Chapter 205 Keeping a Secret
Hearing Sun Qing's eccentric voice, Lin Xi's expression was a little disgusted.

She really wanted to go back, but she didn't know how to say it, and then she was so angry that she could only say indifferently:
"Don't bother you, my brother will come to pick me up soon."

"Yo, that's right, then I'm really lucky today. It's really not easy to see more than 100 million Mercedes-Benz."

Li Miao looked at Sun Qing who was scratching her head and posing, and said:

"What's the matter? Are you envious? Have you never seen such an expensive car?"

"It's true that I haven't seen it, and I haven't sat in it before." Sun Qing said:
"However, I have a new boyfriend. He recently bought a Mercedes-Benz Grand G worth more than 200 million. In fact, it doesn't have much money. It is estimated that the two cars in your family are not as expensive as my boyfriend's, so she Brother's car is nothing."

"Don't fool people there." Li Miao said:
"The Mercedes-Benz Big G is worth more than 100 million, how can it be sold for more than 200 million."

"You guys don't understand anything at first glance. An ordinary Mercedes-Benz big G is indeed more than 100 million, but my boyfriend's car is a Mercedes-Benz G63. If you don't believe me, you can check it online to see how much it costs, so as not to make people laugh. "

Li Miao's expression changed slightly, she didn't think Sun Qing would lie about this matter.

She wasn't envious, but she felt a little angry because she had pretended it.

"I guess you two have never been in such an expensive car." Sun Qing said:
"My boyfriend called me just now and said he will come over soon, and I can let you go up and experience it."

"No, we are not as materialistic as you."

"You can say whatever you want, anyway, I can afford a car worth more than 200 million yuan, but you can't, so I can understand when I get angry."



Li Miao was about to refute, when he suddenly heard the sound of beeps, looked down, and found that it was a black Mercedes-Benz G, parked on the side of the road.

When the black Mercedes-Benz G63 appeared at the school gate, everyone who saw this scene exclaimed.

"It's actually a Mercedes-Benz Big G. This car costs more than 100 million."

"Look carefully, this is not an ordinary Mercedes-Benz G, it is a Mercedes-Benz G200 worth more than 63 million yuan, which is quite expensive."

"Damn it, it's sold for more than 200 million yuan. I guess I won't be able to drive such a car in my life."

Seeing her boyfriend's car surrounded by people from the school, Sun Qing had an indescribably proud expression on her face.

"Honey, you're here." Sun Qing said to the boy in the driver's seat.

"Hurry up and get in the car, I've already booked a hotel, let's have barbecue at noon." Sun Qing's boyfriend said.


Sun Qing dragged her luggage, walked to the side of the car, put the luggage into the trunk, and said to Lin Xi:

"Would you like to take my boyfriend's car and experience it? It must be more comfortable than your car."

"No need." Lin Xi said angrily.

"Since you don't want to take the car, I'll leave first, but with your family's conditions, if you miss this opportunity, you won't be able to get in such a good car in the future. After all, this is the most expensive SUV in the world. "


At this moment, behind the Mercedes-Benz G63, the beep sounded again.

"Fuck, who the hell is honking—"

Sun Qing's boyfriend scolded him. He drove a car worth more than 200 million yuan, but he dared to honk the horn. Is that person mentally retarded?

However, when he turned his head, he was dumbfounded and found a Rolls-Royce Cullinan parked behind him!

At this moment, exclamations came and went.

"Damn it, it's Cullinan of Rolls-Royce. It is said that this car sells for more than 700 million."

"It should be more than 700 million. For an ordinary Cullinan, the front car badge is silver, and the car is gold. It must have been modified with extra money. 700 million will definitely not be worth it."

"What happened today? First came a Mercedes-Benz G200 worth more than 63 million, and then a Rolls-Royce Cullinan. When did the girls in our school become so popular?"

"Sorry, I'll get out of the way now."

Sun Qing's boyfriend nodded and bowed, then got into his car, moved a short distance, and made way for the road.

Lin Nan got off the car and saw Lin Xi and Li Miao standing at the school gate.

"I was about to call you, but I didn't expect you to come out first." Lin Nan said with a smile:

"Get in the car, I'll take you back home."

Lin Xi and Li Miao were dumbfounded, because they also heard other people's comments and knew that the car sold for more than 700 million.

But he never expected that this car was actually driven by his elder brother.

"Brother, is this car yours?" Lin Xi said unexpectedly.

"What's the matter? It's just a car, don't you need to make such a fuss?"

"Mainly, this car seems to be more than 700 million."

"Don't just look at the price. Isn't the car just for transportation when you buy it? Get in the car."

"Oh oh."

Lin Nan took the salutes of the two and put them in the trunk of the car, ready to send them back.

But at this time, Li Miao said:
"Didn't someone say that my boyfriend's G63 is the most expensive SUV? Compared with Brother Lin Xi's car, it doesn't seem like a big deal. If you see it, you have to give way."

Sun Qing's expression was extremely embarrassing, and the laughter around her made her wish to find a place to sneak in.

I thought that my boyfriend bought a new car, so he could show off in front of Lin Xi and overwhelm her.

Unexpectedly, her brother bought a car worth more than 700 million yuan, which made his boyfriend disappear.

"Okay, don't bother with them, get in the car first."


The two got into the car one after another. It was the first time they took such an expensive car. Lin Xi and Li Miao were a little curious. They looked left and right, and felt that the car was full of money.

Lin Nan drove the car, first took Li Miao home, and then the two of them drove slowly towards their own home.

"Brother, did you buy this car? Are you sure it's not the boss's car?" Lin Xi asked softly on the way back.

"Can't I just buy a nicer car?"

"The main reason is that this car sells for more than 700 million yuan. No matter how high your salary is, you can't afford such an expensive car, right?"

Speaking of this, Lin Xi's expression suddenly changed, and he said nervously:
"Brother, did you do something illegal? Otherwise, where did you get so much money?"

Lin Nan was a little bit dumbfounded, her delicate younger sister was a bit cute no matter how she looked at it.

"You don't have to worry about the source of the money, it's all from legal channels, but you have to keep it secret for me as much as possible, don't tell your parents." Lin Nan said:
"Otherwise, your future cosmetics will be cut off."

"It's okay if you want me to keep it secret for you, but there is a prerequisite."

"Tell me, under what conditions?"

"I want to eat Haagen-Dazs ice cream. As long as you invite me to eat it, I will keep it secret for you."

(End of this chapter)

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