Chapter 528 The Tenth Gate

"You loser, get out!"

Shen Ma shouted loudly, and opened his mouth to spit out thousands of chaotic sword lights. The divine light was shining for hundreds of millions of miles, extremely dazzling, as if he was about to open up the world again, and blasted towards the black tiger mightily.


Unable to bear the impact, the black tiger flew out, its body was covered with hideous cracks, it was extremely miserable.

"Disgraceful stuff."

The old Taoist at the side couldn't stand it any longer, and swung his fly whisk at Shenma.In an instant, thousands of hairs pierced through the void, like ten thousand arrows, densely packed, almost covering the entire world.


At the same time, the female fairy king also moved. She pulled out the golden hairpin from her bun, and with a light stroke, the boundary sea was instantly split, and a cold light bloomed, which was extremely terrifying.


Shen Ma shouted, the nine doors in his body were completely penetrated, infinite particles burst out together, and the Zulong Dharma also opened.

At this moment, he was as bright as the sun, and his blood was billowing like wolf smoke, tearing apart the sky.

He did not retreat, but used the copper coffin as a shield to launch the most violent charge.

"Clang clang!"

The rules of the infinite avenue are intertwined in this world, turning into a terrifying wave of energy, causing the void to collapse directly, and the long river of time seems to be broken.

The copper coffin of the third generation has been immortal from ancient times to the present. It has no special lethality, the only characteristic is that it is hard enough, even a quasi-immortal emperor can hardly destroy it.

A large number of attacks were counteracted by the copper coffin. The copper coffin was in the claws of the horse, sometimes it was a shield, sometimes it was an axe, and sometimes it was a sword.


As if the worlds were colliding, Shenma took the lead in breaking through the barrier of Fuchen, and then a terrifying sword light erupted from the heart, piercing the sea of ​​boundaries and becoming eternity.

Heart sword!

Hundreds of millions of sword lights bloomed, and the sea of ​​​​boundary seemed to be cut open.


The old Taoist's eyes were sharp, and he continued to wave the whisk in his hand, trying to wipe out the sword light, but found that the power was very strange, endless, and it was difficult to completely destroy it.

At the same time, Shenma's nine gates spurted out immeasurable light, and the dragon fist exploded, piercing through the universe and killing the fairy king.

Not only that, the Ancestral Dragon Dharma Aspect behind him also burst out with immeasurable power, suddenly flew up, as if coming alive, and killed the black tiger behind him.

The shocking war broke out, and Shenma took the initiative to attack, one against three. How domineering and powerful is this?

Boundary seas surged, celestial light surged, mist transpired, the avenues were chaotic, and the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, turning this place into a land of despair.

The dharma body they transformed had already broken through the sky, stood upright outside the sky, and fought crazily.

Visible to the naked eye, fairy blood is flying, minced meat is flying, weapon fragments are dancing, order, rules, and avenues are roaring together, rotten to the extreme.


Shen Ma coughed up blood and flew upside down. His whole body was full of cracks. Even with the copper coffin protecting his body, he was still severely injured.

However, the three dark fairy kings were also uncomfortable.

The black tiger was the worst, with only one head dangling in the void; the old Taoist's whisk was shattered, and there was an empty penetrating wound on his chest; the fairy queen was a little better, only one arm was broken, However, the neon clothes on his body were completely ruined, revealing a large area of ​​white.

"Looking for death! Looking for death!"

The female fairy king gritted her teeth angrily, her eyes were as cold as ice, as a generation of supreme fairy kings, looking down on the ages, but today she was beaten completely naked, it is a shame and shame!


She merged with the golden hairpin in her hand, cutting through the void.

In an instant, there seemed to be only a ray of light left in the world, cutting through the chaos, annihilating the universe, and destroying everything.

At the same time, the old Taoist and Heihu also attacked, and their anger was unbearable. The three immortal kings joined forces and were beaten all over. This is absolutely unbearable!


Shen Ma raised his head and roared, endless energy and blood surged in his body, erupting with terrifying power, the ancestral dragon figure behind him became more and more solid, as if he was about to come from the source of time, he also roared, and blasted out the dragon fist.


The golden hairpin of the fairy king was blasted away by the copper coffin, changed its trajectory, tore apart the universe, crashed into the boundary sea, and set off huge waves.


