The sermon begins with the dragon and the horse

Chapter 529 The creature that fell from the sky

Chapter 529 The creature that fell from the sky
"Is it too strong? Heaven's Punishment knows it's useless, and you don't want to test me with Thunder Tribulation?"

Shen Ma squinted his eyes slightly, felt carefully, and suddenly realized the cause and fate.

At this moment, he has already taken the most important step, opened up a new world, truly stepped into the fairy king realm, and reached the sky in one step, achieving unparalleled achievements.

The whole world is boundless and the emperor can't come out. Now he is confident that he can conquer the enemies from all directions.

Shenma is not weaker than others all his life.

"I don't know when I can go ashore?"

He looked at the boundless sea, with a lot of thoughts. After 10 years of wandering, he really missed those old things in the world, such as fine wine, beautiful scenery, and beauties...

Afterwards, he carried the bronze coffin on his back and strode aboard the ancient black ship.

The blood-stained ancient ship is huge and boundless. Standing on the deck will make people feel as small as dust.The hull is neither gold nor jade, nor is it a strange ancient wood. The material is very special, and it is imprinted with eternal ancient runes.

The dark creatures on the ship were all dead, leaving no flesh and blood, only broken weapons and fragments.

Shen Ma walked around the cabin, and after confirming that no dark creatures survived, he drove the ancient ship towards the other side.


The ancient ship rides the wind and waves, passing through one piece after another of the broken world.It is very special, it can ignore the strange power of the sea itself, and its speed is extremely fast.

However, the boundary sea is too vast, and the huge ancient ship is only a drop in the ocean, unable to cross the sea directly.

Shen Ma felt that he was likely to be located in the center between the other shore and the ultimate ancient land at this time, otherwise, he would never be able to reach the edge of the other shore after walking for a hundred thousand years.

In the blink of an eye, 3000 years have passed.

On this day, he saw a dotted island, which was very eye-catching in the sea, where there were clusters of fires shining, extremely bright.

One, two...five, there are five balls of flames, all of which are the fires of the primordial spirit of the immortal king and powerhouse, illuminating a corner of the boundary sea.

The five creatures suddenly opened their eyes and looked at Shen Ma. At their level, even if they were separated by hundreds of millions of miles, they would feel a sense.

"The dark ancient ship...the breath of the giant..." One of the extremely ancient immortal kings made a dry voice, and his words were full of fear.

"Is the legendary reckoning of darkness about to start again?" Another Immortal King said heavily.

Shen Ma observed for a while, and found that they were not the Dark Immortal King, and felt a little disappointed.After all, these are five sets of high-quality immortal king bones, but unfortunately they are not hostile forces, so it is difficult to start with.

"My seat, Shenma, has met fellow Taoists." Seeing that the immortal kings were very wary of him, he explained: "I got this boat by intercepting and killing the dark creatures halfway."

The five immortal kings looked at each other, and the guard in their eyes was a little less.The old Immortal King at the head stepped forward and asked cautiously: "Do you want to return, Fellow Daoist? Is there any major event ahead?"

Shen Ma nodded, and sighed quietly: "Before I refined the primordial spirits of the three dark fairy kings, I learned that they were just marching first, and there are still a large number of dark creatures on the way behind. The dark reckoning is about to begin! "

Hearing this, the five great immortal kings all showed dignified expressions. The Great Reckoning was recorded in ancient history, and every time it was launched, countless ancient worlds would be destroyed, and even the strongest immortal kings would not be spared.

The five immortal kings joined hands together and traveled countless years to get here, and they were unwilling to stop there.

"Thank you, fellow daoist, for letting me know, but I came here after going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, and I want to explore further." The old fairy king showed determination, unwilling to give up easily.

Shen Ma hesitated to speak, and wanted to tell them the truth at the end of the boundary sea, but seeing their determination, he knew that no words could make them back down.

Every Immortal King is a leader of the era. Without a firm will, it is almost impossible to reach this step.They will not give up their pursuit just because of other people's few words.

Shen Ma didn't want to continue this heavy topic, and changed his words: "I wonder if you have any wine?"

