Chapter 513 Immortal Domain
Immortal Realm, Black Gold City, this is a medium-sized city in the hundreds of millions of miles of territory ruled by King Pan, and it is also Pan Yu's permanent residence.

After Zhang Cuihua and Duan Jiude entered the fairyland, they were sent to this city.

"I really didn't expect it! My old Duan will also come to Immortal Realm one day." Duan Jiude stood on a low mountain, greedily absorbing the undead substance in the air.

"It is said that the lifespan of the monks here can be as high as ten thousand years, and the atmosphere of cultivation is much better than that of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths." Zhang Cuihua paused, and then said:

"I just don't know where the suzerain is now?"

"The suzerain is a peerless arrogance who will last forever. He pushes across the nine heavens and ten places, and looks down on the world. Maybe he has entered the fairyland before us." Duan Jiude comforted.

"Oh, is he really that strong?"

"That's it! It's... the suzerain!" Suddenly, a familiar voice came from Duan Jiude's ear.


A bronze vessel flew out of Zhang Cuihua's storage bag, and two figures jumped out of it, it was Shen Ma and the puppy.

"Sect Master, how did you come here?" Zhang Cuihua was stunned, without turning her head for a moment.

"Occasionally I got an artifact, and I just hid it in it. I was afraid that you would show your flaws and be captured by someone with a heart, so I didn't inform you in advance." Shen Ma said truthfully.

"Let me just say, the suzerain's heavenly posture, how can a mere door stop him!" Duan Jiude flattered him appropriately.

"Hey! Why is the Black King motionless?" Zhang Cuihua asked curiously.

"Look at my memory, I almost forgot to remove the seal."


As soon as Shen Ma pointed out, the ripples spread, constantly melting and disintegrating the chains of order on the puppy.


As soon as it was untied, a dog's mouth full of sharp white teeth bit towards Shenma.The majestic black king has been sealed for a whole day, how can this be tolerated?

Shenma flipped his claws, took out a small piece of silver dragon and stuffed it into its mouth, it was the essence of the fairy spring eye that it had dug up at the beginning.

The little dog's anger disappeared, and he smiled, and said: "For you are sensible, this king will reluctantly forgive you."

Shen Ma shook his head and laughed. It's not that he can't beat the puppy, but that this dog is very sinister, and he will be hated by it, and he may have bad luck someday.

Furthermore, you have to rely on it to find the land that reaches the sky, so you must not neglect it.

In fact, the puppy also knows that he can't beat the Shenma. Since there are steps to go down, and the essence of the fairy spring to restore Taoism, if this good thing happens every day, it would like to be sealed for ten days and a half months.

"Is Pan Yu in this city?" Shen Ma asked.

"I'm gone. It is said that I went to Panwang City to hand over the affairs. The time is uncertain. It may take several years to come back." Duan Jiude said.

"I still want to ask him for a drink, but it seems that there is no chance. That being the case, let's just stroll around. Where can I listen to music?" Shen Ma asked again.

"Listen to music in Goulan?" Duan Jiude was stunned for a moment, but then he came back to his senses and said, "In the west city, there is a huge market, and it is said that there are many interesting things gathered in it."

"Okay, go to West City." Shen Ma made a decision.

The Black Gold City stretches across a huge piece of land. The whole city is simple and magnificent, and one big star after another revolves around the city.

It covers a very large area, and it takes a year for a mortal to walk from the east to the west of the city.In fact, the entire city can be regarded as a star field, not a city defined by the mortal world.

Walking on the wide and straight avenue in the city, looking at the spectacle of the sun and the moon shining together, and the endless fairy energy pouring down like a waterfall, Shen Ma and the others suddenly felt refreshed and enlightened.

On both sides of the road, some ancient trees towered into the starry sky, as high as the sky, and some strange flowers grew in the void, filled with chaotic energy, and released the essence of immortality.

Even the humble stones on the roadside have spirituality, and some are even babbling, and they are almost perfect.

"The name of Immortal Realm is worthy of its name." Shen Ma couldn't help sighing, this place is really a paradise for cultivation, even every flower and stone contains rich essence.

Even if it is a pig, if it stays here for a long time, it will become fine.

"Rare is more strange, calm down." The puppy raised his head, walked briskly, and said lightly:
"In the ancient times of Immortals, the environment of the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands was similar to that of the Immortal Realm. The undead substance was rich, spiritual flowers and grasses were everywhere, and true immortals emerged in large numbers. This is also the scene."

"It's a pity, the years have changed, the sea has changed, and the nine heavens and ten lands have fallen. I don't know when the fairyland will repeat the same mistakes?" Shen Ma looked into the distance, with a faint breath of time on his body.

"The big reckoning is on the way..." the little dog muttered.

Next, they took a huge chariot, crossed multiple areas, and finally arrived at their destination.

Changle Square in the West City is a bustling area. Although it is a gathering place for monks, it is also similar to the mortal world, full of red dust.

Along the roadside, there is an elixir pavilion, a weapon shop, a scripture room, and some corner places, and monks are setting up street stalls.

Here, all kinds of creatures can be seen, such as rhinoceros with horns on their heads, angels with wings on their backs, spirits who do not cultivate their bodies, and ancient beasts that do not change their forms. Very lively.

"Fresh Kui beef buns, pass by, don't miss it!"

"Beihai clam pearl powder, invigorating qi and benefiting the middle, increasing vitality!"

"Come on, do the math, authentic fortune-telling, not allowed or not sourced."

One after another, the shouts echoed in the market, making people think that they had strayed into the mortal world.

"Go buy whatever you want." Shen Ma threw out two bags of Shenyuan and sent Duan Jiude and Zhang Cuihua away.

"Thank you suzerain." Duan Jiude and Zhang Cuihua were grateful, and then disappeared into the bustling downtown.

On the other side, the puppy has already eaten it. It has a Kui beef bun in its left paw, and a thousand-year-old roast chicken in its right paw.

"Is it that delicious?" Shen Ma muttered, and then bought a copy for himself.

"Yeah! It's delicious!"

In this way, one dragon and one dog ate and drank all the way, and almost tasted all the delicacies in half the street.

"No wonder everyone wants to go to the Immortal Realm. The delicious food made by this spirit beast and Lingzhi alone is enough to make people linger." Shen Ma stroked the round dragon belly, satisfied.

In addition to the delicious food, he also went in for a walk in the lively scripture room and the pill pavilion to get a real understanding of the cultivation situation in Immortal Domain.

Different from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the practice in the Immortal Territory is still the ancient method of immortality, based on the immortal species, and the harmony between heaven and man can lead to longevity.

"What was your seed back then?" Shen Ma asked the puppy.

"The Heart of Chaos Formation." The little puppy held his head high, quite proud, and explained:
"A person has a human heart, a tree has a tree heart, and a formation also has a formation heart. The world is chaotic like a chicken, and there is a magic formation in between. One day, the formation is dissolved, leaving only a light ball, which is the formation heart."

"So that's how it is." Shen Ma didn't know what to do.

One dragon and one dog walked and ate, chatted while eating, from the creation of the endless fairy king to the great reckoning of darkness, from the south of the sky to the north of the earth, ghosts and ghosts, fairy magic, everything is talked about.

Unknowingly, the sky was getting dark and the lights were coming on. All kinds of exquisite fairy cars were parked in front of a large-scale attic. There were richly dressed nobles coming and going, mainly energetic young men, and there were also many old men.

A group of little fairies in thin dresses greeted and sent them off, each of them had fair skin, unevenness, and natural charm, which made people feel pity for them.

"Jiaofang Pavilion! It's not a good place at first sight."

(End of this chapter)

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