Chapter 202
Taking the elevator all the way up to the thirteenth floor, the four returned to their rooms.

Looking inside the house, Lin Nan found that the decoration inside was not bad. When he didn't go back to his second uncle's house, he could live here in the future.

Because it was getting late, Lin Nan went to the bathroom to take a quick shower and was ready to go to bed.

Just when she lay down, she heard a knock on the door.

Who's knocking?

Lin Nan muttered.

At this time, the third child and Sun Lei should have already started the human-making plan, and it is unlikely that they will knock on the door.

Who would that be?

Lin Nan said.

"Mr. Lin, it's me." Sun Jing's voice came from outside the door.

"Sun Jing?"

Lin Nan muttered, what is she doing knocking on her bed?
"what's up?"

"I suddenly remembered something important and wanted to talk to you. I'm afraid I'll forget about it tomorrow."

"Then wait a moment."

Lin Nan didn't think much, got dressed and got out of bed.

After opening the door, she found that Sun Jing was wearing a bathrobe, her hair was wet, and she was holding a bottle of red wine and two goblets.

Before Lin Nan could say anything, Sun Jing walked in from the outside.

"What is this for?"

Seeing Sun Jing's nondescript dress, Lin Nan asked.

"During the meal, didn't you say you wanted to start a business? It just so happened that I worked as an accountant in a large company and participated in some entrepreneurial plans, so I can provide you with some experience."

Sun Jing raised the red wine in her hand, "It's boring to chat dryly, let's chat while drinking."

"In this regard, I also know quite a few people, so I don't need your experience." Lin Nan said:
"And now, it's late at night, and it's getting late, so you should go back first. If you let others know that you came to my room, it will be easy for people to misunderstand."

"Look at what you said, my sister doesn't care, what are you afraid of?"

Hearing Sun Jing's dainty voice, Lin Nan got goosebumps all over.

It's because of you that I'm afraid.

Sun Jing lifted her bathrobe, her fragrant shoulders were half exposed, and the black underwear straps inside were also revealed.

Although the scale is not as huge as Xiao Jingxuan, it is not small either.

"We are all adults, I don't think it makes sense to say more, you should understand what I mean."

Lin Nan felt nauseous, "The door is behind you, put on your clothes quickly, and go back, it's good for both of us."

Sun Jing's expression changed, and she had already reached the point where she had spoken, but she didn't expect him to have no reaction at all.

"Aren't you looking down on me?"

"It's fine if you know it, it's meaningless to say it."

Lin Nan waved his hand impatiently, "Hurry up and go back to sleep, don't waste each other's time."

"Brother, why do you do this? I didn't say I cared about what you wanted. I just saw that you are handsome and you are a nice person. I want to get in touch with you more. There is no need to resist me like this, sister." They don't eat people either."

Smiling, Sun Jing walked behind Lin Nan, grabbed his arm, and kept rubbing against his chest.

Lin Nan pulled his arm out.

"Does it make you feel better if I make it clear? If I have such a need, I can call someone with just a phone call. Do you really think I can like you?"

What Lin Nan said didn't save any sympathy, and it completely woke up Sun Jing.

"Okay, you can let me go, take 200 million, and I will go now."


Lin Nan was taken aback by what he said, and looked at Sun Jing like a fool.

"What are you talking about? Like asking me for 200 million?"

"Yes, if you don't give it to me, I'll sue you for molestation."

"Sister, are you not so smart? You came to my room on your own initiative, and you still said that I molested you?"

"Do you think the police will believe you?"

Sun Jing put her arms around her chest, and her expression was not as full of green tea smell as before, but with a strong indifference.

"If you can drive a Rolls-Royce, you must be a person of status. It will depend on your own reputation. If you don't give me 200 million mental damages, I don't mind making a big deal out of it. See Let's see who loses in the end."

Lin Nan laughed angrily, it was the first time she saw such an intelligent woman.

"I don't care. If you think you can cheat me in this way, call the police now."

Sun Jing didn't expect Lin Nan to say such a thing.

"Do you think I dare not?"

Sun Jing took out her mobile phone from her bathrobe, "I will give you one last chance. If you don't give me money, I will call the police now."

"The alarm number is 110, call now."

