Chapter 201 Take him down
Faced with such an assignment, Lin Nan felt that Sun Jing had ulterior motives.

The two of them are boyfriend and girlfriend, so it's no problem to sit together.

But he and Sun Jing don't know each other, so it feels wrong to sit together.

And she even took the initiative to allocate like this, what is this for?
Although young women are more fun, Lin Nan is really not interested in someone like Sun Jing.


Sun Lei smiled, and sat on one side holding Jiang Haoyuan's arm. Lin Nan had no choice but to sit on the other side with Sun Jing.

After all, he brought Jiang Haoyuan to eat, so he didn't have much to say.

"Leilei, big sister, you can order whatever you want to eat. Their food is pretty good, and you won't be surprised no matter how you order it."

"Then I'm welcome."

Sun Lei took the menu and ordered two different flavors of crayfish, and then ordered some other seafood and barbecue, but the four of them simply couldn't finish it.

The serving speed of the small restaurant was very fast. In less than 10 minutes, all the four people ordered were served, and then they ordered another case of beer.

Sun Jing took the initiative to pour Lin Nan a cup and said:
"Thank you very much for picking my sister back today. I respect you for this glass of wine."

"You're welcome. Haoyuan and I are college classmates. We had a very good relationship when we were in school. It's only natural that we come here to pick you up."

"Boss, you are so rich, why do you still go out to work for others, don't you think about starting your own business?"

"This matter has been put on the agenda, but some details have not been thought out yet, so I will do it in other companies first, and it will be regarded as learning experience."

"Boss, you are so awesome, you are actually a rich second generation, and you have deceived us." Jiang Haoyuan said with a smile:

"When you get better in the future, don't forget to give your brother a hand."

"Small things, don't worry." Lin Nan picked up the bar, "Come on, have a drink, and I'll take you to other places to play after eating."


During the meal, most of the topics revolved around Lin Nan, and the two chatted about their future development. The atmosphere during the dinner was very pleasant.

During this period of time, Lin Nan found that Sun Jing's alcohol capacity was very good. She didn't feel anything after drinking five or six bottles of beer. It is estimated that she would be fine if she drank a few more.

It is precisely because of this that Lin Nan discovered the essence of her green tea.

When eating, she always rubs against herself intentionally or unintentionally, and she doesn't know if her husband knows what she looks like now.

At around nine o'clock in the evening, after dinner, Lin Nan took Jiang Haoyuan to find a relatively large-scale KTV in Zhonghai, and was going to have a second drink.

Originally, I thought that the Sun sisters would not follow, but I didn't expect them to have no intention of going home, so they naturally followed to KTV.

While singing, Sun Jing leaned towards Lin Nan intentionally or unintentionally, and even offered to feed fruit to Lin Nan, showing an unusual intimacy.

At around twelve o'clock in the evening, after the second drink, Lin Nan was still conscious, but Jiang Haoyuan was already a little drunk.

"It's about this time, don't go back tonight, I'm going to open a hotel next door, just stay here for a night, and go home tomorrow."

"Boss, you are so rich, I will not be polite to you."

"It's all about being polite."

After finishing speaking, Lin Nan looked at the two sisters of the Sun family, "Where's your home address? I'll call a car for you."

Seeing that Lin Nan was about to send her away, the two Sun sisters looked at each other, and they both saw the intention in each other's eyes. Sun Lei said:

"Brother Nan, at this time, if we go back, it will affect the family's sleep, so we won't go back."

"My husband is working overtime at work today, and I will be alone when I go back. Why don't I stay outside for the night, otherwise I won't be able to sleep by myself."

Lin Nan was a little speechless, she had made her words so obvious, yet she followed her with a stern face.

I really don't know what these two people are thinking.

It seems that the plan to chat with Jiang Haoyuan tonight may be in vain.

"That's fine, I'll stay outside for the night today."

"Boss, I think the Spring Hotel chain opposite is pretty good, and the price is not expensive, so let's stay there."

"Don't save me money, I can still afford this little money, go to the Ritz-Carlton next door."

Seeing that Lin Nan was going to stay at the Ritz-Carlton, the Sun sisters' eyes lit up.

The best place they have stayed in is Spring or a hotel chain like Home Inn.

And for a big hotel like the Ritz-Carlton, they have only seen it on Douyin.

It is said that the toiletries inside are all international brands, and they can be taken away when you check out tomorrow, so you don't need to buy cosmetics for the next month or so.

After finalizing the place to live, the four of them walked towards the Ritz-Carlton Hotel.

The two Sun sisters walked behind, and Sun Lei took Sun Jing by her arm and said:

"Sister, you're living outside tonight, are you sure it's okay? My brother-in-law won't say anything about you, will he?"

"It's already this time, what else do you care about him?"

"He is my brother-in-law, can I ignore it." Sun Lei said:
"It's not good if you two quarrel over this matter."

"Don't worry, I still have this ability." Sun Lei said:
"Besides, that boy named Lin Nan is so good, I have to find a way to get closer to him. Whether my quality of life can take off in the future depends entirely on this time."

Sun Lei rolled her eyes, then stared, and suddenly said:

"Sister, don't you have thoughts about him?"

Sun Jing made a silent movement, "Shh, keep your voice down, don't let them hear you."

"But the problem is that you're already married, so it's not appropriate to do this."

"If there's anything inappropriate, you'll have to go if you see something good." Sun Jing said:
"Think about it, if I find you such a brother-in-law, our whole family will be able to eat delicious food and drink spicy food in the future."

"I think it's okay, so what do you want to do?" Sun Lei asked.

Listening to her tone, she didn't seem to realize that this was a very immoral thing, and she even thought it was commonplace.

"I haven't figured out how to do it. I'll talk about it when I get to the hotel." Sun Jing said.

"Yeah, come on, try to take him down."


Afterwards, the four went to the Ritz-Carlton Hotel across the road.

Lin Nan booked three rooms and spent a total of more than 5 yuan.

Although they are not the top-notch rooms, they are all from ordinary families. It costs more than 5 yuan a night to stay in three rooms, which is already a sky-high price for them.

And such a move made Sun Jing even more tempted.

This man's family property may have exceeded his imagination.

We must find a way to take him down!

(End of this chapter)

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