Chapter 207 Identity
Lin Nan's slap directly stunned the middle-aged woman.

She did not expect that Lin Nan would do something to herself.

"How dare you hit me!"

A few seconds later, the middle-aged woman came to her senses and rushed towards Lin Nan with all her teeth and claws.

"I tell you, if you dare to come here again, I will kill you."

The middle-aged woman was terrified by Lin Nan's force, and froze in place, not daring to move.

"Brother Lin..."

As a woman, seeing what happened to the middle-aged woman, Xu Yixian didn't have any sympathy, and even felt very relieved.

It is understandable for the child to know nothing at a young age, but as an adult, if he does not guide him well, and even connives at his behavior, then it is necessary for her to have a long memory.

"Let's go, don't bother with them."


"You stop for me!"

Just as the two were about to leave, they heard the shouts of a middle-aged woman.

"If you have the ability, don't leave, I will call my husband to come over and kill you!"

"You think I'm idle?" Lin Nan raised his eyebrows and said.

"Brother Lin, let's ignore her."

Lin Nan nodded, then took Xu Yixian and walked towards other places, not intending to waste time on the middle-aged woman.

Seeing that Lin Nan was really about to leave, the middle-aged woman lay down on the ground, rolled around, and howled loudly:

"Someone beats a woman, is there anyone here to comment on it?"

"Hurry up, come over and have a look!"

The shout of the middle-aged woman attracted many people to stop.

They also came here to look at the houses, but they never thought that such a thing would happen in a high-end community like Jingtian International.

"Sister-in-law, why are you here? What happened?"

Seeing the middle-aged women on the ground, a man in a black suit ran over and helped her up.

The man in the black suit was named Chen Sheng, and he was a salesperson of Sedum International.

The person he calls his sister-in-law is Wang Li, the wife of their sales manager.

And these salesmen, when they see Wang Li, they will call sister-in-law.

"This man slapped me just now, stop him quickly, and don't let him run away."

Chen Sheng's eyes fell on Lin Nan.

"You are still not a man, you even hit women!"

"If you ask her what she did, you will know why I beat her."

"No matter what you do, as a man, you can't do anything to a woman. This is the minimum quality!"

Chen Sheng seemed to have found the moral high ground, and loudly accused Lin Nan.

Wang Li is the wife of his immediate boss. If he can help her and resolve this matter, he will be able to be reused in front of the leader in the future.

"What's the matter? You want to fight for justice for her?" Lin Nan said, "You can do it if you want."

"Do you think I'm afraid of you?" Chen Sheng stepped forward and said:
"But I advise you not to force me to do it. It's not good for you. I used to practice taekwondo. If you apologize to my sister-in-law now, this matter can be resolved peacefully. If you wait for us to do it, you want to leave I can't even go."

Lin Nan was amused, "Looking at your posture, it seems like you are going to show your loyalty."

As if Lin Nan had said something on his mind, Chen Sheng looked a little embarrassed, and he didn't care too much, and rushed towards him.

As long as you put him down, you can be reused in the future!
But the ideal is full, the reality is very skinny.

When Chen Sheng rushed over, he was kicked by Lin Nan and fell into the artificial lake next to him, turning into a drowned chicken.

"What are you doing!"

Just when the scene fell into chaos, a roar came from not far away.

Everyone looked back and saw a middle-aged man with a big belly, bringing his colleagues and security guards, coming from not far away.

The middle-aged man's name is Zhou Jun, and he is the sales manager of the sales office.

Because of the excellent performance and some unspeakable gray income, the annual income is about 70 million.

Even in a city like Zhonghai, it has reached a well-off level.

And this is why Wang Li is so arrogant.

He thinks this is his own home, so he dares to be unscrupulous.

It's just that when she met Lin Nan, she didn't take her seriously.

Seeing Zhou Jun approaching, Wang Li's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly ran over with her son.

"Husband, you are finally here."

Wang Li covered her face, pointed at Lin Nan and said cryingly:
"He slapped me just now, and he yelled at our son, which frightened the child."

Hearing Wang Li's words, Zhou Jun's face became ugly.

Just as he was about to call for someone to clean up Lin Nan, he suddenly found that his hand was being held.

Looking back, I found that the person holding me back was my distant second uncle.

"Second uncle, what are you doing!" Zhou Jun said with a cold face, a little disgusted that he came out to get in the way at this time.

"Xiaojun, calm down, that man is not simple."

Zhou Jun was taken aback, "Why isn't it simple?"

"When the two of them came just now, I opened the door to welcome him in. I heard from Xiao Zhang and the others that the car that man drove was a Bugatti Veyron worth more than 4000 million. I don't know why this car is so expensive. , but we can't afford to provoke such a person."

"More than 4000 million cars!"

After hearing this number, Zhou Jun was stunned.

Because he had never seen so much money in his life.

Subconsciously, Zhou Jun looked at the other security guards.

Seeing other people also nodded, affirming this matter, then there will be no mistakes.

At this time, Chen Sheng crawled out of the pool, stood in front of Zhou Jun and asked for justice:

"Manager, you don't need to come forward this time. I'll bring a few brothers over to beat him up. I have to help my sister-in-law get out of this bad breath."

After finishing speaking, Chen Sheng greeted him, "Everyone come with me, if you dare to come to our Sedum International to make trouble, you must give him some color today!"

Involuntarily, Zhou Jun went up and slapped Chen Sheng, directly slapping Chen Sheng.

The one who was stunned was Wang Li.

Obviously he was being bullied, why did he beat his own people?
"Manager, why are you beating me? I'm avenging my sister-in-law!"

"I'm here, do you still need to do this kind of thing!"

Hearing this, Wang Li and Chen Sheng realized what was going on. It turned out that he wanted to deal with Lin Nan by himself.

But what happened next surprised everyone.

Zhou Jun walked towards Lin Nan complimentingly, and took his hand actively.

"Hello sir, this matter is our fault, don't be as knowledgeable as them." Zhou Jun said:
"This is Chen Sheng. I will fire him in a while. As for the slap you just slapped my wife, I think it was very good. If someone like her doesn't teach her a lesson, she won't know the power of heaven and earth. "

(End of this chapter)

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