The sermon begins with the dragon and the horse

Chapter 514 Don't teach Mingyue to go

Chapter 514 Don't teach Mingyue to go

"The land of Goulan is the worst place for bad people. But from another point of view, it may not be a good place to test the Dao heart.

Infinite life dragon!In ancient times, there was a Buddha who used his body to feed a tiger, and now there is a Shenma who uses his body to fill the devil's lair. "Shen Ma shook his head, with an impassioned look, looking at death like home, and walked step by step towards the attic where the songs were singing and dancing.

"Bah! You're even worse than this king. When you go to a brothel, you go to a brothel. What are you doing with those fancy things? This king is ashamed to be with you!"

Then, the little dog cub followed in.

"Guest, please come inside!"

Before Shen Ma and the puppy stepped into the gate of Jiaofang Pavilion, two fairies with spring faces greeted them with great enthusiasm.

"What fun do you have here?" Shen Ma asked

"Reporting to our distinguished guests, the living sign of our Jiaofang Pavilion is Charm Dance, which uses the most pleasing dance to relieve guests from fatigue, forgetting both gods and man, like dreaming in the clouds." A little fairy introduced kindly.

"It's interesting, is there anything else?" Shen Ma asked again.

"Wrapped around soft bones, it helps guests relax their tendons; with a consonant finger, it activates the potential in the body; when it penetrates the soul, it gathers vitality and nourishes the primordial spirit..." The little fairy whispered softly, with a charming smile, and a pair of peach blossom eyes that made people love.

"Wonderful! Wonderful!" Shen Ma nodded in praise frequently, and the peaceful dragon blood showed signs of boiling.

Stepping into the gate of Jiaofang Pavilion, you will be greeted with a strong fairy spirit and a pleasant flower fragrance. The interior is very large, far more than what the outside world sees.

Ahead, one after another resplendent and resplendent fairy islands hang in the void, embellished with Qionglou Yuyu, which is hard to measure.

From time to time, groups of fragrant and colorful women can be seen shuttling among them, and everyone's posture is very natural, with a misty fairy air.

It's hard to imagine that they are just dancers and maids.If she was in the mortal world, she would have long been regarded as a fairy by mortals.

"My dear guest, this was originally a small world, but it was later opened up by the host as the Jiaofang Pavilion, which covers an area of ​​[-] miles." The little fairy's breasts were half-open, and there was a wave of enthusiasm in her words.

"It's very big." Shen Ma grinned and opened his mouth with a smile, and his dragon teeth, which were crystal clear like jade, glistened and were extremely dazzling.

If you have good teeth, your body must be strong.

"Barely, I have seen bigger ones."

At this moment, the pup's face was radiant, as if he had just started his second spring. His hair was black and shiny, and the black hair around his neck had also undergone special treatment. Overall, he looked like a handsome dog.

"Don't say anything, little fairy, give us a top-notch package service, and we will live here now." With a wave of Shen Ma's big paw, a domineering aura soared into the sky.

"The top service is in Guanghan Palace, which is prepared for the banquet of real immortals, and the price is a bit expensive. It is better for guests to choose Huayao Palace, that is also very good." The little fairy said sincerely.

"Why, do you have a rule that non-true immortals cannot enter Guanghan Palace?" Shen Ma said angrily.

"That's not true. Since the guest wants to stay in Guanghan Palace, we will naturally not refuse, but this..." The little fairy showed a look of embarrassment, rubbing her thumb and forefinger non-stop.

"Source is not an issue."

With a wave of Shenma's paw, the hill-like fairy source appeared in the void, colorful and dazzling, filled with a strong fairy aura.

This is what he obtained by scrapping the Immortal Palace. The old Remnant Immortal still wants to return to the Immortal Realm one day, so there are not many immortal sources left behind.

"Guest, wait a moment, I'll let the bustard come over."

The little fairy was overjoyed, she never expected that just after opening today, a heavyweight local tycoon will be ushered in, and the bounty for this month will be quite a lot.

In a short while, a mature woman in a red silk dress came slowly from the void. Her face was like a lotus, her eyebrows were like a willow, her black hair was pulled into a high bun, and her bright red lips were slightly raised, charming and boneless. Three points into the beauty.

"My servant, Diao Guanyue, has seen two distinguished guests."

"Shen Yuluoyan, closed moon and shameful flowers, the name is very good." Shen Ma laughed.

"Thank you for your praise, I will lead the way ahead." Diao Guanyue smiled like a flower, bowed slightly to pay respects, revealing a touch of fairness.

Later, under the leadership of Diao Guanyue, Shen Ma and the puppy crossed the outer fairy island and came to the central area, where there was a white asteroid, filled with a strong fairy energy, almost melted.

