Chapter 208 Tears
Such words shocked everyone's jaws.

No one expected Zhou Jun to treat the man in front of him like this.

"Old Zhou, what are you talking about? He slapped me just now. It's fine if you don't vent your anger on me, but you still talk to me in this tone."

"You fucking shut up, you know how to pretend every day, believe it or not, I'll slap you again!"

Wang Li was stunned by Zhou Jun's voice, and she stood still and dared not speak.

Zhou Jun looked at Lin Nan with a smiling face.

"Mister and Madam, I think you are here to look at the houses. We have a lot of high-quality houses here. You can't see anything from the outside. I'll show you around inside."

"You are better at life than your wife."

Zhou Jun nodded and smiled to accompany him, "This is what I should do."

"We want to buy a bungalow of more than 200 square meters, plus a high-rise of more than 150 square meters. Choose two sets with good layout and lighting for us."

"Okay, please follow me, both of you."

Zhou Jun didn't care about other people, and walked towards the community with Lin Nan and Xu Yixian.

But Wang Li, Chen Sheng and others stayed where they were, looking at each other in blank dismay.

Until now, they still don't understand what happened.

"My niece, let's go, I can't afford to offend such a person." The elderly security guard said.

"I can't swallow this breath, why can't I afford to offend!"

"That young man drove a car worth more than 4000 million yuan. We won't be able to earn back the money from this car alone. It's definitely not something we can provoke."

This time, Wang Li and Chen Sheng were also stunned.

Never thought that Lin Nan would be so rich.

If he can really drive a car worth more than 4000 million yuan, then the two houses he will buy will probably be paid for in full. Such a person is really not comparable to him.

About an hour later, Lin Nan and Xu Yixian finalized the house, spending a total of more than 7000 million.

However, the two paid separately, but Lin Nan paid the property fee ten years in advance in order to show his gentlemanly demeanor.

The reason for doing this is mainly for the consideration of Lin Jianye and Wang Shumin.

Sedum International is a high-end community in Zhonghai, and the property fee is not cheap, so I paid for them in advance.

"I finally bought the house." Xu Yixian danced happily. To have a place of her own in a strange city was very meaningful to her.

"Calm down, it's just a house, anyway, you are also a big star, don't act like you have never seen the world."

"The main reason is that this house was built by me, so it means a lot to me. I have already thought about it. If there are no other accidents in the future, I will never change this house."

"Then calm down, you have just started now, and the road ahead is wide."

"Thank you Brother Lin." Xu Yixian laughed, "Tomorrow I will call the moving company over, and you can come back to live in the evening. Thank you for your hard work these days."

"It's hard work, it's not a big deal, don't take it to heart."

"Okay, but you have paid the property fee for me for ten years. I still want to thank you for this. It's getting late. I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

"Come on, I won't be polite to you."

Lin Nan also knew that Xu Yixian was a little rich woman, so naturally she didn't give in.

The two found a Sichuan restaurant, ate and drank a lot, and then went home.

After sending off Xu Yixian, when Lin Nan returned home, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening.

As Lin Nan expected, the light in the living room was still on, but the people waiting in the living room were not only Wang Shumin, but also Lin Xi.

"Brother, you are back."

Seeing Lin Nan coming back, Lin Xi brought him slippers as usual.

"Go out and come back early, the society is in chaos now, it's not safe to go thousands of miles away."

Wang Shumin said:
"Also, don't always stay at your colleague's house in the future, it's not good to bother them all the time."

"I won't live at my colleague's house in the future, just listen to you."

Lin Nan's actions stunned Wang Shumin.

"Did you do something bad to be so obedient?"

"Second Aunt, look at what you said. You scolded me every day when I was disobedient, but now you still criticize me when I am obedient. Are you giving me a way out?"

"Stop talking nonsense with me, tell me quickly, did you do something wrong?"

"How is it possible? The reason why I didn't live at my colleague's house was because I bought a house."

"Bought a house?"

Both Wang Shumin and Lin Xi were stunned.

No one expected that Lin Nan would take the initiative to buy a house.

"Why did you just buy the house without saying a word, and you have to ask me and your second uncle's opinion." Wang Shumin said:

"If the location and layout you choose are not good, and the woman's parents disagree, wouldn't your house be bought for nothing?"

Wang Shumin was so angry that she didn't talk to each other, because she didn't understand Lin Nan's intention of buying this house.

She thought that Lin Nan bought this house for her own wedding, but she didn't know that this house was bought for them.

"I think the layout of the location and the lighting are pretty good, so I bought it."

"What do you know, you little kid, bring it here and let me see where I bought it."

"You can see for yourself."

Wang Shumin took the pocket from Lin Nan's hand, and took out all the relevant documents inside.

When she saw the certificate, Wang Shumin was stunned and didn't speak for a long time.

Because she saw that the name written on the real estate certificate was her own.

"What's going on, why did you put my name on it? If your future girlfriend sees this, you two won't be able to get along. "

"This house was originally bought for you and my second uncle, not for my wedding."

Wang Shumin's expression froze again.

"What did you say, this is for me and your second uncle?"

Lin Nan nodded, "This house has been lived in for more than [-] years, and the location is a bit out of the way, so it should be changed."

"Mom, why are you crying..."

Wang Shumin couldn't hold back her tears. She wanted to control it, but she couldn't.

She never thought about asking Lin Nan to pay for this family.

I just hope that I have a clear conscience in this life, but I didn't expect him to buy a house for himself without saying a word, and quietly wrote his name on it.

Wang Shumin didn't know how to express her feelings.

After all, to the Lin family, he is an alien.

The sense of belonging revealed in the details made her unable to hold back tears for a while.

"People who are running around, still wiping tears, don't you feel ashamed." Lin Nan said with a smile:
"If you have that time, let's think about moving. I'll go to bed first."

"You wait!" Wang Shumin said:

"This house cost nearly 3000 million, where did you get so much money!"

(End of this chapter)

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