Chapter 213 Dare to fight

"According to what you said, if I beat you, I can flirt with you in the future?"

"Are you picking on the loopholes in my words?" Feng Xiaoqing said:

"If you really have the ability, my sister will let you tease me casually in the future."

There was a faint smile on the corner of Lin Nan's mouth.

"Since you have said so, let's go up and play."

Seeing the two on the stage, the other employees of Golden Harvest Group all paid attention to them.

One of these two people is the assistant to the chairman, and the other is the sales general manager of the group.

They are all executives of the group, they go up to boxing, which is more interesting than ordinary people.

"Mr. Zuo, you have to be careful. Don't get hurt. You can tell from Assistant Lin's figure that you usually exercise regularly. Don't let him bully you," said a colleague from the sales department.

"Don't worry, he hasn't practiced boxing before, and he doesn't go to the gym often. I'm still very confident in dealing with him."

After finishing speaking, Feng Xiaoqing punched and looked at Lin Nan triumphantly, "Come on, you make the first move, I'll try your level."

"Farewell, didn't you say everything just now, as long as you touch me, you will win, so you just have to do it."

"Are you still serious?"

"Gentlemen, what you say is the water you pour out, so you must be serious."

"If you say that, then I won't be polite to you."

After the words fell, Feng Xiaoqing immediately launched an attack.

A left uppercut hit Lin Nan's right cheek.

But this level is nothing in Lin Nan's eyes, and he avoided it with a slight tilt of his head.

Feng Xiaoqing was a little surprised, "Okay, although I didn't use all my strength, it's pretty good that you can dodge it, let's try a few more tricks."

After finishing speaking, Feng Xiaoqing threw two punches in a row, but they still didn't hit Lin Nan.

Now Feng Xiaoqing was a little anxious, feeling that Lin Nan's level was much higher than what he had imagined.

Although I am not a professional, but also considered a bit level.

If it is a person who has never practiced before, it is impossible to escape so easily.

Lin Nan hooked his hands, "Why did you stop, go on, show all your abilities."

With so many people watching below, Feng Xiaoqing couldn't bear to save face.

"Don't be complacent, and see how I deal with you."

Feng Xiaoqing's expression became serious, and the speed of punching became faster and faster, and the angle became more and more tricky, but even so, he still didn't touch Lin Nan at all, and he dodged them perfectly.

Ten minutes later, Feng Xiaoqing took off the full set and sat down on the ground.

"Stop beating, stop beating, you are too bullying."

"Why don't you fight anymore? You gave up so soon?"

"Aren't you lying?" Feng Xiaoqing said dejectedly:
"You must have practiced before, otherwise it would be impossible to hide."

"Why don't you say that my reaction is fast."

"Just blow it up, no matter how fast you react, it is impossible to escape so many attacks from me." Feng Xiaoqing said:

"You are too good at fooling people."

"Okay, don't talk about it."

Lin Nan smiled and said, "Just play around, it's getting late, let's go back, I'll treat you to dinner later."

"It's still like a human saying, let's go."

Although he lost the bet, Feng Xiaoqing didn't care too much, because he was part of the entertainment bureau, and it didn't matter whether he won or lost.

But just when the two were about to leave, a discordant voice sounded.

"Hey, isn't this Assistant Lin, who has such a passion for punching here."

Hearing someone talking, the two looked back and found a man and a woman standing behind them.

The woman who spoke, both Lin Nan and Feng Xiaoqing knew each other, was Zhou Yi, the director of the design department.

Although the relationship between Feng Xiaoqing and her is not very good, they usually maintain a superficially harmonious relationship.

But Lin Nan is different from her.

Because of what happened to the design department before, plus the establishment of the second design department in the company, Zhou Yi was full of resentment towards him.

Zhou Yi knew very well that if it wasn't for Lin Nan's interference, the company would not have been able to form the second design department.

So for a long time, she had disliked Lin Nan.

It's just that the man standing next to her is a bit unfamiliar to the two of them, and they are not very familiar with each other.

"Can't we come here to exercise? When did the company become yours? You need to get your permission to come here to fight?"

"That's not what I meant." Zhou Yi put her arms around her chest and said in a strange way:
"I just think that Assistant Lin is a bit too much. You are a big man anyway. It's really unmanly to bully Manager Feng."

"Hearing what you said, why does it seem like you're fighting for her?" Lin Nan said with a smile:
"If you are not convinced, you can come up and try to vent your anger on Manager Feng."

"No, Assistant Lin." Zhou Yi said:
"Don't you dare to fight with women? To be honest, it's too embarrassing. If you really think you are good, you can compare with our new colleagues in the design department. You always compare them with us women. , I am also a senior executive of the group, I feel ashamed."

Hearing this, Lin Nan and Feng Xiaoqing looked at the man next to Zhou Yi.

It turned out that this muscular man was new to the design department.

The man's name is Li Jie, who graduated from Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts. Apart from his design major, his favorite sport is boxing.

And also won the silver medal in the amateur boxing competition.

In the circle of ordinary people, his boxing level is already very high. Unless he meets a professional player, it is difficult to beat him.

It is precisely for this reason that Zhou Yi has been very close to him during this time.

Because many people know that Zhou Yi has no resistance to muscular men.

Feng Xiaoqing pulled Lin Nan's arm and whispered in his ear:

"People don't seem so simple, there's no need to be as knowledgeable as him, let's go together."

"So many people are watching, if I just leave like this, I will lose face." Lin Nan said.

"Are you crazy?" Feng Xiaoqing said with staring eyes:

"Even if you react quickly, you can't be his opponent. This person has already practiced at first sight. Don't try to be brave, let's go."

After finishing speaking, Feng Xiaoqing looked at Zhou Yi and said:
"If you had come earlier, we could still have fun, but now we are leaving, let's talk about it another day."

"If you don't dare, just say it, there is no need to find a reason."

"Who said I dare not?" Lin Nan said lightly.

Feng Xiaoqing pulled him again, "Do you really want to compare with him?"

"Everyone has said so, and it doesn't work if you don't compare."

Seeing that Lin Nan took the bait, Zhou Yi showed joy, "Assistant Lin, are you sure you want to fight with my new colleague?"

"You've already said that, if I don't fight, I will lose face."

"Then I have to tell you in advance. Li Jie used to participate in amateur boxing competitions and won a silver medal. When you fight with him on stage, you'd better be mentally prepared. When you get hurt, don't say I didn't warn you .”

(End of this chapter)

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