Chapter 539 Soul River
"The battle to the death in front of the body, the entanglement after the death, countless years have passed, and it should be over."

Shen Ma came to the edge of the sea of ​​flames, looked at the two groups of Dao ancestor matter that had shrunk by half, and hissed endlessly.


A god mill fell into the sea of ​​flames, and all the sparks and the dark Kunpeng in the sky quickly disintegrated and melted, whether it was the essence of immortality or dark matter, they all turned into rain of light that filled the sky.

There is silence between heaven and earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

After the Dao ancestor substance dissipated, a pitch-black abyss appeared in front of it, gloomy and cold, as if an ancient monster was hiding in it, quietly waiting for the prey to come.

"The road is broken and abandoned. No wonder no souls have come here for countless years."

Shenma could see the horror of this abyss at a glance. There were powerful textures left in it, which were left after the fierce battle of the former Dao ancestors. Ordinary monks could not cross it at all.

However, for him now, it is not a problem at all.


Nine Dragons pulled the coffin and flew across the abyss, all the strange energy storms along the way were swept away by Shen Ma.

However, this abyss is so huge that it can't be seen at a glance. It took nine dragon coffins to fly for three days and three nights before finding the other side of the cycle of reincarnation.

The vast and cold ancient road is still covered by darkness, with no end in sight.

After walking for half a month, Shenma stopped, and there was a fork in the road ahead.

"I don't know which one to choose, let's leave it to God's will."

He raised his hand to grab a handful of soil, and smelted it into a nine-color coin, with a picture of a real dragon branded on one side and his own head on the other.

With a sound of "Zheng", the coin flew from his fingertips, circled in the air, and landed firmly on the back of his hand.

"True dragon, over there."


In this way, he tossed a coin nine times in half a year, and finally saw some living creatures in this dark world.

There are humanoid three-eyed monsters, withered dragons, and golden crows with fallen feathers. All kinds of extraordinary creatures guard a section of reincarnation.

However, the appearance of these creatures is very strange, hunched over, with dry flesh and blood, only a layer of old skin attached to the bones, like a skeleton ghost.The aura they exude is very powerful, most of them are supreme, and a few are true immortals.

"A soldier slave made by a strange family."

Shenma arrested several unknown creatures to search for their souls, but found that their memories had been erased, and only the order to guard the reincarnation circuit was imprinted in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"Is this the stronghold of the strange family?"

He sat cross-legged on the copper coffin, and tapped the coffin wall lightly with his fingers, ripples that were difficult to catch with his spiritual consciousness rippled away, sinking into the depths of the cycle of reincarnation.

Not long after, Shen Ma got up abruptly, his eyes glistened with astonishment.

"Soul River?!"

He sensed a river flowing in nothingness, thick with mist and full of strange atmosphere.

"I don't know if there is a real immortal emperor among them?" He bowed his head in deep thought, thinking about all the possibilities.

"In the era of the Immortal Emperor Corpse, no forces such as the Ancient Underworld, the Burial Pit of the Heavenly Emperor, and the Soul River came out to stir up the wind and rain. Could it be that they suffered huge losses in the battle with God?"

"If there really were immortal emperors in these places, the corpse immortal emperors wouldn't have been lying in the ultimate ancient land for so many years."

"Even, Daozu-level creatures don't necessarily exist."

"There is only one truth, the strange area adjacent to the heavens was crippled by God."

Shen Ma recalled the two lumps of Dao ancestor substance that he encountered before, and he was even more sure of his conjecture.

However, conjectures are just conjectures after all, and he still cares about his own life.

Although he is a quasi-immortal emperor, compared with the real immortal emperor, the difference is not 01:30 points, but several dimensions.

What if, by coincidence, there is an immortal emperor squatting inside?

He paced back and forth on the copper coffin, still unable to make up his mind: "It would be great if someone could help me find the way."

"The souls of all the heavens are gone, but the river will last forever!"

Suddenly, a terrible tune came from the depths of samsara, the sound was very vague, but it went straight into the sea of ​​consciousness, making people panic like grass growing in their hearts.

In an instant, billions of strands of soul light vibrated like light particles from the soul river and spread to the cycle of reincarnation.

Countless soldiers and slaves seemed to have heard the call, and rushed towards the direction where the soul light floated, as if they were going to participate in the decisive battle.

"Soul River has enemies."

Shenma saw that a middle-aged man with incomparable majesty and arrogance broke into the Soul River suddenly. He was wrapped in Taoist material and brought up a large road symbol, causing the silent Soul River to set off thousands of waves. countless.

"Meng Hai, I let you run away last time, but you still dare to come this time, do you really think that I, Hunhe, can't do anything to you?" A cold voice came from the depths of Hunhe, filled with overwhelming anger.

"Hmph, the pawn of the strange clan, who aided the evil, invaded my heaven, and destroyed my homeland. I can't eat your flesh in my life, and I will chase your soul after death! Take your life!" The strong man named Menghai summoned three Artifact.


An ancient lamp appeared, and the bright light gushed out, instantly evaporating a large area of ​​the Soul River.

