Chapter 214 Give Lin Nan a Hand
"Director Zhou, I think it's better to forget about it." Li Jie said:
"Lin is always an executive of the group, and he has no eyes in his fists and feet. It would be bad if he was injured."

"I reminded him just now, but he didn't listen, so there's nothing I can do about it." Zhou Yi shrugged and said:

"However, when you do something later, just be careful. Just play with each other and don't hurt Assistant Lin. He is now a celebrity around the president, and ordinary people can't afford to offend him."

Although they haven't been in the design department for a long time, the relationship between the two has developed a close relationship, so Li Jie also knows the conflict between Lin Yi and Zhou Yi, and also heard the subtext of what she said.

"The main thing is that I have practiced boxing for so many years. Although I am an amateur, I have a certain level. I am afraid that I will not be able to control my strength." Li Jie said:
"And looking at Assistant Lin's figure, I guess I don't usually come to places like the gym. In my eyes, a light punch on Assistant Lin's body may injure him. Great."

"What you said makes sense." Zhou Yi looked at Lin Nan and said:

"Assistant Lin, I think it's fine. You don't need to be brave. This is not your field of expertise. If I hurt you, I won't be able to explain to Mr. Xiao."

"What did you tell her about this?" Lin Nan said:
"If he can really hurt me, it's my own problem, so there's no need for you to talk weirdly here."

Seeing that Lin Nan didn't flinch, Zhou Yi was delighted.

I have made it clear that even if I hurt him, it has nothing to do with me.

"Well then, since Assistant Lin has such confidence, you can try it with Xiao Li from our department." Zhou Yi said:
"But we have agreed in advance, if you are really injured, you will bear the consequences."

"no problem."

Seeing that Lin Nan was serious and didn't intend to go down, Feng Xiaoqing pulled him aside.

"Are you confident you can beat him?"

While speaking, Feng Xiaoqing glanced at Li Jie who was standing under the stage.

"This guy looks like a trainer at first glance. If he doesn't have a hard time, he may not be his opponent. Anyway, he is much more professional than me, so don't be too trusting."

"Don't worry, I know it well, and I won't joke about this kind of thing."

"That's all right, you have said that, I don't care."

Feng Xiaoqing also had no choice, because Lin Nan couldn't be persuaded at all.

If possible, she would definitely not let Lin Nan and Li Jie make gestures.

Zhou Yi, who was standing under the stage, gave Li Jie a look.

"Assistant Lin is ready, you can go up, but as I said just now, be gentle when attacking, Assistant Lin still relies on this face for food, if you get disfigured, you will have to bear the responsibility."

"I know Director Zhou, I will pay attention."

After finishing speaking, Li Jie found a pair of boxing gloves, then stepped into the ring, and stood opposite Lin Nan with ease.

Seeing that the two really wanted to compete, all the employees of Golden Harvest Group surrounded them, stood together and whispered:

"What is Assistant Lin thinking? If you fight someone like Li Jie, he will definitely lose."

"Don't you know that Assistant Lin and Zhou Yi from the design department had conflicts before? So when the two of them met, they were at odds. As an old man, Assistant Lin must not be able to stand such aggressive tactics. Even if he knew it would If you lose, you will bite the bullet and go up.”

"What should I do if I hit Assistant Lin in the face? It will take a long time to recover." A female colleague said.

"That's something that can't be helped, but Assistant Lin is fighting for dignity this time. I think even if he loses, it's still worthy of admiration."

Although the onlookers did not express their views, they all supported Lin Nan in their hearts.

Because Zhou Yi was indeed looking for trouble.

But Zhou Yi doesn't care what other people think.

Before he went to the design department, there was a lot of turmoil, and then he encouraged Xiao Jingxuan to set up the second design department.

If this continues, his position in the company will inevitably become more marginalized.

So this bad breath has been held in his heart for a long time.

If you don't take this opportunity to take revenge, you may not have a chance in the future.

In the arena, Li Jie stretched his body a bit.

"Assistant Lin, you are an executive of the group, and I have been boxing for more than ten years. If I fight you like this, I will be suspected of bullying, so I will let you have a hand. "

"That's not good. Since it's a competition, it's better to be fair in the end. Otherwise, if I win you, others will say that I'm opportunistic, which is disgraceful."

Li Jie standing on the stage was taken aback for a moment, he did not expect Lin Nan to say such a thing.

Suppressing a smile in his heart, he said:
"Assistant Lin, to be honest, at my level, even if you give me one hand, you can't beat me, so there's no need to be brave."

"It's not trying to be brave, it's just trying to be fair."

"My level is very high among amateur players, and you don't know anything. In this case, I have already taken advantage of it, so it doesn't matter if you have one hand, and others won't say anything. of."

"That's right, Assistant Lin, don't think too much about it."

"There is a specialization in art, and you have never practiced boxing, so he should give you one hand." The female colleague standing below said.

But Zhou Yi didn't take it seriously, she folded her arms around her chest with a very proud expression.

She went to Li Jie's game last week.

It took less than 1 minute to KO the opponent.

The most important thing was that his opponent had played professionally before, and after defeating him, they said that Li Jie had the talent to play professionally.

Even with one hand, Lin Nan can beat him to the ground.

There will be a good show to watch later.

Standing on the stage, Li Jie looked at Lin Nan and said:

"Assistant Lin, it's getting late, let's start."

"I do not mind."

Lin Nan stood on the spot without any movement, but Li Jie had already opened his posture and kept moving in small steps.

In Li Jie's eyes, Lin Nan's whole body was full of loopholes.

A casual punch can knock him down.

About half a minute later, Li Jie didn't want to try any more, and moved slowly to Lin Nan, then stretched out his right fist and punched him.

At this time, Lin Nan didn't take it seriously. The system gave him middle-level fighting skills, which included a variety of fighting methods, and boxing was naturally an important one.

He could tell that Li Jie's movements were very professional and should be of a certain level, but they were still far behind his own.

Moreover, the gap is not small.

"Lin Nan, you have to be careful!" Feng Xiaoqing said loudly:

"A person of his level doesn't need to be careful."

When he was speaking, Li Jie's fist had already hit him, but Lin Nan tilted his head lightly and dodged it.

It was precisely at this time that Lin Nan punched.

It hit Li Jie firmly in the face!
(End of this chapter)

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