"Wine?" The old fairy king was stunned for a while, but he quickly realized that he took out an old wine jar from his waist bag and threw it to Shen Ma, and said with a smile: "The old wine brewed by the old man is given to fellow Taoists." gone."

"It smells so good!"

Shen Ma's eyes were full of golden light, and he was overjoyed. After taking the wine jar, he immediately lifted the lid, and poured it into his mouth without caring if there were any hidden tricks in it.

"Excellent!" He yelled happily, feeling smooth all over, as if he was about to become an emperor.

He hasn't touched a drop of wine for 70 years, which really spoils him.

After a while, the whole jug of fine wine fell into Shenma's stomach without a single drop. He licked his lips, still unsatisfied, and asked, "Is there any more?"

Hearing this, the corners of the old Immortal King's mouth could not help twitching a few times. This is the finest wine that has been brewed for millions of years, and he himself is reluctant to drink it.

The other four fairy kings smiled, seeing that Shen Ma was so frank and unaffected, they all gave away the fine wine they had collected.

"Thank you, fellow daoists." Shen Ma took the wine and solemnly thanked him, and then took out five relatively complete weapons, all of which were weapons of the Immortal King, some of which he got from killing opponents, and some of which he picked up by accident.

"I don't have any good things on me. Keeping these weapons takes up space, so let's give them to fellow Taoists for self-defense."

"The ceremony is heavy!" The old fairy king took a broken fly whisk, and his body trembled a few times.

Immortal King Artifact, it is difficult to forge unless it is an extreme treasure.Sometimes, a fairy king can't gather all the casting materials in his whole life, so one can imagine how precious it is.

The faces of the other four Immortal Kings were also filled with shock. They never expected that a jar of wine could be exchanged for an Immortal King's Artifact, even if it was incomplete.

"Take it, for me, they are not as real as a jar of wine."

Shen Ma said nonchalantly that his Dutian coffin and bone tower don't need to use these materials, which is very tasteless to him, so it's better to exchange them for wine.

Seeing this, the five immortal kings no longer hesitated, and generously accepted the magic weapon.

After communicating with them for a while, Shenma felt very helpless when he learned that they had traveled 30 years to get here.

His return journey is still very long, even at high speed, it will take at least [-] years to reach the other shore.

"Everyone, see you again if you are destined, I will go!"

"See you again!"

The old Immortal King looked at Shen Ma's leaving figure and sighed deeply, wondering if we could see each other again in the future?


The black ancient ship penetrated one piece after another of the remnant world, setting off huge waves in the world sea.It was driven by Shenma, and it was almost running at the maximum speed.

Looking at it from a distance, the speed of the ancient ship is not fast, but every time it moves, hundreds of millions of miles disappear behind it, as if time is turning backwards.

Passing by along the way, some immortal kings and strong men cast their gazes over, Shen Ma didn't care, and continued to drive the ancient boat forward.

Except for encountering the Dark Immortal King, he didn't stop for a moment, just to get to the other shore faster.

Time flies like water, 1 years, 2 years... 5 years have passed.

During the period, there were more than a dozen dark fairy kings who died on Shen Ma's claws, and the bone tower had two more floors, with a total of eight floors.

His power has also become stronger, and he has unearthed many abilities that can only be controlled by the fairy king level, such as stepping on the long river of time, deducing the ancient and modern future, and creating a world...

He is not satisfied with the Immortal King Daoguo, he feels that his path can continue to expand.Over the years, he has devoted most of his energy to observing the Boundary Sea, which is a sea of ​​ruins with terrifying power.

He watched the tide rise and fall, watched the waves fly and dance, understood its momentum, unraveled its lines, and substituted himself into it, and followed the ups and downs of the waves, even breathing pauses and setbacks.

"The thunder and lightning dry up, the ruins turn into the sea, the ruins contain vitality, and the extinction hides hope. I didn't expect to find a World Tree in the Boundary Sea!"

On this day, Shen Ma, who was sitting cross-legged on the deck, suddenly opened his eyes, and the radiant divine light shot directly at a small wave in front of him. It was a world, and he captured the vitality overflowing from it.

Originally, it was difficult for him to detect it, but he has deliberately observed the situation of the boundary sea these years, and it is difficult for any change to hide from his perception.


The black ship stopped, Shen Ma flew up, tore open the boundary wall, and entered that world.