As soon as he stepped on it, Shen Ma felt all the cells in his body trembling, greedily absorbing the essence of immortality here, vaguely, he felt that his cultivation base had increased a bit.

"There is a spirit-gathering formation at the level of a true immortal. A cultivator in the human realm can practice here for a day, which is comparable to a hundred days in the outside world. Are you satisfied?" Diao Guanyue pinched the red embroidered cloth, half covered her red lips and whispered, saying no Out of the charming.

"Very good, where is the Guanghan Palace you mentioned?" Shen Ma asked.

"Hehe, the honored guest is really impatient, I will take you there right away."

Diao Guanyue clapped her palms lightly, and a golden road suddenly appeared in the thick fairy fog, extending to Shenma's feet.

"VIP, please!"

Shen Ma stepped on it lightly, and the scene in front of him changed rapidly, as if traveling through a time-space tunnel, and the colorful brilliance disappeared in a flash.

After a few breaths of time, a dreamy building appeared in front of him. Its main body was completely made of bright blue celestial crystal, which was crystal clear and beautiful under the shining of a small sun.

Its outer wall is engraved with pictures of flying goddesses. They may fly among lotus flowers and colorful clouds with pipas in their arms;


At this time, the exquisite crystal door opened, and a row of girls dressed in thin veils of emerald green water came out head-on. They were like hibiscus emerging from the water, their skin was as warm as jade, their slender waists were tightly grasped, and their breath was like orchids.


They waved the ribbons on their bodies into the sky, intertwined and intertwined in an instant, turning into two reclining chairs, one large and one small, landing at the feet of Shen Ma and the puppy.

"Honored guest!" Diao Guanyue leaned forward slightly, and said respectfully.

Shenma has always been cautious, and wanted to observe at first, but unexpectedly, the puppy lay down directly, his posture and expression were like that of an old fritter.

Shen Ma seriously doubts whether this dog guy often went to and from such places in the ancient times!

Then, he also lay down on it. Needless to say, this reclining chair definitely conforms to the structure of a dragon's body. It is almost like wandering in the clouds, and it is extremely comfortable.

The most important thing is that there is a fragrance of virginity on it.

Shen Ma felt that if he had turned a blind eye to Jiaofang Pavilion before, he would definitely regret it for thousands of years.


The maids held up two reclining chairs, one large and one small, and walked slowly towards the gate with lotus steps on their feet.

As soon as you enter the door, the faint scent of sweet-scented osmanthus hits your nostrils, making you feel comfortable physically and mentally.

The majestic hall is hazy with fairy mist, beams and pillars tower into the clouds, and the end can't be seen at a glance. The entire dome is full of stars, the stars are shining, and the beauty is extremely beautiful.

In the center of the hall, there is a luxuriant osmanthus tree. It is so tall that it almost covers a corner of the dome. Blossoming osmanthus flowers are hanging all over the branches, which are heavy.

The jade table has already been set up in the main hall, and the food and wine are also put away.

"My dear guest, the name of this wine is confusing. It is a 10-year-old Moon Crystal Fruit, a 10-year-old Meigu Hantao, a 10-year-old Sun Soul Fruit, a 10-year-old Wanglingcao, and Jiutian Xianlu. , It took millions of years to brew.

There is also this flying fairy fish, which only lives in chaos. It is born with chaotic blood essence, which is a good product for washing essence and cutting marrow, and restoring vitality.

In addition, this..." Diao Guanyue introduced the food on the table vividly, every dish is a high-quality product, in the past, only monks at the level of real immortals held banquets, and ordinary monks did not have the financial resources to enjoy it.

"Tsk tsk!"

Shen Ma couldn't wait to raise the wine glass on the table, the wine glistening with Bixia flowed down his throat and went straight into his lungs, he couldn't help moaning, it was so delicious.

As soon as the dry wine entered his throat, it exploded like a volcanic eruption, and a hot feeling swept his whole body. Immediately afterwards, he felt surrounded by the turbulent fairy energy like a vast sea, and the pores all over his body opened, giving him a burst of refreshment.

Dimly, he felt as if he was in a perfect world, and all the good things in the world were beckoning to him. The top skills, the most powerful weapons, and the most powerful forces all belonged to him.

However, this feeling came quickly and disappeared quickly, and he soon became sober, but that beautiful feeling still lingered in his heart, and it was hard to dissipate for a long time.

"Confused mind, confused mind, this wine is wonderful!"

Shen Ma couldn't help admiring, when he turned his head to look at the table with the puppy, he found that the dog had already swallowed most of the food, and kept urging the maid next to him to add more food.

"Damn dog, it's true that I stole my fairy source." He cursed secretly, then turned his gaze to Diao Guanyue, and said:

"Let's get talented."


Diao Guanyue responded respectfully, and then waved to the room on the right.

