Chapter 540 Luo

In the center of the medicine field, there is a very special medicine.

It is rooted in the blood-colored soil, it is nine feet high, its branches are like a dragon's body, and its mottled bark is like scales, exuding an aura of simplicity and vicissitudes.

The whole plant doesn't even have a single leaf, only a single fruit shaped like a dragon's head hanging on the top, like a real dragon roaring with its head raised.

The most special thing is that it is covered with symbols of the emperor's way, carrying extremely surging essence of qi and blood.

"The legendary ancestral dragon... medicine!" Shen Ma's eyes were as red as a blood moon, and his heart was beating.

According to legend, this kind of medicine is a supreme treasure for body refining, and it is extremely difficult to produce it, and it needs to be watered with real dragon blood to be cultivated.

"Unfortunately, it would be more perfect if it is not contaminated by unknown substances."

He sighed secretly, not only the Zulong medicine, but all the big medicines planted in the medicine field were more or less polluted.

Nine-turn continuation of life flower, Destiny Resurrection Grass, Chaos Ancient Tree and other great medicines that are only recorded in ancient history books appear here.

"My Dutian coffin can finally be promoted."

Shen Ma stared at the big medicines in the medicine field, thinking about how to crack the field killing here.

After standing silently for a moment, he raised his hand and slapped himself on the back of the head, and said to himself: "Inertial thinking, I'm already the emperor of the gods, what kind of tricks do I have to do, just take it by force."


A flash of sword light burst out from his fingertips, and in an instant scattered hundreds of millions of rays of light, breaking open the field of the medicine field, and cutting it off completely.

Huge fluctuations made the whole mountain tremble, Shenma's blow instantly disintegrated the pattern of the Zhundi field here, and all the soul river creatures in the surrounding caves were turned into fly ash, invincible.

"It's a crime to use too much force and hurt some innocent people."

Shen Ma said to himself, seemingly guilty, but he collected the medicine fields extremely fast, and a vast area of ​​sacred soil was collected by him in the blink of an eye, without even leaving any dregs.

"Who?! How dare you steal the medicine fields!" Above the Soul River, the old man who was fighting fiercely roared, his chest heaved and heaved, obviously angry.

"What are you talking about stealing? I'm taking it above board, understand?" Shen Mahuo raised his head, his eyes pierced the cliff, annihilating countless soul river creatures, covering up all the unknowns.

"Do you want to take over the big cause and effect with Soul River?"

The indifferent words came from the mouth of the weird Dao ancestor whose lower body was full of tentacles, shaking the entire soul river trembling violently, with a forceful momentum.

"Cause and effect? ​​In my life, I don't ask about the future, I don't ask for the afterlife, I don't fear karma, but I want to be vigorous."

Shen Ma yelled loudly, like a radiant sun, illuminating the entire Soul River Ultimate Land, and countless Soul River creatures uttered pitiful screams, turning into nothingness under the radiance of nine colors.

"kill you!"

He jumped out and came to the sky above the Soul River. He raised his hand with an overbearing dragon fist. Accompanied by the deafening roar of the real dragon, patches of avenue symbols bloomed in the air, arousing the majesty of the emperor.

"Presumptuous!" Daoist Tentacle was furious, and the tentacles on the lower body instantly pierced through the space, annihilated time, and shot towards Shenma's fist.


The world-shattering collision caused the entire river of souls to cry, and countless soul lights bloomed in the air, like the most magnificent fireworks in the world.

The Dragon Fist smashed the tentacle and smashed it hard on the body of the Tentacle Dao Ancestor, leaving an indelible mark.

"It's a little weak, is it because of the catalysis of strange substances?" Shen Ma whispered to himself, but the voice spread throughout the Soul River, causing the world to rumble.

"You..." Daoist Tentacle stepped back a few steps before stopping his figure, black blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Haha, fellow daoist, you guessed it right. If these two scumbags hadn't relied on the strange substances and the sacrificial rites in their bodies, they would have died countless times." opened the mouth.

"Is it an obituary?"

Shen Ma stared at the bodies of the two strange Taoist ancestors in front of him, and found that there were special runes in their bodies that wandered in the flesh and blood, connected to the eternal void, and contained a trace of detachment.

"Thank you for telling me, fellow daoist, how about sharing one of these two guys with me?" He said with a smile.

"Extremely happy." Meng Hai nodded.

"Those who don't know have no fear, my soul river overlooks countless ages, how can you two overthrow it?" The old man's voice was flat, indifferent, and contemptuous of everything.

He stuck out a gray palm, almost shriveled, as if it would shatter if touched lightly.