Shen Ma took a few steps back, the huge dragon body was shaken to a bloody mess, the five colored scales fell off in pieces, and a dragon claw exploded into a blood mist, which was horrible.

"To fight against the darkness, there is only one way to die!" The old Taoist said coldly, his pupils turned into terrifying crosses, shooting out a terrifying beam of destruction, with awe-inspiring murderous intent.


The black tiger's voice was low, and it stretched out its claws. Under the claws, countless universes were broken and ancient worlds were annihilated. They were all manifestations of the real killings and calamities caused in the past, and they were extremely terrifying.


At this time, Shenma's old power was exhausted, and new power was not born, so he could only support the god mill outside his body desperately, one rune after another jumped up, and the divine light was billions of times, gathered together.


Shen Ma resisted the injury, his brows were bleeding, his limbs were cracking, and his spine was crackling, as if it was about to break.

What was even more frightening was that the nine doors in his body were violently turbulent, with cracks appearing, as if they were about to burst.

"Hehe, let's end it, let the old man send you to die!" The old Taoist smiled indifferently, and punched Shenma with his fists, aggressively.

"let me!"

The female fairy king rushed up from the boundary sea, furious, and waved the golden hairpin in her hand continuously, bursting out billions of divine brilliance, enveloping the entire world tightly, extremely terrifying.

At this moment, the three kings attacked at the same time, trying to kill Shen Ma completely, the situation was in dire straits.


From all directions, countless divine light symbols rushed towards them, suppressing them all together, and the divine grinding mills of the blows creaked, and they were about to shatter.


At the time of life and death, Shen Ma directly ignited the blood essence on his body, and the soaring dragon body sprayed out fiery blood flames.

From a distance, he is like a blazing sun, tearing apart the darkness, and it can be clearly seen even hundreds of millions of miles away.

"Hold me!"

Shen Ma roared, injecting a large amount of blood flames into the God Mill, drawing and melting the power of the three Immortal Kings.

"Hey! This dog is so weird, it actually resisted!" Heihu made a sound of surprise.

"It's just the afterglow of the setting sun, killing him is now!" The fairy queen shouted angrily, using her supernatural power to attack frantically.


The god mill was bombarded with crackling sounds, and countless cracks appeared, and the blood flame condensed into substance on it also dimmed, and it was about to disintegrate.

Shen Ma was bleeding all over his body, his muscles and bones were broken, but he still did not give up, because he sensed the changes in his body. The attacks of the three great immortal kings turned into the most violent force to push the opening of the tenth gate!
If the nine gates are regarded as the nine great secret realms, then the tenth gate is the tenth secret realm!

"Open it for me!"

Shen Ma roared up to the sky, his physical body and soul were shaking violently, life and death were entangled, trying to decide the winner.

"It's ridiculous, to actually want to be promoted to the Immortal King at this time." The female Immortal King sneered again and again.

"Go to reincarnation." The old Taoist's big hand passed across the sky, fierce and domineering, making people horrified.

"At this moment, the tenth door, open it for me!"

The nine gates in Shenma's body glowed at the same time, and the essence of immortality overflowed, accompanied by spiritual energy, and finally merged into the ancestral dragon figure behind him.


A dragon chant seemed to come from the oldest source, washing away one world after another, as if the heavens were about to be buried.

The sky and the earth roared and trembled violently, as if cheering for the birth of a new fairy king.

Behind Shenma, Zulong Dharma came alive. It is huge and boundless, covering the sky and covering the sun. The whole body is surrounded by a layer of five-color flames. If you look carefully, you will find that it is not fireworks, but the strongest way symbol.

The back of the Zulong is blurry, as if it is connected to an ancient world, hazy, difficult to be exhausted, difficult to explore.

However, that kind of breath can be felt, ancient, vicissitudes, and immortality!
The tenth door is not in Shenma's body, but outside the body, and it is combined with the Zulong law into one, ten thousand dharmas will not invade, ten thousand kalpas will not be destroyed, and it will last forever in the world.

The nine gates are sublimated, penetrating all the particles, and the ultimate leap makes the physical potential and spiritual power intertwined and jointly evolve into the tenth gate.