This world is very small, less than a quarter of the Zhetian universe, and the whole world is filled with five-color divine light, with a strong five-element aura.

In the center of the world, there is a five-element tree that connects the sky and the earth. It soars into the sky and can't be seen at a glance. Wisps of spiritual substances overflow from its leaves to nourish the world.

Shenma's spiritual thoughts swept away and found that there are no humans in this world, only some wild ancient beasts, and a complete practice system has not yet been formed.

He stepped out and came under the Five Elements Tree, feeling refreshed, as if the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth seemed within reach.

This five-element tree is still in a seedling state at this time. As the world grows, it will gradually improve the law of the road until it forms a complete big world.

It's a pity that this is the sea of ​​​​boundaries, and this world may be shattered at any time, and it will be difficult for it to last until then.

"There is nowhere to look after breaking through the iron shoes, and today I finally found a World Tree, Dutian Coffin can be promoted."

Shen Ma was overjoyed and couldn't wait to put this world tree into the coffin.

"Immortal King, what is the meaning of this? Do you want to destroy this nascent world?"

Suddenly, a bright five-color light appeared on the huge canopy. It was a huge bird. It was like a cat with fried hair, with its feathers standing on end, with a murderous intent.

"True Immortal?! It's really a good skill, it can be hidden from my perception."

Shen Ma looked up at the five-colored birds on the canopy, and found that they were not dark creatures, but had a strange aura, which was different from the normal creatures he had seen along the way, and the aura of immortality was extremely strong.

"It's weird."

The next moment, he moved, raised his dragon claws and grabbed the colorful bird.

"Digging the World Tree will hurt the peace of the world, aren't you afraid of causing great karma?"

The five-color bird roared and struggled frantically, mobilizing the power of World Tree to break the situation.It's a pity that everything was useless. The World Tree froze after a few shakes.

It was the same, unable to move at all, its whole body shrunk slowly, and was finally caught by Shenma in its claws.

"Great karma? I once drank the wine of karma, and the karma I inherited is so great that it doesn't matter anymore. If there are too many lice, don't bite, and if you have too many debts, you don't worry about it. Just let it go."

Shen Ma shook his head and smiled lightly, looking fearless, and then began to search for the soul.


The colorful bird yelled and struggled desperately, not wanting Shenma to find out its secret.However, for a giant, even a dead person can bring back his soul for a short time, so the so-called secret cannot be hidden.

"God?! You are from God!"

From the light of his soul, Shenma saw a vast and majestic world, with piles of fairy treasures, endless strange medicines, spiritual energy transformed into liquid, countless birds and auspicious beasts, there are supreme beings who can kill thousands of demons with one sword, and there are ancestors of Taoism One thought of Zhu Wanxian is extremely powerful.

His eyes widened in amazement, he stood still on the spot, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses, and said in a deep voice:
"The strong fought fiercely and tore apart the boundary wall between the heavens and the heavens and the world. You strayed into the crack and fell into the boundary sea. You accidentally found a world tree and lived here."

"So what?!" Even though the five-colored bird was trapped, it still looked like it would rather die than surrender.

"No, you..." Shen Ma pinched his fingers, his expression suddenly became a little weird, and said: "You and I have a great cause and effect, so follow me from now on."

"I would rather die than follow, unless you promise not to harm this world tree." The five-color bird said with its neck stuck.

"That's up to you." Shenma grinned. After some deduction, he compared it with the five-colored sparrow in Shicun in the later life, and found that they were surprisingly similar, and they were probably the same one.

"No wonder that thief bird had inexplicable hostility towards me in Shicun back then, probably because of today's incident!"

Shen Ma had a flash of inspiration, and suddenly understood everything, and secretly sighed that good fortune made dragons.

The next thing was very simple, Shen Ma pulled out the World Tree, and then integrated it into the Dutian coffin in front of the colorful bird.

"Ah! My Five Elements Tree, my King's Light!"

The five-color sparrow cried angrily and wailed loudly.

"Rely on foreign objects, Xiao Daoer, I will teach you the supreme magic power and help you become a king. Also, this five-element tree is not suitable for you, you should find a willow tree!"


(End of this chapter)

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