Not long after, a group of dancers in thin gowns walked up to the main hall, led by a woman with a cold temperament, her fragrant shoulders were half exposed, her neck was slender, and a blue gauze scarf was covering her chest.

Her skin is finer than snow, and her eyes are like pools of clear water. When she looks around, she has an elegant and noble temperament, which makes people feel ashamed.But that cold, arrogant and agile spirit is quite seductive, and it makes people dream about it.

As soon as she appeared on the stage, Shen Ma was stunned, amazed that there is such a strange woman in the world, even a foodie puppy can't help but look at her more.

"What's the name of this girl?" Shen Ma asked.

"Heng'e." Diao Guanyue smiled slightly.

"Don't teach Mingyue to go, keep drunk Chang'e. It's very happy here!" Shen Ma drank another glass of heart-wrenching wine.

"Ding ding ding!"

The wonderful fairy music played, and Heng'e led a group of dancers to dance lightly. Under the thin gauze skirt, the slender waist swayed, stirring up and down the surrounding fairy fog.

The songs and dances have a special rhythm, which seems to be resonating with the heaven and the earth. Shen Ma feels relaxed all over the body and mind, forgetting both God and himself, immersed in this moment, this minute, this second, the feeling in it cannot be expressed in words illustrate.


Heng'e dances like a flower in the snow, sometimes left, sometimes right, as if never tired.Among the tens of thousands of rotations, it is sometimes difficult for Shenma to distinguish the details.

Because, in Heng'e's dance, there is a Dao rhyme, and the rotations and jumps all coincide with the Dao, ethereal, hazy, and extremely mysterious.

This is a fairy dance!
"I didn't expect to see the inheritance of the Dao of Dance here. Immortal Territory is really a blessed place." The puppy hiccupped and said slowly.

"Wu Dao?" Shen Ma whispered, carefully trying to figure out the meaning.

"There are three thousand roads, picking the stars and taking the moon is the way, moving mountains and unloading mountains is the way, every flower and grass is the way, chopping firewood and carrying water is also the way, why is dancing the way not the way?"

The puppy looked old-fashioned, paused, and said:

"In the ancient times of Immortals, there was a woman who became enlightened by dancing and was ranked supreme. She danced for nine days and nine nights in a battle dance and killed millions of enemies. She was unparalleled."

"Aren't your feet sore after jumping for so long?" Shen Ma blurted out.

"Wang, I'm too lazy to tell you." The puppy turned his head and continued to eat.

Diao Guanyue at the side blushed, holding back her sudden smile, the strict rules of Jiaofang Pavilion did not allow her to smile, because it was a great disrespect to the guests.

The wonderful fairy music has been echoing in the hall, and the cheerful fairy dance has not stopped.

Shen Ma was immersed in it, forgetting the past and present life, forgetting the sorrow and suffering, and relaxed whole body and mind.


One day later, the sound of eggshells breaking suddenly came from inside his body, and the divine light shot up into the sky, instantly lighting up the entire hall. It was his blood, which overflowed unconsciously.

The cheerful singing and dancing stopped abruptly, because Shen Ma's aura was too oppressive, even the half-step supreme Diao Guanyue and Heng'e couldn't bear it, let alone the group of dancers who couldn't escape.

"That's right, your practice has improved again. If you didn't know your details, I would really suspect that you are a descendant of a real dragon." The puppy sighed.

"I didn't expect to be able to break through listening to the music and watching the dance. Could it be that I am the son of destiny!" Shen Ma said triumphantly.

"You said you were fat, and you were panting." The puppy gave him a blank look, then leaned forward again, and said mysteriously:
"Drink the wine and watch the dance, it's important to get down to business."

Shen Ma understood, and called Diao Guanyue to come over and said, "It's not a problem to give my brother that delicate and congenial set meal."

"Dele! Girls take Mr. Hei Wang to take a bath, and then let him relax." Diao Guanyue said happily.

"Woof, that's not what I mean!" the pup yelled, looking reluctant, but the dancers had already picked up the reclining chairs and walked towards another hall.

It can only reluctantly agree.

"Ahem, how is Miss Heng'e's craftsmanship?" Shen Ma asked.

"Master Shen has the eyes, Heng'e's technique is absolutely beyond imagination, I dare to assure you, if you feel uncomfortable, you can find me." Diao Guanyue said, patting his chest.

"It's okay to find you..." Shen Ma stared at her and said with a smile.

"Hehe." Diao Guanyue's smiling branches trembled wildly, and the surrounding air felt a vibration. Obviously, her strength is definitely not bad.

"Girls, come on!"

In this way, Shen Ma was pushed into another hall by a group of beautiful women.

"I have to enter the devil's lair, but I want to see who can break my heart?"


(End of this chapter)

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