However, what puzzled him was that opening the tenth door seemed to attract some unfathomable power, which belonged to the ancient source of time.

"Not good, he seems to have made a breakthrough!" Hei Hu was frightened and flustered.

"How is it possible to have the aura of a giant?" The old Taoist frowned, very puzzled.

"Don't be confused by him, it's the end of your strength." The fairy queen roared, attacking desperately.

"Really?" Shen Ma was covered in blood and his body was full of cracks, but even so, when he took a step, he still oppressed people to suffocate.

The coercion of the Immortal King is unstoppable!

Shen Ma attacked, the sword energy of Cao Zi clanged, the sound of Dao Lun was deafening, and the endless sword light covered the whole world, covering the three great dark fairy kings.


As soon as they came into contact, the three great immortal kings became terrified, their expressions completely changed, and they had no choice but to unleash their strongest combat power to resist the grass-word sword energy.

"It's not good, let's go!" The old Taoist exclaimed, and hurriedly rushed to the rear.

The same is true for Heihu and the Queen of Fairy, wanting to escape.

"Where to go?!"

Shen Ma roared, the nine gates in his body were incomparably bright, resonating with the Ancestral Dragon Law behind him, and the blending of the two made the aura of his whole body soar to an appalling level.

He stood up, pinched the formula with his claws, and the sharpness between his brows suddenly rose into the sky.


In an instant, a huge and boundless millstone of heaven and earth emerged in the boundary sea, covering the three great immortal kings, sealing off the eight desolations and imprisoning everything.

"Crush it!" The old Taoist's eyes shot out the terrifying light of the Great Dao, piercing through the void, annihilating the ancient world, and the millstone he was grinding was rumbling.

"It's useless!" Shen Ma said coldly.

This is his peerless method, and it is also the most powerful supernatural power of the true dragon god.

Now he uses the top ten secret realms to activate the god mill, to grind the sky and the earth, thousands of laws, and infinite order, all presented in this god mill at this time.


Heihu let out a shrill scream, his flesh and blood were melting, his immortal power was being crazily drawn, and even the immortal primordial spirit showed signs of decay.

The old Taoist and the female fairy king are a little better, but they have to fight against the crushing of the gods with all their strength.


The fairy queen went mad, her eyes were red, she detonated the golden hairpin in her hand, and finally opened a hole.

However, at the next moment, the Zulong Faxiang behind Shenma let out a long howl, and then turned into a fairy spear, piercing the void, accompanied by the power of time and the rules of space.


The Immortal Spear is indestructible and invincible, and it descends in an instant.


The fairy queen let out a scream, her head was pierced, nailed in the void, unable to break free.

"Pay me!"

The fairy spear trembled, shaking out the soul of the female fairy king, and then Shen Ma urged the bone tower to put it in.


Soon, the remaining two fairy kings were physically disintegrated by Shen Ma, and their primordial spirits were also collected into the bone tower for refining.

"Darkness is everywhere!"

"The darkness is eternal, and sooner or later it will destroy the heavens and the world!"

The three immortal kings who entered the bone tower seemed to be crazy, screaming and roaring, but it was a pity that everything was useless.

"And you!"

Shen Ma turned around and cast his eyes on the black ancient ship.He raised his dragon claws to cover it, and countless dark creatures exploded into blood mist in an instant, leaving only the empty deck.


He held the bone tower with one claw to refine the dark immortal king's primordial spirit, and melted their fairy king bones with the other to add another layer to the bone tower.

He wandered in the boundary sea for so many years, not many immortal kings were killed, but quite a few immortal king remains were picked up.

After many times of smelting, the bone tower now has five floors. The further you go, the more difficult it is to fuse. It is not easy to erase all kinds of imprints hidden in the bones of the immortal king.

However, this vessel Shenma is very "smooth claw". It is designed to trap immortal king-level primordial spirits, and it is also very hard. It may be used as bricks in the future, but the quality is worse than the copper coffin of the third generation.

One month later, the three dark fairy kings completely fell, and their bodies and spirits were all destroyed.

The bone tower has a sixth floor.

"I seem to have overlooked something!"

Shen Ma looked at the sky, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind:
"Why is there no Immortal King Tribulation?"


(End of this chapter)

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