Chapter 169
So leisurely frowned and thought for a while and asked, "Where did they ask you to send the Medicine King's Chapter?"

"They sent me to the place where my wife is temporarily staying, and they will send someone over to pick it up."

Nodding leisurely, she took out the Yaowangshen chapter from her bosom, handed it to Li Yu and said, "Take this! It's important to save your wife and children first."

Li Yu looked shocked at the results of the Yaowang Shenpian, and said in disbelief: "Village Master, you..."

In fact, this Yaowang Shenchao was created by leisurely using the magic in the Guiyuan Heart Sutra, it is just an illusion, unless it is seen by someone who knows such magic like her, others will not be able to see it.

Leisurely helped Li Yu up and said: "Okay, let's go and leave your wife and children! Today should be the time you agreed on." Then he said to Li Kui: "Let brothers get ready, when Xiangxiu's mother and son are rescued, you and I Rush over there immediately and grab them."

"Yes, the village master." After Li Kui and the others left, Mo Qitian arranged for a group of dark pavilion recruits to assist them.

After everyone returned to the room, they leisurely looked at the window that was still lit in Qingtian, frowned, and knocked on the door of Qingtian's room.On a sunny day, she was still dressed as before, but her hair was already dry, and she was still sitting on the couch reading a book.

"I'm sorry tonight, I misunderstood you, please don't mind."

After hearing this, Qingtian shrugged indifferently and said, "It's okay, I can understand."

Hearing what Qingtian said, Youran smiled and said: "That's good, then you rest! I won't bother you." After finishing speaking, Youran got up and left.

Suddenly, Qing Tian grabbed Youran's hand and asked, "Sit down for a while and talk to me! I can't sleep in a new place."

Youran stared at the hand held by Qingtian in surprise, if it wasn't for Qingtian's clear eyes, Youran would have felt that Qingtian was molesting her.

Leisurely pulled out the hand held by Qing Tian, ​​smiled and nodded, "Okay! What do you want to talk about?"

"You like them?"

"Huh?" You Ran didn't expect Qing Tian to ask such a sharp question all of a sudden, and she couldn't react for a while.

Qing Tian lowered his head, and a trace of ridicule flashed in his clear eyes in a place that Youran couldn't see.

Then he raised his head and changed the subject: "I heard from the master that you can also make alchemy?"

Leisurely nodded and said: "Yes, I will."

"Then what level are you now?" After Qingtian finished speaking, she propped her arms and looked at Youran with slightly squinted eyes.

Leisurely raised her head and smiled, "To tell you the truth, I really don't know what level I am."

Just as Qingtian was about to speak again, suddenly there was a hasty knock on the door, and he ran over leisurely, opened the door, and saw Jiang Nuo standing at the door with a veiny face, and said leisurely, "Jiang Nuo? What happened?" What's wrong?"

Without saying a word, Jiang Nuo grabbed You Ran and left.

Seeing the two leaving figures, Qing Tian narrowed his eyes slightly, the eyes were still clear and full of evil.

Jiang Nuo ran leisurely to his room, and closed the door firmly.Leisurely rubbed her wrist that hurt from being held, frowned and said, "Jiang Nuo, what are you doing? Is there anything you can't say properly?"

Jiang Nuo slammed his fist on the door panel, bowed his head and said, "Damn it, talk about it. If I talk about it, will you become that kid?"

Leisurely said in surprise: "What nonsense are you talking about! I just apologize to Qingtian, after all we misunderstood him just now. Don't..."

Before Youran finished speaking, Jiang Nuo lowered his head and kissed Youran's lips.

(End of this chapter)

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