Isn't it better for us to find a way together?"

Li Yu choked up and said: "Miss, if you beat me up or kill me directly, I feel better, but now, miss, how can I repay your kindness."

Shaking his head leisurely, he said seriously: "I help you not for your reward, but because you are my brothers in Longhu Village, and I am your village owner. From the moment you accept Longhu Village, your The matter is my Shangguan Youran's business."

Leisurely's words made the eyes of the people present at Longhuzhai wet.

Then Li Yu recounted how she met her wife. It turned out that a week ago, when Li Yu was going to Huarong Yuemao to summarize the monthly accounts, he ran into her wife on the street. His wife's name was Xiang show.After that, Li Yu found out from Xiangxiu that he had a son, which made Li Yu ecstatic, so he followed Xiangxiu to the place where Xiangxiu lived temporarily, and met his six-year-old son, Li Yu. talent.

After the family told each other about their parting, Li Yu decided to take their mother and son back to Youran Manor. Just when the three of them walked to the door, Li Yu heard a strange fragrance, and then Li Yu disappeared.

After Li Yu woke up, he saw a letter next to him, which said that Xiangxiu and Li Cai were in their hands, and a week later, they killed their mother and son without taking the Yaowang Shenpeng to redeem them.

After leisurely listening, she felt strange in her heart, it was too coincidental that Xiangxiu mother and son did not appear until now.However, seeing Li Yu's happy face, I really couldn't bear to say that.
I've been really busy these days, and the updates are a bit sparse, everyone forgive me.Regarding the reader's question of "not being afraid again", Xiaocao wants to say that this has already been explained in the article!
(End of this chapter)

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