Immediately afterwards, the void trembled, and an unsophisticated mirror shone with unparalleled fairy light, which directly penetrated through the heavy fog and shot into the depths of the Soul River.

In the end, a mace of chaos appeared and was held in Meng Hai's hand. Like a dragon flying across the sky, he took a large piece of avenue runes and went straight to kill the strange creature that spoke before.

"Too deceiving!"

There was a deafening roar from the depths of the Soul River, and a Taoist ancestor-level strange creature manifested. It had a human-like head, but the lower part of the body was full of octopus-like tentacles, densely packed, looming in the black mist.

"The river of souls will last forever, and no one can subvert it!"

Another strange Taoist-level creature opened its mouth. Its body was withered, like an old man in his dying years, and gray blood flowed from his body from time to time, like a ghost coming out of hell.


As soon as the two sides collided, the entire soul river almost stopped flowing, and the endless strange substances and the light of the immortal realm violently oscillated, like a star river falling, or like a river and sea breaking its embankment, with a majestic momentum that frightened the world.

"There are only two strange Taoist ancestors, no immortal emperors?!" Sensing the changes in the soul river, Shen Ma was determined.

"Where there is a Taoist ancestor, there must be a divine treasure. If you can..."


He put away the Nine Dragon Coffin, then suppressed the breath on his body, sneaked towards the Soul River.

Enter the village secretly, not those who shoot.

This can be regarded as his old profession, skilled in skills and unpredictable.

Shenma quietly passed through the soul light hole at the end of the cycle of reincarnation, and officially set foot in the soul river area.

Soul River, a river made up of soul matter, is full of ghost shadows in the river, densely packed, and it looks extremely infiltrating.

After observing for a while, Shenma quickly submerged into the sand beside the Soul River and sneaked into the depths.

The Taoist ancestors of the Soul River lineage were fighting fiercely with the Taoist ancestors of the sky. They had no idea that a Taoist ancestor-level creature had sneaked into the Soul River and was about to steal their home.

Shenma carefully avoided the battle sites between the two sides, and the road ahead seemed very easy.Because whether it is a true immortal or an immortal king, it is difficult to catch his trace.

Soon, he came to the end of the Soul River.

In front of him, an unimaginable abyss appeared, in which there were huge rotating planets and a lifeless sea of ​​stars.

The abyss is surrounded by cliffs, and the walls are full of dense holes, and one after another 'waterfalls' flow out of them.

what is that?
It's all soul matter, they interweave in the void, gather together, and finally form the soul river.

The scene in front of him gave Shen Ma a great sense of shock. He quickly climbed up the cliff, his eyes were shining, and he stared at the bottom of the abyss.

He saw that the endless dust was rising and falling at the bottom, and there was a dead breath everywhere.

In fact, it is not dust, but dead worlds, countless, drained of their essence, falling to the bottom of the abyss.

And the lower level of the abyss is the endless chaos, from which Shenma feels the inexplicable breath, silence, nothingness, vastness, detachment, very complicated.

After hesitating for a while, he still decided to investigate. He quickly penetrated the chaos and came to a land of nothingness, without boundaries and time, as if he had escaped from the heavens.

He raised his head and looked into the sky, and vaguely saw the outline of a vast continent, as if reflected from a distant unknown place, where there was a burst of bright light, and the bloody light tore through the sky and shattered the surrounding universe. The horror is boundless.

"Emperor War?!"

Shen Ma was shocked, his eyes burst out with blazing nine-color divine light, trying to see the truth clearly.

In a strange calamity, some terrifying figures were confronting each other, and a terrifying avenue symbol erupted, shaking the river of time and annihilating all tangible things.


After a while, two lines of blood and tears flowed from Shen Ma's eye sockets, which was in great pain.

"It turns out that God is still in a bloody battle with the Weird Clan, and the Immortal Emperor God found the Evil Earth and held back Immortal Emperor Weird."

"Perhaps, during this period of time, Emperor Huafen is not dead yet."

"There is no such thing as a quiet time, but someone is carrying the burden for all living beings."

His heart was very heavy, and he felt a sense of urgency, wishing to be promoted to the real Immortal Emperor and participate in the decisive battle.

After standing silently for a while, he didn't go any further, because that piece of bad land was very far away, separated by infinite worlds, and non-true emperors would never reach that place.

He returned to the cliff again, looking at the battle of Hunhe Yuankong, eager to try.

However, just as he was about to join the battle, a few wisps of faint medicinal fragrance suddenly emerged from the cliff, which lifted his spirits.

"Big medicine!"

Then, he burrowed into a hole and went against the 'river' into the interior of the cliff. As for the battle in the sky, he grandly ignored it.

The inside of the cliff is empty, like a beehive, connected everywhere, and there are countless soul river creatures living in it.

Shen Ma followed the fragrance of the medicine and passed through them without any ripples, even the immortal king and the strong could not detect it.

Not long after, he found the main cave. There was a lake inside, and the rich soul light substance flowed outward, forming a small river.

On the shore, there is a sacred medicine field, planted with all kinds of unfathomable vegetation, and the light of the avenue blooms one after another, making people dazzled.

"That's... Teiyaku?!"


(End of this chapter)

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