However, in that palm, the sun, moon and stars are rotating, and the chaotic universe is opening up, and everything in the world seems to be under its control.

"I come!"

Shen Ma yelled, put his hands behind his back, flew up, and made nine consecutive footprints in the air, facing the shriveled palm, bursting out with immeasurable power.

On the other side, Menghai also confronted Taoist Tentacle, and the two entered the long river of time, fighting fiercely.

"Old man, your strength is pretty good. It's a little bit stronger than that tentacle monster." After some collisions, Shen Ma still had his hands behind his back. He was dressed in black and dust-free, with white hair fluttering in the wind, looking very calm.

A footprint appeared on the old man's forehead, which did not hurt much, but was extremely insulting.

His face was ugly, his eyes were extremely cold, he straightened his hunched back, his aura gradually became stronger, and his killing intent was fierce: "Junior, you will never understand the consequences of angering our clan. It's pathetic!"

"I don't know what will happen to me, but I know what will happen to you!"

A god mill appeared above Shen Ma's head, the light of the avenue boiled, the order and law of the whole world were instantly changed, time seemed to stand still, everything was pulled, as if it was about to be buried in the mill.

This kind of power of his is very terrifying, the place shrouded by the god mill is his world, and life and death are all in his mind.

"A mere area of ​​field strength is far from enough." The old man said coldly, a bone ruler appeared in his hand, and with a light swipe, hundreds of millions of rays of divine light bloomed in an instant, making the long river of time rush violently, as if it was about to change its course .

"This is not a field, but my way!"

Shenma's body emitted infinite light, and he stretched out his hand to grab the god mill on top of his head, and it turned into a sledgehammer in an instant.

Facing the majestic force of destruction, he stepped forward, violently moving the sledgehammer formed by God's grinding, and the Taoist sound rumbled. Wherever he passed, everything he passed was invincible, everything was invincible, and he was extremely overbearing.

"Everything can be hammered!"

Accompanied by Shen Ma's loud shout, the sledgehammer pierced through billions of weights of light, and the entire soul river was about to explode.

This blow was too terrifying, the old man didn't expect it, the bone ruler in his hand was cut off, and he was also blown away with the hammer, his body was like a sieve, bleeding gurgling.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

The sledgehammer in Shenma's hand changed again, and with a clang, it turned into a fairy sword. The sword energy was like a sea, submerging 33 layers of heaven, which shocked people.

He swung the fairy sword violently, and the void trembled nine times in a row. The old man's body was blown to pieces in the air, and the primordial spirit was chopped into pieces.

However, Daozu is Daozu after all, with a trace of indestructible power, his body reorganized quickly.

"You... very good, very good!" The old man's face was gloomy, his eyes were red, and a monstrous anger was about to explode in his heart.

He lifted off the clothes on his upper body, revealing a shriveled torso with countless eyes. They opened at the same time, bursting out golden light, forming a mask, and suppressing Shen Ma.

"Centipede spirit?" Shen Ma whispered, with a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Although the sound was small, it fell into the old man's ears like a loud bell. How many epochs have passed? How long has it been since he heard these three words? This is his taboo!


He raised his head to the sky and screamed, the eyes on his body burst out again, the golden light was blazing and radiant, shining from the present to the ancient times, and across the future sky, illuminating the entire river of souls like lightning.

He used the strongest means to completely kill Shenma.


Shen Ma performed the Supreme Law, the God Mill returned to its place, and a real dragon emerged on it, suddenly opened his eyes, and the Nine-leaf Sword Grass, the Thunder Emperor's Secret Technique, the True Phoenix's Magic Body, etc. all danced around it.


In the sky above the Soul River, a fist that covered the sky and the sun appeared, and the avenue runes bloomed, and the light of the panic fist almost penetrated the past, modern and future.

"Only my true dragon fist!"

I am the only one, the real body transforms into the fist seal, this is his most overbearing supernatural power, all ways and all dharmas are in the fist, everything is invincible, and everything is invincible.

The soul river was evaporated, and the soul matter in the sky was turned into the purest energy and dissipated in the void. Many soul shadows died without even making a cry, and never existed again.


The old man let out a scream, and his condensed mask exploded on the spot, and so did his body, enduring an unimaginable impact.

All the sacrificial scriptures imprinted in his flesh and bones were shining, and he wanted to reorganize his body again.

However, that fist mark is like an eternal god mill spanning the void, grinding the sky and the earth, crushing his flesh and blood and primordial spirit, trying to completely obliterate him.

The fist seal vibrated nine times in a row, each time becoming more terrifying, and the last time even pierced through the Soul River, leading to a dry universe.


