204 show off
Sun Lei froze in place, never expecting Jiang Haoyuan to say such a thing.

"What did you say, say it again!"

"Don't you understand what it means? I don't think the two of them are suitable. Let's break up."

Jiang Haoyuan didn't say this because he heard Lin Nan's words.

Because of these problems, he once thought deeply about them.

He found that his and Sun Lei's three views did not match.

She is a moonlight family and has no concept of financial management.

And also very vain, no matter what clothes she wears.The cosmetics used are all international brands.

With her salary, she couldn't afford it at all, so she, like her, became a moonlight clan.

As the boss said, if they really get married in the future, there will definitely be a lot of crazy things.

It's better to take this opportunity, the long-term pain is worse than the short-term pain, and to tell her clearly, it is also a relief for myself.

This time Sun Lei was stupid. She thought that with this method, she could threaten Jiang Haoyuan, a fool like this.

Unexpectedly, he turned against him and broke up with him because of a college roommate!
"Okay, stop talking nonsense, we will definitely take her away today, as for your private affairs, you can handle them yourself."

Sun Lei stamped her feet angrily, pointed at Jiang Haoran's nose and cursed.

"I really misread you. From now on, neither of us will know each other!"

"Don't be so sentimental, and don't take a pee to take care of yourself."

Sun Lei didn't dare to say anything after Lin Nan slapped her.

After all, people are rich, and they cannot be provoked by themselves.

Sun Jing was taken away, and Sun Lei also left angrily, the onlookers gradually dispersed, leaving only Lin Yi and Jiang Haoyuan in the corridor.

"What's the matter? Feel uncomfortable after breaking up?"

"That's not true. In fact, I have such an idea in my heart. It's just that after being here for such a long time, I suddenly feel a little bit reluctant. It will be fine after a few days of adaptation." Jiang Haoyuan said:

"Besides, my sister also knows about the two of us. She has always disagreed. Now that we have broken up, if she knows about it, she will probably be very happy."

Seeing Jiang Haoyuan mentioning his sister, Lin Nan rolled his eyes, as if thinking of something.

Lin Nan knew about Jiang Haoyuan's family situation.

He has an older sister, named Jiang Xiaoyue, who is three years older than him and has reached the age of marriage.

"Boss, why are you looking at me like that?"

"I remember before, when I looked through your circle of friends, you posted a photo of your sister's wedding dress. When you come back this time, you are not here to attend your sister's wedding, right?"

"No, don't think about it." Jiang Haoyuan explained again and again.

"Don't play tricks with me." Lin Nan said:
"You are usually so busy at work, how could you suddenly have so many days off? You should have asked for leave to come back to attend your sister's wedding."

Jiang Haoyuan scratched his head, Lin Nan saw through, and he couldn't hide anything anymore.

"My sister got married the day after tomorrow. I took four days off and came back to attend the wedding."

"Then why didn't you tell me in advance."

"I know you too well. If I tell you about this, you must come to accompany the gift, but your conditions are not very good. I don't want you to spend this money."

"What's this called? You don't treat me as a brother anymore. Even if I'm still poor now, I can still afford one or two thousand dollars."

"Haha... The main reason is that you are rich now, and you can drive a car worth more than 700 million yuan. I don't have such a big psychological burden for you to go with the ceremony."

"That's right." Lin Nan said with a smile:
"What time do you pick up? I'll go find you the morning after tomorrow."

"The pick-up time is eight o'clock in the morning. If you have nothing to do, come here early and help me with my work."

"I see."

Lin Nan looked at his watch, "It's getting late, go back to bed first, anyway, you've been here for a few days, and there's plenty of time to catch up on the old days."

The two Sun sisters left, and they naturally lived in the same room, lay on the bed and chatted about college life for a while, and then fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, the two had breakfast together, Lin Nan sent Jiang Haoyuan back and prepared to go home.

But just as he was about to go home, he received a call from Wang Shumin.

"Second aunt."

"Where are you?"

"Um... I stayed at my colleague's house yesterday, and now I'm going out, and I'm going home."

"If you have nothing to do, don't come back. Your second uncle hasn't come back from a business trip. Go to school to pick up the stream."

"I see."

After finishing the business, Lin Nan hung up the phone.

Because the home is in the local area, Lin Xi usually goes home on weekends and holidays.

If you don't have anything, you will choose to take the bus back. This time, the second aunt asked me to pick her up, probably because there is something to get back.

Thinking of this, Lin Nan turned the car around, ready to pick up Lin Xi.


About 10 minutes later, Lin Xi dragged his suitcase and stood at the school gate, waiting for Lin Nan to come over.

At the same time, Lin Xi's best friend Li Miao was also beside her, with the same box in her hand, and it seemed to be very heavy.

"Xiaoxi, I don't want to trouble your brother anymore, I'll take a taxi and go back." Li Miao said embarrassedly.

"What's the trouble?" Lin Xi said:
"It costs an extra fee to take a taxi. When my brother comes to pick me up later, just let him take you back directly."

"The main reason is that my home is quite far from yours, and it would take a long time to make a trip."

"It's okay." Lin Xi said with a smile:
"My brother is doing well in their company now, and his income is rising in a straight line. This little gas money is nothing to him, so don't think about it so much. Besides, when you went shopping last time, you also You two know each other since you met my brother, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about."

"Then I won't be polite to you."

"What's so polite about that?"

At this moment, a discordant voice sounded from behind Lin Xi.

"Yo, Lin Xi, who are you waiting for here?"

The person who spoke was a girl in denim shorts, with long hair with a shawl, and the ends were slightly curved, giving people a heroic look.

If her appearance is higher, it will give people a better impression.

The girl's name is Sun Qing, and she is Lin Xi's college roommate, but the relationship between the two is not very good.

In the dormitory, they often don't speak, and even treat each other as air, even if they walk towards each other, they will ignore each other as if they didn't see each other.

For a long time, she didn't pay much attention to Lin Xi, thinking that her family was better than Lin Xi.

She thinks that a poor person like her is not at the same level as herself.

But recently, she found that Lin Xi's clothes were of a better grade, several times more expensive than the cosmetics she used, and other people in the dormitory began to envy and compliment her, which made Sun Qing feel a little uncomfortable Balanced, I can't understand Lin Xi's actions even more, and sometimes find fault on purpose.

But Lin Xi has that kind of naive personality, even if faced with Sun Qing's faults, most of the time, he would ignore them.

Unexpectedly, today, she would take the initiative to talk to herself.

"Waiting for anyone has nothing to do with you." Lin Xi said.

"Why are you so angry? Could it be that Didi hasn't come yet? After waiting for a long time, I feel uncomfortable?"

"Sun Qing, aren't you meddling in your own business?" Li Miao said.

Lin Xi's personality is indifferent, and he doesn't fight or grab, but Li Miao is a quick-tempered person, who protects her in everything, and Li Miao helps her to get ahead most of the time.

"Li Miao, are you meddling in my own business? What does it have to do with me talking to Lin Xi?"

"I'm happy, can you control me?"

After finishing speaking, Li Miao pulled Lin Xi and moved closer to the side, not wanting to get too close to Sun Qing.

Sun Qing put her arms around her chest, with a high-spirited expression, she said in a strange way:
"I heard that a few days ago, your brother drove you to school in a Mercedes-Benz worth more than 100 million yuan. Why didn't you ask him to pick you up today?"

(End of this chapter)

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