Seeing Lin Nan like this, Sun Jing called the police.

After hanging up the phone, he opened the door and yelled into the corridor:
"Help! Indecent!"

"Help! Indecent!"

Seeing Sun Jing rolling around, Lin Nannan was extremely speechless.

I didn't expect Sun Jing to be such a person.

It is said that children are the best business card of parents.

It can be seen that their parents are not very good.

If Jiang Haoyuan married Sun Lei in the future, there would definitely be a lot of trouble.

Amid Sun Jing's shouts, the hotel staff quickly came over and asked what was going on.

Jiang Haoyuan and Sun Lei, who lived nearby, also put on their clothes and ran out in a hurry.

"What the hell happened?"

Sun Jing wiped her tears and pretended to be innocent.

"Just after I took a shower, he said he wanted to ask me to talk about something, so he called me to his room, but as soon as I got to his room, he did that kind of nasty thing to me, if I didn't run fast , let him succeed now."

"Ah? No way."

Jiang Haoyuan was a little surprised, and he didn't want to believe it.

He and Lin Nan were roommates in college for four years, and they knew each other's temperament very well.

It is impossible to do such a thing with the character of the boss.

Moreover, Sun Jing's appearance and age did not have any advantages in front of him, so it was impossible to do such a thing.

"What can't be said!" Sun Lei said:
"Your dorm boss has done such a thing, and I must give my sister an explanation today."

"It's okay, I've already called the police, let the police deal with it later."

"Yes, you must call the police if you encounter such a thing." Sun Lei said.

Not knowing why, she really thought that Lin Nan had done such a thing to Sun Jing, and her attitude towards Lin Nan had changed.

Jiang Haoyuan walked up to Lin Nan and asked in a low voice:
"What's going on, Boss? You didn't really do that kind of thing, did you?"

Lin Nan slapped Jiang Haoyuan on the back of the head.

"Do you think I'm such a horny person?"

"Then why..."

"I lost my temper in the middle of the night and ran to my room to seduce me. In the end, the seduction failed. I asked me to pay her 200 million mental damages, otherwise I will call the police. As for the subsequent things, it is now like this."

"You are talking nonsense, don't frame my reputation, I did not do such a thing." Sun Jing said.

"As for what's going on, we'll find out when the police arrive." Lin Nan said helplessly, buttoning his ears.

The old classmate came back, and I thought it was a very happy thing, but I didn't expect to meet this green tea, which is quite unlucky.

"Then let's wait for the police to come, and I will definitely give me justice."

People in other rooms of the hotel were also woken up and came out to watch the excitement.

For a while, I couldn't tell who was telling the truth and who was telling the lie.

This young man is very handsome, there are probably plenty of girls who want to climb into his bed.

From the perspective of appearance alone, the woman in the bathrobe is definitely not good enough for him.

But the problem is, one can tell from her face that she is a young woman who still has charm.

Such a woman is much better than those young girls.

So this little handsome guy may also have become lustful, so he did such a thing.

Even now, they don't know who is the first to take the initiative, so they all stay here to watch the fun and want to know what's going on.

About ten minutes later, two police officers, a man and a woman, came out of the elevator and came to Lin Nan and Sun Jing.

"Comrade policemen, you are finally here. He molested me, so you have to decide for me." Sun Jing said weeping.

"Okay, don't worry, after we investigate the matter clearly, we will definitely give you an explanation, so don't cry."

After appeasing Sun Jing, the male policeman looked at Lin Nan, "Tell me, what's going on."

Lin Nan didn't get angry either, and told the two policemen what happened.

After listening, the two policemen frowned slightly, feeling that his words were reasonable.

But Sun Jing interjected in time:
"Comrade policeman, don't believe what he said, he called me to come over."

"Stop talking, you two, take out your ID card and let's check it."

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll go back and get it."

Sun Jing was confident, since she didn't have any evidence anyway, even if she opened her mouth, even if she took out her ID card, it wouldn't explain anything, so she didn't hesitate.

Lin Nan did the same, went back and took back his ID card, and handed it to the police.

The male policeman took Lin Nan's ID card and scanned it on the device, but the information displayed on it stunned him, and he was unable to speak for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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