Chapter 203

Seeing the word top secret displayed on the machine, the male policeman was in a bad mood.

At first, he thought it was a problem with the machine, and then tried to flash it again, but it was still the same.

The top secret words are still displayed on it.

As a last resort, he took out his ID card again and swiped it again.

But this time, all the information displayed on it was related to him.

This also proves that there is no problem with the machine, and the problem lies in the ID card.

To be more precise, there is something wrong with this person.

He is different from ordinary people!
The identity assigned to Lin Nan by the system is completely top secret.

Ordinary machines, even if the ID card is swiped, there will be no abnormalities.

But the public security system is different. If you want to check Lin Nan's information, the words "Top Secret" will be displayed.

"What happened to Brother Song?" The female policeman came up and asked.

The male policeman swiped Lin Nan's ID card again, and then showed the information on it to his colleagues.

And when she saw the word top secret, the policewoman's expression was also stunned.

I have been working for more than two years, and I have checked the ID cards of countless people, and this is the first time I have seen something like this.

Seeing that something was wrong, the person turned to the side and whispered:
"Brother Song, we can't deal with people like this."

"I know this. This man must have other identities, so don't make it too public."

"If you look at it this way, the problem lies with this woman. I guess she really wants to extort money."

The male policeman nodded, then walked to Sun Jing's side, took her ID card, and swiped it on the machine.

All of her information is displayed above.

But there was one thing that also surprised the two of them.

This woman named Sun Jing has more than 70 records of opening houses in the past year.

In other words, every five days on average, I will go to the hotel to open a room.

Even though she went to the hotel to open a room, she was not sure, there must be something wrong with her character, but this can also be reflected from the side, this woman does not seem to be very serious.

"The ID card has been checked, you should be able to deal with him now." Sun Jing said.

"Through our observation, we think there is nothing wrong with this comrade." The male policeman raised Sun Jing's ID card and said:

"On the contrary, you have more than 70 house opening records in one year. I think you are professionally engaged in fraudulent activities, so please come with us."

"More than 70 house opening records!"

Hearing this, the onlookers were all stunned.

"This combat power is too good. I have to open a room almost every five days, which is really a bit frequent."

"I finally learned what real green tea is today. It's amazing."

"I guess she wanted to cheat this young man, now the truth is revealed."

Both the Sun sisters were dumbfounded. Sun Lei didn't expect her sister to have such a horrible record of opening a house.

Sun Jing didn't expect that just by swiping her ID card, she could find out her house opening record.

But after a brief panic, Sun Jing regained her composure, straightened her waist and said:
"My house opening records are all necessary for my work. Don't talk nonsense and smear my reputation. Now it's him who has done wrong things to me. Why do you believe him and not me!"

The expressions of the two policemen changed slightly, feeling that this woman was really unreasonable.

"Since you have objections to our verdict, follow us back to the police station. We will retrieve the relevant video and conduct further investigations. We will definitely clarify this matter."

"I don't care, I can go with you, anyway, I am innocent, and I am not afraid of your investigation." Sun Jing said boldly.

"Don't be so troublesome." Lin Nan said lightly:
"What's the matter? Don't you dare? Wasn't it amazing just now?"

"I didn't do anything. I didn't dare to do anything. I just thought it would be troublesome to go to the police station for such a small matter."

Lin Nan took out her mobile phone, "When she went to my room just now, she recorded everything she said, and you will know what's going on after listening."

"You still have the recording!"

Sun Jing's face changed wildly, she didn't expect Lin Nan to be so skillful.

"When you came to the door of my room with red wine in your pajamas, I felt that something was wrong, so I was on guard against you. I didn't expect it to be really useful."

Sun Jing swallowed nervously.

"If you really have a recording, why didn't you tell me in advance? Just wait for me to call the police!"

"Why did you say it in advance?" Lin Nan said:
"For people like you, I think it's better to let the police punish you, otherwise you may frame many people."

After speaking, Lin Nan turned on the recording and heard the contents, everything became clear.

And Sun Jing had no room to refute, and stood there with a pale face, as if she had lost her mind.

The male policeman took out the handcuffs and handcuffed Sun Jing's hands.

"You shouldn't refute now, right? Come with us."

"Mr. Lin, I know I was wrong. I would like to apologize for what happened just now. I hope you will give me another chance."

"Are you kidding me, you think I'm a good talker?"

"I know I'm wrong about this matter. I hope you don't have the same knowledge as me. Besides, your good buddy is also my brother-in-law. We are also acquaintances. You can't treat me like this."

"What are you doing standing there?"

Sun Lei looked at Jiang Haoyuan and said:
"My sister is going to be taken away, don't you know how to say something!"


Jiang Haoyuan didn't know what to say for a while.

This matter was clearly her sister's fault, wronged the boss's reputation, and even sent him to the police station.

Now that the truth is out, but he asked himself to intercede with her. He was unwilling to do such a thing because of emotion and reason.

"Jiang Haoran, what are you doing standing there all this time? Didn't you hear what I said!"

In order to keep her sister, Sun Lei raised her voice unconsciously, pointed at Xiang Haoyuan and said:
"Let me tell you, if you don't settle this matter, it's over for the two of us."

"Obviously your sister did something wrong, why are you talking to me in this tone!"

"Just because she is my sister, at this moment, you should stand by my side instead of speaking for others!"

"But he is my dorm boss and my brother. If my boss hadn't secretly recorded the audio, he would have been the one who entered the police station!" Jiang Haoyuan couldn't help shouting.

He felt that Sun Lei could let Sun Lei do other things, but this matter was a matter of principle, and he absolutely couldn't compromise easily.

"Let me tell you, if you don't intercede for my sister today and let her enter the police station, the two of us will be done. I'll pack up and go now!"

"Can you calm down..."

"Third, listen to my advice, you don't need such a girl."

Jiang Haoyuan didn't finish his sentence, but was interrupted by Lin Nan, saying:

"Her sister has such a virtue, which shows what her family is like. If you are really together, the days to come will be like hell. I will introduce you to a good one in the future. There is no need. Waste your affection on her."

Sun Lei was stunned, she didn't expect Lin Nan to say such a thing, and she couldn't help but burst into anger.

"What do you mean, don't provoke the relationship between us."

"Okay, don't say any more." Jiang Haoran said:

"I think, I should seriously consider the relationship between the two of us."

"What do you mean!" Sun Lei stared and said:

"It's not interesting. I think what the boss said makes sense. It seems that the two of us are really not suitable."

(End of this chapter)

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