After the nine blows, a drop of gray blood appeared in the sky, and it was difficult to condense into shape. The old man consumed most of the rituals in his body before he escaped from Shenma's fist.

It's just that at this time, his breath was extremely sluggish, his face was as pale as snow, and most of the eyes on his torso were closed.

"Latecomer, I admit that you are very strong, but even if you beat me, so what, you will still fall in the end.

All the souls of the heavens fall, but the river will last forever. It is absolutely not a lie. "

The old man raised his hand and took out a black and white magic conch, and blew it up to the sky. The sound was neither harsh nor dull. It seemed like the ancestors were singing, or the ancestors were whispering, washing away the past and the present.

It can be vaguely seen that the chain of the avenue between heaven and earth was touched by a certain mysterious force, and it snapped and snapped, as if the world was being destroyed, and various rules seemed to be obliterated.

In an instant, a blurry ancient road, with the breath of eternal silence, came through from the distant sky.

The ancient road is full of thick and ominous substances. At the end of the road, there are star-like eyes hanging high in the dead land, illuminating a corner of the world.

You can vaguely see mountain-sized giants and gods and demons digging reincarnation loops. Their eyes are very empty, as if they have lost their souls.

Ancient Difu!
The four beings emerged at the end of the road, crossed hundreds of millions of miles of void in the blink of an eye, and passed through an unknown number of great worlds, with extreme speed.

"Infinite Life Dragon!"

Shen Ma's heart skipped a beat, the four ancestor-level creatures, this joke was too much, if nothing unexpected happened, he had to prepare to run away.


Almost at the same time, two vague roads appeared again, one leading to an ancient burial pit, and the other leading to a burial site with flying ashes, both of which are the most terrifying taboo places in ancient and modern times.

The burial pit of the Emperor of Heaven!Quadrupole floating soil!
However, what was unexpected was that there were terrifying bursts of light in these two places, and there were creatures fighting fiercely, smashing the road, and no Daozu-level creatures came across the border.

Moreover, the four Taoist ancestors who came across the border from the ancient underworld were also fighting with each other, three men and one woman, and a woman faced three strange Taoist ancestors alone, fighting fiercely.

The woman is slender and graceful, as bright as a fairy lotus, she can be called peerless.However, her demeanor was a bit cold, and every move carried majestic might.

At this time, she was alone against the three Taoist ancestors, and she was obviously incompetent. She had terrible wounds on her body, which were difficult to heal for a long time.

"Luo!" Meng Hai blasted out a peerless blow, and briefly separated from the Tentacle Dao Ancestor.

"Don't worry about me, I can still hold on!" The Taoist ancestor named Luo controlled the unfathomable avenue, activated the secret technique, and infinite magical techniques poured out like a galaxy, with unparalleled momentum.

"God is half-dead, and he dared to take the initiative to provoke our clan. It's really courageous." The old man sneered, and the three Taoist ancestors from the underworld were enough to kill everyone.

The name "Luo" made Shen Ma feel a lot of thoughts, thinking of the former Concubine Luo Mi, he couldn't help feeling sad.

Coincidentally, the old man in front of him was still sneering and sarcastic, a burst of anger suddenly ignited from Shen Ma's heart, he was going to kill... strange.

"Old man, I'll make you laugh!"

The deafening shouts resounded through the Soul River, tearing apart the darkness, rumbling endlessly.

The next moment, Shen Ma's real body collided into the void, approaching the old man in less than an instant, grabbed his head and slammed it into the void, making a series of star explosion sounds.

In less than a breath of time, there are densely packed human-shaped black holes all over the surroundings, and huge waves splashing from the long river of time can be vaguely seen, with little blood splashes, and shocking power is stirring, spreading to the ancient, modern and future.

This scene was too terrifying. If the Immortal King was here, his scalp would be numb and his soul would tremble uncontrollably.

When Shen Ma got angry, he killed and shocked the sky, and the strange Taoist ancestors who were in the fierce battle cast their eyes over one after another, surprised, angry, and with a hint of horror.


The old man couldn't bear this kind of shock, and decisively exploded himself.

In the next moment, the heaven and earth collapsed, the soul river stopped flowing, and the reincarnation circuit was affected and collapsed one after another.

Chaos explosion!
Yuan Kong, the old man reassembled his body, but now his body is like broken porcelain, full of cracks, and the same is true for his soul, which cannot condense into a complete form.

Shen Ma came out of the big explosion, his chest was almost sunken, his right hand was blown to pieces, and blood gushed out.

"Ahem, you managed to injure me, have you figured out how to die?"

(End of this chapter)

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